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Shawn Laffan edited this page Apr 13, 2015 · 3 revisions

Indices available in Biodiverse

Generated GMT Tue Oct 29 03:40:34 2013 using, Biodiverse version 0.19.

This is a listing of the indices available in Biodiverse, ordered by the calculations used to generate them. It is generated from the system metadata and contains all the information visible in the GUI, plus some additional details.

Most of the headings are self-explanatory. For the others:

  • The Subroutine is the name of the subroutine used to call the function if you are using Biodiverse through a script.
  • The Index is the name of the index in the SPATIAL_RESULTS list, or if it is its own list then this will be its name. These lists can contain a variety of values, but are usually lists of labels with some value, for example the weights used in an endemism calculation. The names of such lists typically end in "LIST", "ARRAY", "HASH" or "LABELS".
  • Valid cluster metric is whether or not the index can be used as a clustering metric. A blank value means it cannot.
  • The Minimum number of neighbour sets dictates whether or not a calculation or index will be run. If you specify only one neighbour set then all those calculations that require two sets will be dropped from the analysis. (This is always the case for calculations applied to cluster nodes as there is only one neighbour set, defined by the set of groups linked to the terminal nodes below a cluster node). Note that many of the calculations lump neighbour sets 1 and 2 together. See the SpatialConditions page for more details on neighbour sets.

Note that calculations can provide different numbers of indices depending on the nature of the BaseData set used. This currently applies to the hierarchically partitioned endemism calculations (both central and whole) and hierarchical labels.

Table of contents:

Element Properties

Group property Gistatistics ###

Description: List of Getis-Ord Gistatistics for each group property across both neighbour sets

Subroutine: calc_gpprop_gistar

Reference: Getis and Ord (1992) Geographical Analysis.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
1 GPPROP_GISTAR_LIST List of Giscores 1

Group property data

Description: Lists of the groups and their property values used in the group properties calculations

Subroutine: calc_gpprop_lists

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets

Group property hashes

Description: Hashes of the groups and their property values used in the group properties calculations. Hash keys are the property values, hash values are the property value frequencies.

Subroutine: calc_gpprop_hashes

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets

Group property quantiles

Description: Quantiles for each group property across both neighbour sets

Subroutine: calc_gpprop_quantiles

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
6 GPPROP_QUANTILE_LIST List of quantiles for the label properties (05 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95) 1

Group property summary stats

Description: List of summary statistics for each group property across both neighbour sets

Subroutine: calc_gpprop_stats

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
7 GPPROP_STATS_LIST List of summary statistics (count mean min max median sum sd iqr) 1

Label property Gistatistics ###

Description: List of Getis-Ord Gistatistic for each label property across both neighbour sets

Subroutine: calc_lbprop_gistar

Reference: Getis and Ord (1992) Geographical Analysis.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
8 LBPROP_GISTAR_LIST List of Giscores 1

Label property data

Description: Lists of the labels and their property values used in the label properties calculations

Subroutine: calc_lbprop_data

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets

Label property hashes

Description: Hashes of the labels and their property values used in the label properties calculations. Hash keys are the property values, hash values are the property value frequencies.

Subroutine: calc_lbprop_hashes

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets

Label property lists

Description: Lists of the labels and their property values within the neighbour sets

Subroutine: calc_lbprop_lists

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets

Label property quantiles

Description: List of quantiles for each label property across both neighbour sets

Subroutine: calc_lbprop_quantiles

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
15 LBPROP_QUANTILES List of quantiles for the label properties: (05 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 95) 1

Label property summary stats

Description: List of summary statistics for each label property across both neighbour sets

Subroutine: calc_lbprop_stats

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
16 LBPROP_STATS List of summary statistics (count mean min max median sum skewness kurtosis sd iqr) 1


Absolute endemism

Description: Absolute endemism scores.

Subroutine: calc_endemism_absolute

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
17 END_ABS1 Count of labels entirely endemic to neighbour set 1 1
18 END_ABS1_P Proportion of labels entirely endemic to neighbour set 1 1
19 END_ABS2 Count of labels entirely endemic to neighbour set 2 1
20 END_ABS2_P Proportion of labels entirely endemic to neighbour set 2 1
21 END_ABS_ALL Count of labels entirely endemic to neighbour sets 1 and 2 combined 1
22 END_ABS_ALL_P Proportion of labels entirely endemic to neighbour sets 1 and 2 combined 1

Absolute endemism

Description: Lists underlying the absolute endemism scores.

Subroutine: calc_endemism_absolute_lists

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
23 END_ABS1_LIST List of labels entirely endemic to neighbour set 1 1
24 END_ABS2_LIST List of labels entirely endemic to neighbour set 1 1
25 END_ABS_ALL_LIST List of labels entirely endemic to neighbour sets 1 and 2 combined 1

Endemism central

Description: Calculate endemism for labels only in neighbour set 1, but with local ranges calculated using both neighbour sets

Subroutine: calc_endemism_central

Reference: Crisp et al. (2001) J Biogeog. ; Laffan and Crisp (2003) J Biogeog.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula Reference
26 ENDC_CWE Corrected weighted endemism 1
27 ENDC_RICHNESS Richness used in ENDC_CWE (same as index RICHNESS_SET1) 1
28 ENDC_SINGLE Endemism unweighted by the number of neighbours. Counts each label only once, regardless of how many groups in the neighbourhood it is found in. Useful if your data have sampling biases and best applied with a small window. 1 where is a label (taxon) in the set of labels (taxa) in neighbour set 1, and is the global range of label across the data set (the number of groups it is found in, unless the range is specified at import). Slatyer et al. (2007) J. Biogeog
29 ENDC_WE Weighted endemism 1 where is a label (taxon) in the set of labels (taxa) in neighbour set 1, is the local range (the number of elements containing label within neighbour sets 1 & 2, this is also its value in list ABC2_LABELS_ALL), and is the global range of label across the data set (the number of groups it is found in, unless the range is specified at import).

