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This project done using PGAdmin and PostgreSQL, analyses the effect of various factors on student scores in reading, math and writing.

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📓๋ Student Analytics

This project done using PGAdmin and PostgreSQL, analyses the effect of various factors on student scores in reading, math and writing.

📚 Table of Contents

Dataset Details

  • The Dataset has 1000 rows, and eight columns: race, gender/ethnicity, parental level of education, lunch, test preparation course, math score, reading score and writing score.
  • Various factors, and their cumulative and individual effects on average student and individual student scores.

Creating the table and Loading the Dataset

Command used for creating the table:

CREATE TABLE "Student Analytics"(
gender varchar(100),
race varchar(100),
parental_level_of_education varchar(100),
	lunch varchar(100),
	test_preparation_course varchar(100),
	"math score" int, 
	"reading score" int,
	"writing score" int

The dataset was loaded into the table by usage of the PGAdmin Import tool.

An overview of the dataset was loaded using the following command:

SELECT * FROM student_analytics LIMIT 5;


Gender Race Parental_level_of_education lunch test_preparation_course math_score reading_score writing_score
female group B bachelor's degree standard none 72 72 74
female group C some college standard completed 69 90 88
female group B master's degree standard none 90 95 93
male group A associate's degree free/reduced none 47 57 44
male group c some degree standard none 76 78 75

Database Analytics

  1. What is the average math, reading, and writing score?
SELECT round(avg(math_score),2) as avg_math_score, 
round(avg(reading_score),2) as avg_reading_score,
round(avg(writing_score),2) as avg_writing_score 
FROM student_analytics;


avg_math_score avg_reading_score avg_writing_score
66.09 69.17 68.05
  1. What is the distribution of scores across gender?
SELECT gender, round(avg(math_score + reading_score + writing_score),2) as avg_score
from student_analytics
group by gender;


gender avg_score
male 197.51
female 208.71
  1. Distribution of scores across race/ethnicity
SELECT race, round(avg(math_score + reading_score + writing_score),2) as avg_score
from student_analytics
group by race
order by avg_score;


race avg_score
group A 188.98
group B 196.41
group C 201.39
group D 207.54
group E 218.26
  1. Distribution of scores across parental level of education
SELECT parental_level_of_education as "parental education", round(avg(math_score + reading_score + writing_score),2) as avg_score
from student_analytics
group by "parental education"
order by avg_score;


parental education avg_score
high school 189.29
some high school 195.32
some college 205.43
associate's degree 208.71
bachelor's degree 215.77
master's degree 220.80
  1. Distribution of scores across lunch type
SELECT lunch, round(avg(math_score + reading_score + writing_score),2) as avg_score
from student_analytics
group by lunch
order by avg_score;


lunch avg_score
free/reduced 186.60
standard 212.51
  1. Distribution of Scores across Test Preparation
SELECT test_preparation_course as test_prep, round(avg(math_score+reading_score+writing_score),2) as avg_score
from student_analytics 
group by test_prep order by avg_score;


test_prep avg_score
none 195.12
completed 218.01
  1. How does the type of lunch (free/reduced vs. standard) affect student scores in each subject?
SELECT lunch, round(avg(math_score),2) as math, round(avg(reading_score),2) as reading, 
round(avg(writing_score),2) as writing
from student_analytics 
group by lunch;


lunch math reading writing
free/reduced 59.92 64.65 63.02
standard 70.03 71.65 70.82
  1. Are there any gender differences in participation in test preparation classes?
SELECT gender, test_preparation_course, count(test_preparation_course) from student_analytics
group by gender, test_preparation_course
order by count(test_preparation_course);


gender test_preparation_course count
male completed 174
female completed 184
male none 308
female none 334
  1. Is there an interaction effect between gender and parental level of education on student performance?
SELECT parental_level_of_education as parent_education, gender, round(avg(math_score + reading_score + writing_score),2) as avg_score
from student_analytics
group by parent_education, gender
order by avg_score;


