Theovim is my personal Neovim configuration. It strives to be a simple and maintainable full-Lua Neovim configuration with full-IDE feature. Due to the requests from my classmates in CS252: Systems Programming who wanted IDE features while working on the infamous "shell project," I decided to take the Neovim configuration out of my dotfiles repository. I also like the name Theovim it's cute.
to update Theovimbash
or a POSIX compliance shell- A terminal emulator capable of rendering 256 xterm colors
- Latest version of Neovim (> 0.8).
- For those poor souls working with 0.4.3 version Neovim on Purdue CS Data server, I included the appimage downloader that automatically adds alias to your
. Run~/.theovim/
periodically to keep the appimage updated.
- For those poor souls working with 0.4.3 version Neovim on Purdue CS Data server, I included the appimage downloader that automatically adds alias to your
- NerdFonts to render glyphs
- Install the latest version of Neovim. Use
if your system does not permit a binary installation
Execute the following commands:
git clone ~/.theovim
~/.theovim/ install
- Lazy.nvim package manager will automatically install all the missing plugins. If any error happens, run
to manually update the plugins :Mason
is a language server manager. Use:MasonInstall
to install language servers of your choice. Currently supported language servers are Bash (bash-language-server
), C, C++ (clangd
), CSS (css-lsp
), HTML (html-lsp
), Python (python-lsp-server
), and SQL (sqlls
). In the future, any choice of your language server will work with Theovim.
contains all the custom commands and shortcuts:TheovimUpdate
updates the latest changes to Theovim by pulling the changes and running update utilities:TheovimInfo
shows the current version and information about the Neovim/Theovim - TODO