Endemism central hierarchical partition

Description: Partition the endemism central results based on the taxonomic hierarchy inferred from the label axes. (Level 0 is the highest).

Subroutine: calc_endemism_central_hier_part

Reference: Laffan et al. (2013) J Biogeog.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
30 ENDC_HPART_0 List of the proportional contribution of labels to the endemism central calculations, hierarchical level 0 1
31 ENDC_HPART_1 List of the proportional contribution of labels to the endemism central calculations, hierarchical level 1 1
32 ENDC_HPART_C_0 List of the proportional count of labels to the endemism central calculations (equivalent to richness per hierarchical grouping), hierarchical level 0 1
33 ENDC_HPART_C_1 List of the proportional count of labels to the endemism central calculations (equivalent to richness per hierarchical grouping), hierarchical level 1 1
34 ENDC_HPART_E_0 List of the expected proportional contribution of labels to the endemism central calculations (richness per hierarchical grouping divided by overall richness), hierarchical level 0 1
35 ENDC_HPART_E_1 List of the expected proportional contribution of labels to the endemism central calculations (richness per hierarchical grouping divided by overall richness), hierarchical level 1 1
36 ENDC_HPART_OME_0 List of the observed minus expected proportional contribution of labels to the endemism central calculations , hierarchical level 0 1
37 ENDC_HPART_OME_1 List of the observed minus expected proportional contribution of labels to the endemism central calculations , hierarchical level 1 1

Endemism central lists

Description: Lists used in endemism central calculations

Subroutine: calc_endemism_central_lists

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
38 ENDC_RANGELIST List of ranges for each label used in the endemism central calculations 1
39 ENDC_WTLIST List of weights for each label used in the endemism central calculations 1

Endemism central normalised

Description: Normalise the WE and CWE scores by the neighbourhood size. (The number of groups used to determine the local ranges).

Subroutine: calc_endemism_central_normalised

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula
40 ENDC_CWE_NORM Corrected weighted endemism normalised by groups 1
41 ENDC_WE_NORM Weighted endemism normalised by groups 1

Endemism whole

Description: Calculate endemism using all labels found in both neighbour sets

Subroutine: calc_endemism_whole

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula Reference
42 ENDW_CWE Corrected weighted endemism 1
43 ENDW_RICHNESS Richness used in ENDW_CWE (same as index RICHNESS_ALL) 1
44 ENDW_SINGLE Endemism unweighted by the number of neighbours. Counts each label only once, regardless of how many groups in the neighbourhood it is found in. Useful if your data have sampling biases and best applied with a small window. 1 where is a label (taxon) in the set of labels (taxa) across neighbour sets 1 & 2, and is the global range of label across the data set (the number of groups it is found in, unless the range is specified at import). Slatyer et al. (2007) J. Biogeog
45 ENDW_WE Weighted endemism 1 where is a label (taxon) in the set of labels (taxa) across both neighbour sets, is the local range (the number of elements containing label within neighbour sets 1 & 2, this is also its value in list ABC2_LABELS_ALL), and is the global range of label across the data set (the number of groups it is found in, unless the range is specified at import).

Endemism whole hierarchical partition

Description: Partition the endemism whole results based on the taxonomic hierarchy inferred from the label axes. (Level 0 is the highest).

Subroutine: calc_endemism_whole_hier_part

Reference: Laffan et al. (2013) J Biogeog.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
46 ENDW_HPART_0 List of the proportional contribution of labels to the endemism whole calculations, hierarchical level 0 1
47 ENDW_HPART_1 List of the proportional contribution of labels to the endemism whole calculations, hierarchical level 1 1
48 ENDW_HPART_C_0 List of the proportional count of labels to the endemism whole calculations (equivalent to richness per hierarchical grouping), hierarchical level 0 1
49 ENDW_HPART_C_1 List of the proportional count of labels to the endemism whole calculations (equivalent to richness per hierarchical grouping), hierarchical level 1 1
50 ENDW_HPART_E_0 List of the expected proportional contribution of labels to the endemism whole calculations (richness per hierarchical grouping divided by overall richness), hierarchical level 0 1
51 ENDW_HPART_E_1 List of the expected proportional contribution of labels to the endemism whole calculations (richness per hierarchical grouping divided by overall richness), hierarchical level 1 1
52 ENDW_HPART_OME_0 List of the observed minus expected proportional contribution of labels to the endemism whole calculations , hierarchical level 0 1
53 ENDW_HPART_OME_1 List of the observed minus expected proportional contribution of labels to the endemism whole calculations , hierarchical level 1 1

Endemism whole lists

Description: Lists used in the endemism whole calculations

Subroutine: calc_endemism_whole_lists

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
54 ENDW_RANGELIST List of ranges for each label used in the endemism whole calculations 1
55 ENDW_WTLIST List of weights for each label used in the endemism whole calculations 1

Endemism whole normalised

Description: Normalise the WE and CWE scores by the neighbourhood size. (The number of groups used to determine the local ranges).

