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shawnlaffan edited this page Jul 22, 2020 · 8 revisions

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When complete, this will be a description of the analyses available in Biodiverse. Much of the informative content is currently in the SampleSession page, but is likely to be moved here in a future round of editing.


Agglomerative clustering of the groups based on their labels, or based on some function of their labels such as the values of a linked matrix or tree. See SampleSession#running-a-cluster-analysis

Spatial analyses

These are moving window analyses. See SampleSession#running-a-spatial-moving-window-analysis

Matrix visualisations

Available from version 0.16.

Need to add text here.

Region Grower

Available from version 0.16.

Need to add text here.


See SampleSession#running-a-randomisation.

Where do the randomisation results go and what do they mean?

The randomisations do not themselves store any results. All results are added as additional lists in the spatial and cluster outputs. They can be accessed under the chooser which defaults to SPATIAL_RESULTS for a spatial analysis and Cluster for a cluster analysis.

Assume in this case that Rand1 was used as the name of the randomisation (despite knowing full well that it is a poor choice of name and that in three weeks time we will have no idea what it means or was for).

  1. Spatial analyses. The randomisation results for spatial analyses go into a set of lists prefixed with Rand1>> in the respective output. So, for an anal;ysis which only has SPATIAL_RESULTS, a new list is added called SPATIAL_RESULTS>>Rand1. The naming scheme of the contents is explained below.
  2. Cluster analyses (trees) have at least three lists attached to each node, with a fourth if a spatial analysis was conducted on each node. 1. Rand1 contains summary statistics of the most similar nodes between the original and randomised trees (e.g. mean, median, SD, quartiles, count of comparisons, how many were identical), with the similarity assessed using a Sorenson dissimilarity index (zero is identical, 0.5 means half of the terminal elements across both nodes were shared, with double counting of shared nodes). 1. Rand1_DATA is the full set of Sorenson comparison results in case you want to extract them for other nefarious purposes (e.g. how many times did the randomisation produce a node which had 80% or more terminal elements in common?). 1. Rand1_ID_LDIFFS contains the total lengths (from the tip of the tree) of those nodes that contained an identical set of terminal elements. If all (or most) are longer then the original tree at least has a shorter total length, even though it resulted in the same set of elements being grouped together. (The name is an abbreviation of IDentical node Length DIFFerences. This is a confusing abbreviation and name, so any suggestions are welcome.) 1. Rand1_SPATIAL contains the comparison values of the spatial outputs for the most similar nodes. The naming scheme is explained below.

What do the names and values in the spatial comparison lists mean? The indices shown are those used in the comparisons, prefixed by a letter with an underscore.

  • C_* (e.g. C_ENDC_CWE, C_NUM_MAX) is the number of times the original value was higher than the comparison.
  • Q_* (e.g. Q_ENDC_CWE, Q_NUM_MAX) is the number of comparisons (q = quantum). We could use the number of iterations directly, however there may be cases where undefined values result for some indices. We cannot compare undefined with a number, and we also cannot be sure that the number of times undef results is the same for all indices.
  • P_* (e.g. P_ENDC_CWE, P_NUM_MAX) is the fractional ranking of the original value against those generated by the set of randomisations, calculated as C_* / Q_*. Multiply by 100 to get a percentile. The P_* score can be converted into a p-score in the normal way, i.e. if P_* = 0.99 then the original measure is higher than the randomised versions 99 times out of every hundred. If one considers higher scores to be more significant (a one tailed test) then this is the same as a p score of 0.01. One-tailed tests for low values need to account for any ties (see next point) to get the correct rank, but the interpretation is then the same. Obviously one changes the interpretation appropriately if it is a two tailed system, e.g. the mean of numeric labels (NUM_MEAN) can be higher or lower than the set of randomisation results. So long as it is in one of the tails of the distribution then the original result is significantly more extreme than that generated by the randomisation (e.g. (C_NUM_MEAN - T_NUM_MEAN) / Q_NUM_MEAN < 0.025 or P_NUM_MEAN > 0.975 for an alpha of 0.05).
  • T_* (e.g. T_ENDC_CWE, T_NUM_MAX) is the number of ties, being the count of the number of times the original value was the same as the randomised value. If there were no ties then this index is not listed. (Note - ties are only counted from version 0.15, see issue #146).