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Randomisation checkpoint save option is now a mutable param in the de…
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Also clean out some long commented code.
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shawnlaffan committed May 19, 2016
1 parent 2b6d190 commit 0d76c4a
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Showing 2 changed files with 16 additions and 111 deletions.
110 changes: 0 additions & 110 deletions lib/Biodiverse/GUI/Tabs/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -102,24 +102,6 @@ sub new {
# and needed if it is undef
$bd = $self->{selected_basedata_ref};

# Initialise the tree
# One column with a checkbox and the output name
#my $tree = $self->{xmlPage}->get_object("treeOutputs");
#my $colName = Gtk2::TreeViewColumn->new();
#my $checkRenderer = Gtk2::CellRendererToggle->new();
#my $nameRenderer = Gtk2::CellRendererText->new();
#$checkRenderer->signal_connect_swapped(toggled => \&on_output_toggled, $self);
#$colName->pack_start($checkRenderer, 0);
#$colName->pack_start($nameRenderer, 1);
#$colName->add_attribute($checkRenderer, active => OUTPUT_CHECKED);
#$colName->add_attribute($nameRenderer, text => OUTPUT_NAME);

#$tree->insert_column($colName, -1);
#$tree->set_model( $model );

$self->add_save_checkpoint_to_table ($output_ref);
$self->add_iteration_count_to_table ($output_ref);

my $name;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -181,38 +163,6 @@ sub add_row_to_table {
return $row_count;

sub add_save_checkpoint_to_table {
my $self = shift;

my $table = $self->get_table_widget;

my $label = Gtk2::Label->new("Checkpoint save\niterations");

my $default = -1;
my $incr = 100;

my $adj = Gtk2::Adjustment->new($default, -1, 10000000, $incr, $incr * 10, 0);
my $spin = Gtk2::SpinButton->new($adj, $incr, 0);

my $tooltip_group = Gtk2::Tooltips->new;
my $tip_text = "Save every nth iteration.\n"
. '(Useful for evaluating results as they are run.)';
$tooltip_group->set_tip($label, $tip_text, undef);

# and now add the widgets
my $row_count = $self->add_row_to_table ($table);
$table->attach ($label, 0, 1, $row_count, $row_count + 1, 'fill', [], 0, 0);
$table->attach ($spin, 1, 2, $row_count, $row_count + 1, 'fill', [], 0, 0);


$self->{save_checkpoint_button} = $spin;


sub add_iteration_count_to_table {
my $self = shift;
my $output_ref = shift;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -270,13 +220,6 @@ sub set_button_sensitivity {

my $table = $self->{xmlPage}->get_object('tableParams');
#$table->set_sensitive ($sens); # comment out - don't do whole table

# no - keep this modifiable
#if (defined $self->{save_checkpoint_button}) {
# $self->{save_checkpoint_button}->set_sensitive ($sens);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -510,30 +453,6 @@ sub on_randomise_basedata_changed {
$self->{selected_basedata_ref} = $basedata_ref;
#print "[Randomise page] Basedata ref is $basedata_ref\n";

## Set up the tree with outputs
#my $outputs_model = $self->{outputs_model};
#my $outputs_list = $self->{gui}->get_project->get_basedata_outputs($basedata_ref);
#if (not @{$outputs_list}) {
# #print "[Randomise page] output_list empty\n";
#else {
# foreach my $output_ref (@{$outputs_list}) {
# my $iter = $outputs_model->append(undef);
# $outputs_model->set(
# $iter,
# OUTPUT_REF, $output_ref,
# OUTPUT_NAME, $output_ref->get_param('NAME')
# );
# }


Expand All @@ -559,24 +478,6 @@ sub on_output_toggled {

# Get list of outputs that have been checked - (all of them these days)
sub get_selected_outputs {
my $self = shift;
#my $model = $self->{outputs_model};
#my $iter = $model->get_iter_first;
#my @array;
#while ($iter) {
# my ($checked, $ref) = $model->get($iter, OUTPUT_CHECKED, OUTPUT_REF);
# if ($checked) {
# unshift @array, $ref;
# }
# $iter = $model->iter_next($iter);
#return \@array;
return $self->{gui}->get_project->get_basedata_outputs($self->{selected_basedata_ref});

# Disables "Randomise" button if no outputs selected
sub update_randomise_button {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -652,25 +553,14 @@ sub on_run {

my $basedata_ref = $self->{selected_basedata_ref};
my $basedata_name = $basedata_ref->get_param('NAME');
my $targets = $self->get_selected_outputs;

if (not @{$targets}) {
croak "[Randomise page] ERROR - button shouldn't be clicked "
. "when no targets selected!!\n";

$self->set_button_sensitivity (0);

print "[Randomise page] Targets: @{$targets}\n";

# Fill in parameters
my %args;
$args{function} = $self->get_selected_function;
= $self->{xmlPage}->get_object('spinIterations')->get_value_as_int;
#$args{targets} = $targets;

$args{save_checkpoint} = $self->{save_checkpoint_button}->get_value;

my $xml_page = $self->{xmlPage};
my $name = $xml_page->get_object('randomise_results_list_name')->get_text;
Expand Down
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion lib/Biodiverse/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -870,8 +870,23 @@ sub get_common_rand_metadata {
mutable => 1,
box_group => 'Debug',
}, $parameter_metadata_class),
bless ({
name => 'save_checkpoint',
label_text => 'Save checkpoints',
type => 'integer',
default => -1,
min => -1,
increment => 1,
tooltip => 'Any iteration ending in this number will be saved to disk as a bds file. '
. 'Useful to check convergence if the randomisations are very slow or '
. 'to restart from a known point if the system crashes due to lack of memory. '
. 'Set to -1 to not use it.',
mutable => 1,
box_group => 'Debug',
}, $parameter_metadata_class),


#@common = (); # override until we allow some args to be overridden on subsequent runs.
push @common, (
bless ({
Expand Down

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