Subroutine: calc_endemism_whole_normalised

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula
56 ENDW_CWE_NORM Corrected weighted endemism normalised by groups 1
57 ENDW_WE_NORM Weighted endemism normalised by groups 1

Hierarchical Labels

Ratios of hierarchical labels

Description: Analyse the diversity of labels using their hierarchical levels. The A, B and C scores are the same as in the Label Counts analysis (calc_label_counts) but calculated for each hierarchical level, e.g. for three axes one could have A0 as the Family level, A1 for the Family:Genus level, and A2 for the Family:Genus:Species level. The number of indices generated depends on how many axes are used in the labels. In this case there are 2. Axes are numbered from zero as the highest level in the hierarchy, so level 0 is the top level of the hierarchy.

Subroutine: calc_hierarchical_label_ratios

Reference: Jones and Laffan (2008) Trans Philol Soc

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
58 HIER_A0 A score for level 0 2
59 HIER_A1 A score for level 1 2
60 HIER_ARAT1_0 Ratio of A scores, (HIER_A1 / HIER_A0) 2
61 HIER_ASUM0 Sum of shared label sample counts, level 0 2
62 HIER_ASUM1 Sum of shared label sample counts, level 1 2
63 HIER_ASUMRAT1_0 1 - Ratio of shared label sample counts, (HIER_ASUM1 / HIER_ASUM0) cluster metric 2
64 HIER_B0 B score for level 0 2
65 HIER_B1 B score for level 1 2
66 HIER_BRAT1_0 Ratio of B scores, (HIER_B1 / HIER_B0) 2
67 HIER_C0 C score for level 0 2
68 HIER_C1 C score for level 1 2
69 HIER_CRAT1_0 Ratio of C scores, (HIER_C1 / HIER_C0) 2

Inter-event Interval Statistics

Inter-event interval statistics

Description: Calculate summary statistics from a set of numeric labels that represent event times. Event intervals are calculated within groups, then aggregated across the neighbourhoods, and then summary stats are calculated.

Subroutine: calc_iei_stats

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
70 IEI_CV Coefficient of variation (IEI_SD / IEI_MEAN) 1
71 IEI_GMEAN Geometric mean 1
72 IEI_KURT Kurtosis 1
73 IEI_MAX Maximum value (100th percentile) 1
74 IEI_MEAN Mean cluster metric 1
75 IEI_MIN Minimum value (zero percentile) 1
76 IEI_N Number of samples 1
77 IEI_RANGE Range (max - min) 1
78 IEI_SD Standard deviation 1
79 IEI_SKEW Skewness 1

Inter-event interval statistics data

Description: The underlying data used for the IEI stats.

Subroutine: calc_iei_data

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
80 IEI_DATA_ARRAY Interval data in array form. Multiple occurrences are repeated 1
81 IEI_DATA_HASH Interval data in hash form where the interval is the key and number of occurrences is the value 1

Lists and Counts

Element counts

Description: Counts of elements used in neighbour sets 1 and 2.

Subroutine: calc_elements_used

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
82 EL_COUNT_ALL Count of elements in both neighbour sets 2
83 EL_COUNT_SET1 Count of elements in neighbour set 1 1
84 EL_COUNT_SET2 Count of elements in neighbour set 2 2

Element lists

Description: Lists of elements used in neighbour sets 1 and 2. These form the basis for all the spatial calculations.

Subroutine: calc_element_lists_used

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
85 EL_LIST_ALL List of elements in both neighour sets 2
86 EL_LIST_SET1 List of elements in neighbour set 1 1
87 EL_LIST_SET2 List of elements in neighbour set 2 2

Label counts

Description: Counts of labels in neighbour sets 1 and 2. These form the basis for the Taxonomic Dissimilarity and Comparison indices.

Subroutine: calc_abc_counts

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
88 ABC_A Count of labels common to both neighbour sets 2
89 ABC_ABC Total label count across both neighbour sets (same as RICHNESS_ALL) 2
90 ABC_B Count of labels unique to neighbour set 1 2
91 ABC_C Count of labels unique to neighbour set 2 2

Label counts not in sample

Description: Count of basedata labels not in either neighbour set (shared absence) Used in some of the dissimilarity metrics.

Subroutine: calc_d

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
92 ABC_D Count of labels not in either neighbour set (D score) 1

Local range lists

Description: Lists of labels with their local ranges as values. The local ranges are the number of elements in which each label is found in each neighour set.

Subroutine: calc_local_range_lists

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
93 ABC2_LABELS_ALL List of labels in both neighbour sets 2
94 ABC2_LABELS_SET1 List of labels in neighbour set 1 1
95 ABC2_LABELS_SET2 List of labels in neighbour set 2 2

Local range summary statistics

Description: Summary stats of the local ranges within neighour sets.

