A Dockerfile to install Strix in an Ubuntu docker image.
I am using this for my research to have Strix available on a Windows machine.
- Install docker.
- In a folder containing the Dockerfile run:
docker build --tag=strix .
- And that's it! Strix should be ready to run.
- Try it by running:
docker run strix -f "G (req0 -> F grant0) && G (req1 -> F grant1) && G (!(grant0 && grant1))" --ins="req0,req1" --outs="grant0,grant1"
See strix for command-line usage instructions.
This will install Strix 21.0.0 as at commit fd372cf. To try the script at different commits edit line 18 in ./Dockerfile appropriately. This comes with no guarantees, the script was only tested with commit fd372cf.