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shawnlaffan edited this page Apr 26, 2017 · 4 revisions

To install the pre-build (binary) version for Biodiverse follow these instructions:

  1. Download the latest Biodiverse installer here.

  2. Unzip the file contents.

  3. Double-click on the extracted Biodiverse .dmg file from your Downloads folder.


  4. From the installer window, drag and drop the Biodiverse icon onto the Application folder.

    Drag and Drop

  5. Eject the Biodiverse .dmg file.

  6. To open Biodiverse, double-click Biodiverse in your Application folder.

To keep Biodiverse attached to your Dock:

  • If you have already opened Biodiverse, control-click on the Biodiverse icon in the Dock. Then selection "Options" and then "Keep in Dock".

    Keep in Dock

  • If you have not launched Biodiverse, drag the Biodiverse icon from the Application folder to a suitable location on the Dock.

Once you have downloaded and installed Biodiverse remember to read the Quick Start Guide.

If you need to install Biodiverse for source follow the relevant instructions.