Subroutine: calc_local_range_stats

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
96 ABC2_MEAN_ALL Mean label range in both element sets 1
97 ABC2_MEAN_SET1 Mean label range in neighbour set 1 1
98 ABC2_MEAN_SET2 Mean label range in neighbour set 2 2
99 ABC2_SD_ALL Standard deviation of label ranges in both element sets 2
100 ABC2_SD_SET1 Standard deviation of label ranges in neighbour set 1 1
101 ABC2_SD_SET2 Standard deviation of label ranges in neighbour set 2 2


Description: Ratio of labels to samples. Values close to 1 are well sampled while zero means there is no redundancy in the sampling

Subroutine: calc_redundancy

Reference: Garcillan et al. (2003) J Veget. Sci.


Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula
102 REDUNDANCY_ALL for both neighbour sets 1
103 REDUNDANCY_SET1 for neighour set 1 1
104 REDUNDANCY_SET2 for neighour set 2 2


Description: Count the number of labels in the neighbour sets

Subroutine: calc_richness

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
105 RICHNESS_ALL for both sets of neighbours 1
106 RICHNESS_SET1 for neighbour set 1 1
107 RICHNESS_SET2 for neighbour set 2 2

Sample count lists

Description: Lists of sample counts for each label within the neighbour sets. These form the basis of the sample indices.

Subroutine: calc_local_sample_count_lists

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
108 ABC3_LABELS_ALL List of labels in both neighbour sets with their sample counts as the values. 2
109 ABC3_LABELS_SET1 List of labels in neighbour set 1. Values are the sample counts. 1
110 ABC3_LABELS_SET2 List of labels in neighbour set 2. Values are the sample counts. 2

Sample count summary stats

Description: Summary stats of the sample counts across the neighbour sets.

Subroutine: calc_local_sample_count_stats

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
111 ABC3_MEAN_ALL Mean of label sample counts across both element sets. 2
112 ABC3_MEAN_SET1 Mean of label sample counts in neighbour set1. 1
113 ABC3_MEAN_SET2 Mean of label sample counts in neighbour set 2. 2
114 ABC3_SD_ALL Standard deviation of label sample counts in both element sets. 2
115 ABC3_SD_SET1 Standard deviation of sample counts in neighbour set 1. 1
116 ABC3_SD_SET2 Standard deviation of label sample counts in neighbour set 2. 2
117 ABC3_SUM_ALL Sum of the label sample counts across both neighbour sets. 2
118 ABC3_SUM_SET1 Sum of the label sample counts across both neighbour sets. 1
119 ABC3_SUM_SET2 Sum of the label sample counts in neighbour set2. 2


Compare dissimilarity matrix values

Description: Compare the set of labels in one neighbour set with those in another using their matrix values. Labels not in the matrix are ignored. This calculation assumes a matrix of dissimilarities and uses 0 as identical, so take care).

Subroutine: calc_compare_dissim_matrix_values

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
120 MXD_COUNT Count of comparisons used. 2
121 MXD_LIST1 List of the labels used from neighbour set 1 (those in the matrix). The list values are the number of times each label was used in the calculations. This will always be 1 for labels in neighbour set 1. 2
122 MXD_LIST2 List of the labels used from neighbour set 2 (those in the matrix). The list values are the number of times each label was used in the calculations. This will equal the number of labels used from neighbour set 1. 2
123 MXD_MEAN Mean dissimilarity of labels in set 1 to those in set 2. cluster metric 2
124 MXD_VARIANCE Variance of the dissimilarity values, set 1 vs set 2. cluster metric 2

Matrix statistics

Description: Calculate summary statistics of matrix elements in the selected matrix for labels found across both neighbour sets. Labels not in the matrix are ignored.

Subroutine: calc_matrix_stats

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
125 MX_KURT Kurtosis 1
126 MX_LABELS List of the matrix labels in the neighbour sets 1
127 MX_MAXVALUE Maximum value 1
128 MX_MEAN Mean 1
129 MX_MEDIAN Median 1
130 MX_MINVALUE Minimum value 1
131 MX_N Number of samples (matrix elements, not labels) 1
132 MX_PCT05 5th percentile value 1
133 MX_PCT25 First quartile (25th percentile) 1
134 MX_PCT75 Third quartile (75th percentile) 1
135 MX_PCT95 95th percentile value 1
136 MX_RANGE Range (max-min) 1
137 MX_SD Standard deviation 1
138 MX_SKEW Skewness 1
139 MX_VALUES List of the matrix values 1

Rao's quadratic entropy, matrix weighted

Description: Calculate Rao's quadratic entropy for a matrix weights scheme. BaseData labels not in the matrix are ignored

Subroutine: calc_mx_rao_qe


where and are the sample counts for the i'th and j'th labels, is the matrix value for the pair of labels and is the set of labels across both neighbour sets that occur in the matrix.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
140 MX_RAO_QE Matrix weighted quadratic entropy 1
141 MX_RAO_TLABELS List of labels and values used in the MX_RAO_QE calculations 1
142 MX_RAO_TN Count of comparisons used to calculate MX_RAO_QE 1

Numeric Labels

Numeric label data

Description: The underlying data used for the numeric labels stats, as an array. For the hash form, use the ABC3_LABELS_ALL index from the 'Sample count lists' calculation.

Subroutine: calc_numeric_label_data

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
143 NUM_DATA_ARRAY Numeric label data in array form. Multiple occurrences are repeated based on their sample counts. 1

Numeric label dissimilarity

Description: Compare the set of numeric labels in one neighbour set with those in another.

