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Introduction to statistical thinking

Theory and Background

  • Damian's presentation (blasi.pdf) is in the QMSS folder "talkSlides". The topics and ideas should be self-explanatory. Mind that the course was meant to introduce basic notions on why and how to think using stats. Since you were selected for the advanced course, you are very likely to be familiar with the set of ideas discussed there.


  • In the folder IntroToStats you will find a number of tutorials with hands-on examples
  • If you feel like revisiting basic concepts of statistics, try tutorial.html
  • A short tutorial on imputing missing data can be found in hop.html. This was supposed to illustrate the basic reasoning behind the strategies available to deal with uncertain, missing or noisy data. Contact Damian in case you are interested in this topic.
  • A short tutorial on rule mining can be found in hop2.html. It illustrates the usage of a simple suite of tools in the R package arules aimed at capturing regular co-occurrences of levels across variables. Contact Damian in case you are interested in this topic.
  • More in general, you can contact Damian for specific questions involving regression, classification, pattern detection or statistical inference.

Contact: Availability: email contact from July 1st - 25th to August 25th onwards