This can be used to verify JSON-LD based W3C compliant Verifiable Credentials as described in the Spec. It uses tooling from Digital Bazaar to enable verification of credentials. This supports the following Key Types:
- RSA Verification Key 2018
- Ed25519 Verification Key 2018
- Ed25519 Verification Key 2020
npm install @sunbird-rc/verification-sdk
As part of this SDK, two main functionalities exist.
- Download Revocation List from API
- Verify the JSON-LD credential with the signature suite
import {downloadRevocationList, verifyCredential} from "@sunbird-rc/verification-sdk";
const revocationList = await downloadRevocationList(issuerId, revocation_url);
const verificationStatus = await verifyCredential(issuerDid, credential, revocationList);