Subroutine: calc_numeric_label_dissimilarity

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula
144 NUMD_ABSMEAN Mean absolute dissimilarity of labels in set 1 to those in set 2. cluster metric 2 where and are the labels in neighbour sets 1 and 2 respectively, and and are the sample counts in neighbour sets 1 and 2
145 NUMD_COUNT Count of comparisons used. 2 where values are as for
146 NUMD_VARIANCE Variance of the dissimilarity values (mean squared deviation), set 1 vs set 2. cluster metric 2 where values are as for

Numeric label harmonic and geometric means

Description: Calculate geometric and harmonic means for a set of numeric labels.

Subroutine: calc_numeric_label_other_means

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
147 NUM_GMEAN Geometric mean 1
148 NUM_HMEAN Harmonic mean 1

Numeric label quantiles

Description: Calculate quantiles from a set of numeric labels. Weights by samples so multiple occurrences are accounted for.

Subroutine: calc_numeric_label_quantiles

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
149 NUM_Q005 5th percentile 1
150 NUM_Q010 10th percentile 1
151 NUM_Q015 15th percentile 1
152 NUM_Q020 20th percentile 1
153 NUM_Q025 25th percentile 1
154 NUM_Q030 30th percentile 1
155 NUM_Q035 35th percentile 1
156 NUM_Q040 40th percentile 1
157 NUM_Q045 45th percentile 1
158 NUM_Q050 50th percentile 1
159 NUM_Q055 55th percentile 1
160 NUM_Q060 60th percentile 1
161 NUM_Q065 65th percentile 1
162 NUM_Q070 70th percentile 1
163 NUM_Q075 75th percentile 1
164 NUM_Q080 80th percentile 1
165 NUM_Q085 85th percentile 1
166 NUM_Q090 90th percentile 1
167 NUM_Q095 95th percentile 1

Numeric label statistics

Description: Calculate summary statistics from a set of numeric labels. Weights by samples so multiple occurrences are accounted for.

Subroutine: calc_numeric_label_stats

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
168 NUM_CV Coefficient of variation (NUM_SD / NUM_MEAN) 1
169 NUM_KURT Kurtosis 1
170 NUM_MAX Maximum value (100th quantile) 1
171 NUM_MEAN Mean 1
172 NUM_MIN Minimum value (zero quantile) 1
173 NUM_N Number of samples 1
174 NUM_RANGE Range (max - min) 1
175 NUM_SD Standard deviation 1
176 NUM_SKEW Skewness 1

Numeric labels Gistatistic ###

Description: Getis-Ord Gistatistic for numeric labels across both neighbour sets

Subroutine: calc_num_labels_gistar

Reference: Getis and Ord (1992) Geographical Analysis.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
177 NUM_GISTAR List of Giscores 1

PhyloCom Indices

Phylogenetic and Nearest taxon distances, abundance weighted

Description: Distance stats from each label to the nearest label along the tree. Compares with all other labels across both neighbour sets. Weighted by sample counts (which currently must be integers)

Subroutine: calc_phylo_mpd_mntd3

Reference: Webb et al. (2008)

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
178 PMPD3_MAX Maximum of pairwise phylogenetic distances 1
179 PMPD3_MEAN Mean of pairwise phylogenetic distances 1
180 PMPD3_MIN Minimum of pairwise phylogenetic distances 1
181 PMPD3_N Count of pairwise phylogenetic distances 1
182 PMPD3_RMSD Root mean squared pairwise phylogenetic distances 1
183 PNTD3_MAX Maximum of nearest taxon distances 1
184 PNTD3_MEAN Mean of nearest taxon distances 1
185 PNTD3_MIN Minimum of nearest taxon distances 1
186 PNTD3_N Count of nearest taxon distances 1
187 PNTD3_RMSD Root mean squared nearest taxon distances 1

Phylogenetic and Nearest taxon distances, local range weighted

Description: Distance stats from each label to the nearest label along the tree. Compares with all other labels across both neighbour sets. Weighted by sample counts

Subroutine: calc_phylo_mpd_mntd2

Reference: Webb et al. (2008)

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
188 PMPD2_MAX Maximum of pairwise phylogenetic distances 1
189 PMPD2_MEAN Mean of pairwise phylogenetic distances 1
190 PMPD2_MIN Minimum of pairwise phylogenetic distances 1
191 PMPD2_N Count of pairwise phylogenetic distances 1
192 PMPD2_RMSD Root mean squared pairwise phylogenetic distances 1
193 PNTD2_MAX Maximum of nearest taxon distances 1
194 PNTD2_MEAN Mean of nearest taxon distances 1
195 PNTD2_MIN Minimum of nearest taxon distances 1
196 PNTD2_N Count of nearest taxon distances 1
197 PNTD2_RMSD Root mean squared nearest taxon distances 1

Phylogenetic and Nearest taxon distances, unweighted

Description: Distance stats from each label to the nearest label along the tree. Compares with all other labels across both neighbour sets.

