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shrirambalaji committed Jan 13, 2025
2 parents 90f0ec0 + 5ed1699 commit 5223d2b
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27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions public/attachments/rust-bootstrap-stages.svg
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title: Learnings from Contributing to the Rust Project
description: As I started reading a lot more about Rust compilation, I realized that I needed to find a way to contribute to the rust project and eventually , and validate my assumptions / understanding of the compiler.
publishDate: Oct 28, 2024
tags: ["rust", "oss", "compiler"]
src: "./cover.png"
alt: "Learnings from Contributing to the Rust Project"
border: true
ogImage: "/covers/learnings-from-contributing-to-the-rust-project.png"

import { Image } from "astro:assets";
import Tweet from "astro-tweet";
import rustContributorsScreenshot from "../../attachments/rust-contributors-purple.png";
import ThemedImage from "@/components/ThemedImage";

I've been reading about stages of Rust compilation, and wrote about some of my learnings in a [previous post]( As I started reading more, I realized that it might be helpful to find a way to contribute to the project, learn more about the compiler and validate my assumptions / understanding of the compiler.

## Finding an issue to work on

The `rustc` compiler is a large codebase, and definitely intimidating at first glance. As with contributing to any new OSS project, I started by looking at the issues that were tagged as beginner friendly and found an issue that was tagged as `E-mentor` and `E-easy`: [#129599](

It involved adding a new `std_features` flag to the bootstrap phase of the compiler, that helps in enabling `std` features for compiler development. This could be features like enabling `panic-unwind` or `backtrace` features when building the compiler.

This felt like a good issue to start with, and it was relatively straightforward to understand the issue, but I had to understand how the compiler was bootstrapped and how the `std_features` flag was passed to the compiler.

I also connected with [`Onur Ozkan`]( who was the mentor for the issue on zulip chat, and he was very helpful and welcoming throughout the process. Thanks Onur!

## What's bootstrapping?

Bootstrapping is how the compiler compiles itself, typically by using an older version to build a newer version. For rust to bootstrap, it has 4 stages:

alt="Rust Bootstrap Stages"

- Stage 0: Pre-compiled Compiler - the current beta `rustc` and is downloaded from the internet.
- Stage 1: Compiler built with the pre-compiled compiler from Stage 0
- Stage 2: Rebuilding the stage 1 compiler with itself, and this is what get's distributed with `rustup`.
- Stage 3 (optional): We can build libs with this compiler to sanity check that the compiler result is the same as the stage 2 compiler.

The [Rustc Dev Guide on Bootstrapping]( has a lot more details on bootstrapping, if you're interested in learning more.

## Getting started

I followed the steps in the [Quick Start]( guide on my macOS machine, and I ran into my first issue:

The `./ setup` command failed with the following error:

~/Repositories/rust master
./x setup
############################################################ 100.0%
############################################################ 100.0%
############################################################ 100.0%
extracting /Users/shrirambalaji/Repositories/rust/build/cache/2024-07-26/rustc-beta-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz
extracting /Users/shrirambalaji/Repositories/rust/build/cache/2024-07-26/rust-std-beta-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz
extracting /Users/shrirambalaji/Repositories/rust/build/cache/2024-07-26/cargo-beta-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz
Building bootstrap
Compiling libc v0.2.157
Compiling proc-macro2 v1.0.86
Compiling unicode-ident v1.0.12
Compiling typenum v1.17.0
Compiling version_check v0.9.5
Compiling memchr v2.7.4
Compiling crossbeam-utils v0.8.20
Compiling serde v1.0.208
Compiling rustix v0.38.34
Compiling cc v1.0.97
error: failed to run custom build command for `serde v1.0.208`

Caused by:
process didn't exit successfully: `/Users/shrirambalaji/Repositories/rust/build/bootstrap/debug/build/serde-19a5005084e51914/build-script-build` (signal: 9, SIGKILL: kill)
warning: build failed, waiting for other jobs to finish...
error: failed to run custom build command for `crossbeam-utils v0.8.20`
Caused by:
process didn't exit successfully: `/Users/shrirambalaji/Repositories/rust/build/bootstrap/debug/build/crossbeam-utils-b20f738aa3e877a6/build-script-build` (signal: 9, SIGKILL: kill)
failed to run: /Users/shrirambalaji/Repositories/rust/build/aarch64-apple-darwin/stage0/bin/cargo build --manifest-path /Users/shrirambalaji/Repositories/rust/src/bootstrap/Cargo.toml
Build completed unsuccessfully in 0:00:13

It looked like the build failed because the dependencies couldn't be compiled. Initially, I thought that I had some system dependencies missing, but later found out that it was because of conflicting system dependencies. I had `binutils` installed via `brew` and I had `strip` in my path, which was conflicting with the `strip` that was being used by the compiler.

So I had to remove `binutils` from my path, and then the build was successful:

brew uninstall binutils

### What's that python script doing in my rust compiler?

Wait a minute - why's there a python script to build the compiler? 🤔

`` is a wrapper script that calls into the `bootstrap` tool - a cross-platform build tool backed by `cargo`, used specifically for the rust project. `` by itself doesn't do a lot more, other than checking for the python version and subsequently invoking the `` script, which does the following:

- Parses the CLI arguments and passes it on the `bootstrap` tool
- Downloads the rust toolchain, and makes sure that the necessary build tools `rustc`, `cargo` etc., are available.
- Runs the bootstrap build using `cargo` to compile the bootstrap tool in `src/bootstrap`. The CLI arguments from earlier are passed to the `bootstrap` tool.
- Finally, the `bootstrap` tool is run with the CLI arguments.