parent_education gender avg_score
high school male 184.73
some high school male 193.91
high school female 194.24
some high school female 196.69
some college male 197.15
associate's degree male 203.60
bachelor's degree male 206.33
some college female 213.01
associate's degree female 213.37
master's degree male 220.57
master's degree female 220.94
bachelor's degree female 224.92
  1. Are there any significant differences in performance between different racial/ethnic groups when controlling for parental level of education?
SELECT parental_level_of_education as parent_education, race, round(avg(math_score + reading_score + writing_score),2) as avg_score
from student_analytics
group by race, parent_education
order by parent_education, race;


parent_education race avg_score
associate's degree group A 191.64
associate's degree group B 203.93
associate's degree group C 208.13
associate's degree group D 208.00
associate's degree group E 221.92
bachelor's degree group A 203.58
bachelor's degree group B 213.90
bachelor's degree group C 219.73
bachelor's degree group D 209.61
bachelor's degree group E 226.78
high school group A 183.73
high school group B 184.50
high school group C 186.98
high school group D 190.43
high school group E 208.64
master's degree group A 190.00
master's degree group B 190.00
master's degree group C 190.00
master's degree group D 190.00
master's degree group E 190.00
some college group A 194.67
some college group B 193.14
some college group C 203.43
some college group D 211.31
some college group E 216.66
some high school group A 179.58
some high school group B 192.87
some high school group C 189.47
some high school group D 205.84
some high school group E 208.22
  1. Are there any correlations between socioeconomic factors (such as parental level of education or lunch type) and student performance across subjects?
SELECT parental_level_of_education as parent_education, lunch, round(avg(math_score + reading_score + writing_score),2) as avg_score
from student_analytics
group by parent_education, lunch
order by parent_education, lunch;


parent_education lunch avg_score
associate's degree free/reduced 196.29
associate's degree standard 215.30
bachelor's degree free/reduced 201.16
bachelor's degree standard 223.46
high school free/reduced 172.13
high school standard 198.83
master's degree free/reduced 201.33
master's degree standard 234.14
some college free/reduced 188.91
some college standard 214.31
some high school free/reduced 171.67
some high school standard 207.55
  1. Are there any notable differences in performance between genders in specific subject areas (math, reading, writing)?
SELECT gender, round(avg(math_score),2) as math_avg, 
round(avg(reading_score),2) as read_avg, round(avg(writing_score),2) as write_avg
from student_analytics
group by gender;


gender math_avg read_avg write_avg
male 68.73 65.47 63.31
female 63.63 72.61 72.47
  1. How do the mean scores in each subject vary over different levels of parental education?
SELECT parental_level_of_education as parental_education, round(avg(math_score),2) as math_avg, 
round(avg(reading_score),2) as read_avg, round(avg(writing_score),2) as write_avg
from student_analytics
group by parental_education
order by math_avg, read_avg, write_avg;


parental_education math_avg read_avg write_avg
high school 62.14 64.70 62.45
some high school 63.50 66.94 64.89
some college 67.13 69.46 68.84
associate's degree 67.88 70.93 69.90
bachelor's degree 69.39 73.00 73.38
master's degree 69.75 75.37 75.68
  1. Is there a significant difference in scores between students who took test preparation classes and those who didn't?
SELECT test_preparation_course as test_prep,
round(avg(math_score),2) as math_avg, round(avg(reading_score),2) as read_avg,
round(avg(writing_score),2) as write_avg
from student_analytics
group by test_prep;


test_prep math_avg read_avg write_avg
none 64.08 66.53 64.50
completed 69.70 73.89 74.42
  1. How many students fall into each category of parental education level or lunch type?
SELECT parental_level_of_education as parent_education, count(*)
from student_analytics
group by parent_education order by count(*);


parent_education count
master's degree 59
bachelor's degree 118
some high school 179
high school 196
associate's degree 222
some college 226
SELECT lunch, count(*) from student_analytics group by lunch order by count(*);


lunch count
free/reduced 355
standard 645
  1. How many students scored above average in math, reading, or writing?
SELECT 'Math' AS subject, COUNT(*) AS num_students_above_avg
FROM student_analytics WHERE math_score > (select avg(math_score) from student_analytics)
SELECT 'Reading' AS subject, COUNT(*) AS num_students_above_avg FROM student_analytics
WHERE reading_score > (select avg(reading_score) from student_analytics)
SELECT 'Writing' AS subject, COUNT(*) AS num_students_above_avg
FROM student_analytics WHERE writing_score > (select avg(writing_score) from student_analytics);