Subroutine: calc_phylo_mpd_mntd1

Reference: Webb et al. (2008)

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
198 PMPD1_MAX Maximum of pairwise phylogenetic distances 1
199 PMPD1_MEAN Mean of pairwise phylogenetic distances 1
200 PMPD1_MIN Minimum of pairwise phylogenetic distances 1
201 PMPD1_N Count of pairwise phylogenetic distances 1
202 PMPD1_RMSD Root mean squared pairwise phylogenetic distances 1
203 PNTD1_MAX Maximum of nearest taxon distances 1
204 PNTD1_MEAN Mean of nearest taxon distances 1
205 PNTD1_MIN Minimum of nearest taxon distances 1
206 PNTD1_N Count of nearest taxon distances 1
207 PNTD1_RMSD Root mean squared nearest taxon distances 1

Phylogenetic Indices

Corrected weighted phylogenetic endemism

Description: What proportion of the PD is range-restricted to this neighbour set?

Subroutine: calc_phylo_corrected_weighted_endemism

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula Reference
208 PE_CWE Corrected weighted endemism. This is the phylogenetic analogue of corrected weighted endemism. 1

Corrected weighted phylogenetic rarity

Description: What proportion of the PD is abundance-restricted to this neighbour set?

Subroutine: calc_phylo_corrected_weighted_rarity

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula Reference
209 PHYLO_RARITY_CWR Corrected weighted phylogenetic rarity. This is the phylogenetic rarity analogue of corrected weighted endemism. 1

Evolutionary distinctiveness

Description: Evolutionary distinctiveness metrics (AED, ED, ES) Label values are constant for all neighbourhoods in which each label is found.

Subroutine: calc_phylo_aed

Reference: Cadotte & Davies (2010)

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Reference
210 PHYLO_AED_LIST Abundance weighted ED per terminal label 1 Cadotte & Davies (2010)
211 PHYLO_ED_LIST "Fair proportion" partitioning of PD per terminal label 1 Isaac et al. (2007)
212 PHYLO_ES_LIST Equal splits partitioning of PD per terminal label 1 Redding & Mooers (2006)

Evolutionary distinctiveness per site

Description: Site level evolutionary distinctiveness

Subroutine: calc_phylo_aed_t

Reference: Cadotte & Davies (2010)

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Reference
213 PHYLO_AED_T Abundance weighted ED_t (sum of values in PHYLO_AED_LIST times their abundances). This is equivalent to a phylogenetic rarity score (see phylogenetic endemism) 1 Cadotte & Davies (2010)

Evolutionary distinctiveness per terminal taxon per site

Description: Site level evolutionary distinctiveness per terminal taxon

Subroutine: calc_phylo_aed_t_wtlists

Reference: Cadotte & Davies (2010)

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Reference
214 PHYLO_AED_T_WTLIST Abundance weighted ED per terminal taxon (the AED score of each taxon multiplied by its abundance in the sample) 1 Cadotte & Davies (2010)
215 PHYLO_AED_T_WTLIST_P Proportional contribution of each terminal taxon to the AED_T score 1 Cadotte & Davies (2010)

Labels not on tree

Description: Create a hash of the labels that are not on the tree

Subroutine: calc_labels_not_on_tree

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
216 PHYLO_LABELS_NOT_ON_TREE A hash of labels that are not found on the tree, across both neighbour sets 1
217 PHYLO_LABELS_NOT_ON_TREE_N Number of labels not on the tree 1
218 PHYLO_LABELS_NOT_ON_TREE_P Proportion of labels not on the tree 1

Labels on tree

Description: Create a hash of the labels that are on the tree

Subroutine: calc_labels_on_tree

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
219 PHYLO_LABELS_ON_TREE A hash of labels that are found on the tree, across both neighbour sets 1


Description: Absolute endemism analogue of PE. It is the sum of the branch lengths restricted to the neighbour sets.

Subroutine: calc_pd_endemism

Reference: See Faith (2004) Cons Biol.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
220 PD_ENDEMISM Phylogenetic Diversity Endemism 1
221 PD_ENDEMISM_WTS Phylogenetic Diversity Endemism weights per node found only in the neighbour set 1

Phylo Jaccard

Description: Jaccard phylogenetic dissimilarity between two sets of taxa, represented by spanning sets of branches

Subroutine: calc_phylo_jaccard

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula
222 PHYLO_JACCARD Phylo Jaccard score cluster metric 2 where A is the length of shared branches, and B and C are the length of branches found only in neighbour sets 1 and 2

Phylo S2

Description: S2 phylogenetic dissimilarity between two sets of taxa, represented by spanning sets of branches

Subroutine: calc_phylo_s2

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula
223 PHYLO_S2 Phylo S2 score cluster metric 2 where A is the length of shared branches, and B and C are the length of branches found only in neighbour sets 1 and 2

Phylo Sorenson

Description: Sorenson phylogenetic dissimilarity between two sets of taxa, represented by spanning sets of branches

Subroutine: calc_phylo_sorenson

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula
224 PHYLO_SORENSON Phylo Sorenson score cluster metric 2 where A is the length of shared branches, and B and C are the length of branches found only in neighbour sets 1 and 2

Phylogenetic ABC

Description: Calculate the shared and not shared branch lengths between two sets of labels

Subroutine: calc_phylo_abc

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
225 PHYLO_A Length of branches shared by labels in nbr sets 1 and 2 2
226 PHYLO_ABC Length of all branches associated with labels in nbr sets 1 and 2 2
227 PHYLO_B Length of branches unique to labels in nbr set 1 2
228 PHYLO_C Length of branches unique to labels in nbr set 2 2

Phylogenetic Diversity

Description: Phylogenetic diversity (PD) based on branch lengths back to the root of the tree. Uses labels in both neighbourhoods.

