Spring Boot web application with Twitter hosepipe integration - filters an incoming Twitter stream by a set of desired keywords and pushes the corresponding tweets to a destination Kafka topic.
This application forms the first stage (data collection and propagation to the messaging tier) of the TweetPipe Data Pipeline.
- Java 8
- Spring Boot 2.*
- Maven
- Kafka
- Twitter4J
- Lombok
- Spring Cloud Stream
The project can be run from within an IDE (such as IntelliJ) or directly from the command-line, like so:
Replace placeholder values in twitter4j.properties with Twitter API credentials
Set Twitter terms to track via application.yml kafka.track.query.terms property
Set destination Kafka topic via application.yml kafka.topic property
mvn clean spring-boot:run
Once started the application will connect to the Twitter stream and filter the incoming tweets by the configured query track terms and push the matching tweets to the destination Kafka topic