subject num_students_above_avg
Math 493
Reading 513
Writing 512
  1. How many students took test preparation classes?
SELECT test_preparation_course as test_prep, COUNT(*) from student_analytics
group by test_preparation_course;


test_prep count
none 642
completed 358
  1. How do math, reading, and writing scores differ between genders?
SELECT gender, round(avg(math_score),2) as math_avg, 
round(avg(reading_score),2) as read_avg, round(avg(writing_score),2) as write_avg
from student_analytics
group by gender;


gender math_avg read_avg write_avg
male 68.73 65.47 63.31
female 63.63 72.61 72.47
  1. How do math, reading, and writing scores differ between races/ethnicities?
SELECT race, round(avg(math_score),2) as math_avg, 
round(avg(reading_score),2) as read_avg, round(avg(writing_score),2) as write_avg
from student_analytics
group by race order by math_avg, read_avg, write_avg;


race math_avg read_avg write_avg
group A 61.63 64.67 62.67
group B 63.45 67.35 65.60
group C 64.46 69.10 67.83
group D 67.36 70.03 70.15
group E 73.82 73.03 71.41
  1. How do math, reading, and writing scores differ between parental education levels?
SELECT parental_level_of_education as parent_education, round(avg(math_score),2) as math_avg, 
round(avg(reading_score),2) as read_avg, round(avg(writing_score),2) as write_avg
from student_analytics
group by parent_education order by math_avg, read_avg, write_avg;


parent_education math_avg read_avg write_avg
high school 62.14 64.70 62.45
some high school 63.50 66.94 64.89
some college 67.13 69.46 68.84
associate's degree 67.88 70.93 69.90
bachelor's degree 69.39 73.00 73.38
master's degree 69.75 75.37 75.68
  1. How do math, reading, and writing scores differ between lunch?
SELECT lunch, round(avg(math_score),2) as math_avg, 
round(avg(reading_score),2) as read_avg, round(avg(writing_score),2) as write_avg
from student_analytics
group by lunch;


lunch math_avg read_avg write_avg
free/reduced 58.92 64.65 63.02
standard 70.03 71.65 70.82
  1. How many students fall into each category of parental education level or lunch type?
SELECT parental_level_of_education, lunch, COUNT(*) as count from student_analytics
group by parental_level_of_education, lunch order by parental_level_of_education, lunch;


parental_level_of_education lunch count
associate's degree free/reduced 77
associate's degree standard 145
bachelor's degree free/reduced 44
bachelor's degree standard 74
high school free/reduced 70
high school standard 126
master's degree free/reduced 24
master's degree standard 35
some college free/reduced 79
some college standard 147
some high school free/reduced 61
some high school standard 118
SELECT parental_level_of_education as parent_education, count(*) from student_analytics 
group by parent_education;


parent_education count
master's degree 59
some college 226
bachelor's degree 118
high school 196
associate's degree 222
some high school 179
SELECT lunch, count(*) from student_analytics group by lunch;


lunch count
free/reduced 355
standard 645
  1. Number of Students who took test preparation classes, compared to lunch
SELECT test_preparation_course, lunch, count(*) from student_analytics
group by test_preparation_course, lunch;


test_preparation_course lunch count
none standard 418
completed standard 227
none free/reduced 224
completed free/reduced 131
  1. Is the effect of test preparation classes on math scores the same for students with different parental education levels? (This involves analyzing subgroups within the data)
SELECT test_preparation_course as test_prep, parental_level_of_education as parent_education, 
round(AVG(math_score),2) from student_analytics
group by parent_education, test_prep;


test_prep parent_education round
completed bachelor's degree 73.28
none high school 60.99
completed some high school 66.70
completed associate's degree 71.83
completed master's degree 70.60
completed high school 65.00
none some college 64.89
none master's degree 69.31
none bachelor's degree 66.90
none associate's degree 65.57
none some high school 61.08
completed some college 71.45


This project done using PGAdmin and PostgreSQL, analyses the effect of various factors on student scores in reading, math and writing.






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