Subroutine: calc_pd

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula Reference
229 PD Phylogenetic diversity 1 where is the set of branches in the minimum spanning path joining the labels in both neighbour sets to the root of the tree, is a branch (a single segment between two nodes) in the spanning path , and is the length of branch . Faith (1992) Biol. Cons.
230 PD_P Phylogenetic diversity as a proportion of total tree length 1 where terms are the same as for PD, but , and are calculated for all nodes in the tree.
231 PD_P_per_taxon Phylogenetic diversity per taxon as a proportion of total tree length 1
232 PD_per_taxon Phylogenetic diversity per taxon 1

Phylogenetic Diversity node list

Description: Phylogenetic diversity (PD) nodes used.

Subroutine: calc_pd_node_list

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
233 PD_INCLUDED_NODE_LIST List of tree nodes included in the PD calculations 1

Phylogenetic Diversity terminal node list

Description: Phylogenetic diversity (PD) terminal nodes used.

Subroutine: calc_pd_terminal_node_list

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
234 PD_INCLUDED_TERMINAL_NODE_LIST List of tree terminal nodes included in the PD calculations 1

Phylogenetic Endemism

Description: Phylogenetic endemism (PE).Uses labels in both neighbourhoods and trims the tree to exclude labels not in the BaseData object.

Subroutine: calc_pe

Reference: Rosauer et al (2009) Mol. Ecol.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
235 PE_WE Phylogenetic endemism 1
236 PE_WE_P Phylogenetic weighted endemism as a proportion of the total tree length 1

Phylogenetic Endemism lists

Description: Lists used in the Phylogenetic endemism (PE) calculations.

Subroutine: calc_pe_lists

Reference: Rosauer et al (2009) Mol. Ecol.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
237 PE_LOCAL_RANGELIST Local node ranges used in PE calculations (number of groups in which a node is found) 1
238 PE_RANGELIST Node ranges used in PE calculations 1
239 PE_WTLIST Node weights used in PE calculations 1

Phylogenetic Endemism single

Description: PE scores, but not weighted by local ranges.

Subroutine: calc_pe_single

Reference: Rosauer et al (2009) Mol. Ecol.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
240 PE_WE_SINGLE Phylogenetic endemism unweighted by the number of neighbours. Counts each label only once, regardless of how many groups in the neighbourhood it is found in. Useful if your data have sampling biases. Better with small sample windows. 1
241 PE_WE_SINGLE_P Phylogenetic endemism unweighted by the number of neighbours as a proportion of the total tree length. Counts each label only once, regardless of how many groups in the neighbourhood it is found. Useful if your data have sampling biases. 1

Taxonomic/phylogenetic distinctness

Description: Taxonomic/phylogenetic distinctness and variation. THIS IS A BETA LEVEL IMPLEMENTATION.

Subroutine: calc_taxonomic_distinctness

Reference: Warwick & Clarke (1995) Mar Ecol Progr Ser. ; Clarke & Warwick (2001) Mar Ecol Progr Ser.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
242 TD_DENOMINATOR Denominator from TD_DISTINCTNESS calcs 1
243 TD_DISTINCTNESS Taxonomic distinctness 1
244 TD_NUMERATOR Numerator from TD_DISTINCTNESS calcs 1
245 TD_VARIATION Variation of the taxonomic distinctness 1

Taxonomic/phylogenetic distinctness, binary weighted

Description: Taxonomic/phylogenetic distinctness and variation using presence/absence weights. THIS IS A BETA LEVEL IMPLEMENTATION.

Subroutine: calc_taxonomic_distinctness_binary

Reference: Warwick & Clarke (1995) Mar Ecol Progr Ser. ; Clarke & Warwick (2001) Mar Ecol Progr Ser.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula
247 TDB_DISTINCTNESS Taxonomic distinctness, binary weighted 1 where is the path length from label to the ancestor node shared with
249 TDB_VARIATION Variation of the binary taxonomic distinctness 1 where


Rarity central

Description: Calculate rarity for species only in neighbour set 1, but with local sample counts calculated from both neighbour sets. Uses the same algorithm as the endemism indices but weights by sample counts instead of by groups occupied.

Subroutine: calc_rarity_central

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula
250 RAREC_CWE Corrected weighted rarity 1
251 RAREC_RICHNESS Richness used in RAREC_CWE (same as index RICHNESS_SET1). 1
252 RAREC_WE Weighted rarity 1 where is a label (taxon) in the set of labels (taxa) across neighbour set 1, is sum of the sample counts for across the elements in neighbour sets 1 & 2 (its value in list ABC3_LABELS_ALL), and is the total number of samples across the data set for label (unless the total sample count is specified at import).

Rarity central lists

Description: Lists used in rarity central calculations

Subroutine: calc_rarity_central_lists

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
253 RAREC_RANGELIST List of ranges for each label used in the rarity central calculations 1
254 RAREC_WTLIST List of weights for each label used in therarity central calculations 1

Rarity whole

Description: Calculate rarity using all species in both neighbour sets. Uses the same algorithm as the endemism indices but weights by sample counts instead of by groups occupied.

