Hi there 👋
Welcome to my GitHub profile! I’m Sheezah Haseeb, a passionate frontend developer and programming enthusiast currently pursuing a B.Tech in Computer Science & Engineering.
🔭 I’m currently working on: Frontend development projects with a focus on building responsive and interactive web applications.
🌱 I’m currently learning: React.js to enhance my skills in creating dynamic and user-friendly UIs.
💬 Ask me about: Web development, APIs, data structures, and algorithms.
📫 How to reach me:
Email: sheezahaseeb02@gmail.com
GitHub: github.com/sheezah01
⚡ Fun fact: I’ve resolved over 200 coding challenges on platforms like GeeksforGeeks and LeetCode, and I love solving logic puzzles in my free time!
Feel free to explore my repositories and projects. Let’s connect and collaborate on something amazing! 🚀