Subroutine: calc_rarity_whole

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula
255 RAREW_CWE Corrected weighted rarity 1
256 RAREW_RICHNESS Richness used in RAREW_CWE (same as index RICHNESS_ALL). 1
257 RAREW_WE Weighted rarity 1 where is a label (taxon) in the set of labels (taxa) across both neighbour sets, is sum of the sample counts for across the elements in neighbour sets 1 & 2 (its value in list ABC3_LABELS_ALL), and is the total number of samples across the data set for label (unless the total sample count is specified at import).

Rarity whole lists

Description: Lists used in rarity whole calculations

Subroutine: calc_rarity_whole_lists

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
258 RAREW_RANGELIST List of ranges for each label used in the rarity whole calculations 1
259 RAREW_WTLIST List of weights for each label used in therarity whole calculations 1

Taxonomic Dissimilarity and Comparison

Beta diversity

Description: Beta diversity between neighbour sets 1 and 2.

Subroutine: calc_beta_diversity

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula
260 BETA_2 The other beta cluster metric 2 where is the count of labels found in both neighbour sets, is the count unique to neighbour set 1, and is the count unique to neighbour set 2. Use the Label counts calculation to derive these directly.

Bray-Curtis non-metric

Description: Bray-Curtis dissimilarity between two sets of labels. Reduces to the Sorenson metric for binary data (where sample counts are 1 or 0).

Subroutine: calc_bray_curtis


where is the sum of the sample counts in neighbour set 1, is the sum of sample counts in neighbour set 2, and (meaning it sums the minimum of the sample counts for each of the labels across the two neighbour sets),

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
261 BC_A The A factor used in calculations (see formula) 2
262 BC_B The B factor used in calculations (see formula) 2
263 BC_W The W factor used in calculations (see formula) 2
264 BRAY_CURTIS Bray Curtis dissimilarity cluster metric 2

Bray-Curtis non-metric, group count normalised

Description: Bray-Curtis dissimilarity between two neighbourhoods, where the counts in each neighbourhood are divided by the number of groups in each neighbourhood to correct for unbalanced sizes.

Subroutine: calc_bray_curtis_norm_by_gp_counts


where is the sum of the sample counts in neighbour set 1 normalised (divided) by the number of groups, is the sum of the sample counts in neighbour set 2 normalised by the number of groups, and (meaning it sums the minimum of the normalised sample counts for each of the labels across the two neighbour sets),

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
265 BCN_A The A factor used in calculations (see formula) 2
266 BCN_B The B factor used in calculations (see formula) 2
267 BCN_W The W factor used in calculations (see formula) 2
268 BRAY_CURTIS_NORM Bray Curtis dissimilarity normalised by groups cluster metric 2


Description: Jaccard dissimilarity between the labels in neighbour sets 1 and 2.

Subroutine: calc_jaccard


where is the count of labels found in both neighbour sets, is the count unique to neighbour set 1, and is the count unique to neighbour set 2. Use the Label counts calculation to derive these directly.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
269 JACCARD Jaccard value, 0 is identical, 1 is completely dissimilar cluster metric 2


Description: Nestedness-resultant index between the labels in neighbour sets 1 and 2.

Subroutine: calc_nestedness_resultant

Reference: Baselga (2010) Glob Ecol Biogeog.


where is the count of labels found in both neighbour sets, is the count unique to neighbour set 1, and is the count unique to neighbour set 2. Use the Label counts calculation to derive these directly.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
270 NEST_RESULTANT Nestedness-resultant index cluster metric 2

Rao's quadratic entropy, taxonomically weighted

Description: Calculate Rao's quadratic entropy for a taxonomic weights scheme. Should collapse to be the Simpson index for presence/absence data.

Subroutine: calc_tx_rao_qe


where and are the sample counts for the i'th and j'th labels, is a value of zero if , and a value of 1 otherwise. is the set of labels across both neighbour sets.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
271 TX_RAO_QE Taxonomically weighted quadratic entropy 1
272 TX_RAO_TLABELS List of labels and values used in the TX_RAO_QE calculations 1
273 TX_RAO_TN Count of comparisons used to calculate TX_RAO_QE 1


Description: S2 dissimilarity between two sets of labels

Subroutine: calc_s2

Reference: Lennon et al. (2001) J Animal Ecol.


where is the count of labels found in both neighbour sets, is the count unique to neighbour set 1, and is the count unique to neighbour set 2. Use the Label counts calculation to derive these directly.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
274 S2 S2 dissimilarity index cluster metric 2

Simpson and Shannon

Description: Simpson and Shannon diversity metrics using samples from all neighbourhoods.

Subroutine: calc_simpson_shannon


For each index formula, is the number of samples of the i'th label as a proportion of the total number of samples in the neighbourhoods.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets Formula
275 SHANNON_E Shannon's evenness (H / HMAX) 1
276 SHANNON_H Shannon's H 1
277 SHANNON_HMAX maximum possible value of Shannon's H 1
278 SIMPSON_D Simpson's D. A score of zero is more similar. 1


Description: Sorenson dissimilarity between two sets of labels. It is the complement of the (unimplemented) Czechanowski index, and numerically the same as Whittaker's beta.

Subroutine: calc_sorenson


where is the count of labels found in both neighbour sets, is the count unique to neighbour set 1, and is the count unique to neighbour set 2. Use the Label counts calculation to derive these directly.

Index # Index Index description Valid cluster metric? Minimum number of neighbour sets
279 SORENSON Sorenson index cluster metric 2
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