So when we call `./x <subcommand>`, it's actually invoking the `bootstrap` CLI with the subcommand.

I understand the convenience of having a python script to wrap the build process, but it was a bit surprising at first. Also it does seem like Python is preferred for build scripts that run in CI, and it's not overused. There's a discussion to purge python, and over time it seems like a lot of the python scripts have been replaced.

## Setting up Zed for Compiler Development

I've started using Zed for all of my personal work and I've been liking it a lot.

<div class="tweet-embed">
<Tweet id="1847665535502213165" />

`./x setup` has an option to add settings to configure VSCode, but not for Zed. This is important for `rust_analyzer` to work correctly during compiler development. The configuration for `rust_analyzer` is not very different from VSCode, but needs to be added in a `.zed/settings.json` in the root of the repo:

```json title=".zed/settings.json"
"lsp": {
"rust-analyzer": {
"initialization_options": {
"check": {
"invocationLocation": "root",
"invocationStrategy": "once",
"overrideCommand": ["python3", "", "check", "--json-output"]
"linkedProjects": [
"rustfmt": {
"overrideCommand": ["./build/host/rustfmt/bin/rustfmt", "--edition=2021"]
"procMacro": {
"enable": true,
"server": "./build/host/stage0/libexec/rust-analyzer-proc-macro-srv"
"cargo": {
"buildScripts": {
"enable": true,
"invocationLocation": "root",
"invocationStrategy": "once",
"overrideCommand": ["python3", "", "check", "--json-output"]
"sysrootSrc": "./library",
"extraEnv": {

There's an open issue to add a step for setting Zed for compiler dev, and I just assigned it to myself to get it fixed:

## Making the change

The change involved a couple of steps:

- Adding a new field `std_features` in the `config.toml` file
- Parsing (deduplicated) and updating the internal rust `features` config to be passed on the compiler bootstrap process
- Unit tests

```toml title="config.toml"
# other options for compiling rust . . .
std-features = ["panic_unwind"]

### How does bootstrap read the `config.toml` file?

Bootstrap uses [toml-rs]( to parse the `config.toml`. Also since configuration can be overridden from both the `toml` file and from command line arguments, the `TomlConfig` struct implements a `Merge` trait:


/// Denotes how the config needs to be merged, specifically when handling duplicates.
enum ReplaceOpt {
/// Silently ignore a duplicated value
/// Override the current value, even if it's `Some`
/// Exit with an error on duplicate values

impl Merge for TomlConfig {
fn merge(
&mut self,
// other options from `TomlConfig` are also required here
TomlConfig { rust }: Self,
replace: ReplaceOpt,
) {
fn do_merge<T: Merge>(x: &mut Option<T>, y: Option<T>, replace: ReplaceOpt) {
if let Some(new) = y {
if let Some(original) = x {
original.merge(new, replace);
} else {
*x = Some(new);
do_merge(&mut self.rust, rust, replace);
// merge other fields in `TomlConfig` . . .

The config fields are not directly decoded, but decoded into separate sections represented by their own [`struct`]( In my case, I only needed to add a field in the `Rust` struct, corresponding to the `[rust]` section in the `config.toml` [here](

### Deduplicating `std_features`

Although the previous step handled merging, since we are dealing with a list of values there needed to be some way to deduplicate it, because the internal `features` representation needs to be based on that.

I reached for the handy [`HashSet`]( collection, but from the review I understood that the order of `std_features` could be important, and the current implementation works with this assumption. `HashSet` does not have deterministic ordering and so I cannot use it, this is because it's backed by a hashtable and needs to be compute the hashcode for every element and then puts it in a "bucket". The bucket has no connection to the insertion order, so there's no way to keep track of the insertion order.

So I implemented it with a [`BTreeSet`]( instead as suggested in the initial review.

### Error Handling in CI Builds

The `toml` parser handles parsing errors by default, so I didn't have to do anything there. Since the `std_features` option can fundamentally change the output of the compiler, we need to throw an error if this config gets passed in CI builds. I really liked the `err` macro that they had setup for making this easy.

macro_rules! err {
($current:expr, $expected:expr) => {
if let Some(current) = &$current {
if Some(current) != $expected.as_ref() {
return Err(format!(
"ERROR: Setting `llvm.{}` is incompatible with ``. \
Current value: {:?}, Expected value(s): {}{:?}",
stringify!($expected).replace("_", "-"),
if $expected.is_some() { "None/" } else { "" },

I usually stay away from macros (skill issue tbh), but I liked this one. I'm still contemplating if this could have been a function, but I digress.

### Merging the change - Squashing commits

I addressed all the feedback comments, and the PR was ready for merge. The rust project follows a rebase + squash workflow for contributors. I have had my own reservations about rebase in the past:

<div class="tweet-embed">
<Tweet id="1769207470814269687" />

I learnt that most of my pain with rebase was probably due to not knowing about [`rerere`]( which solved a lot of issues dealing with rebase merge conflicts.

However, squashing was new to me and the first time around I botched the squash and messed up the branch. Since it was also a rebase and I pushed upstream, there was no way to undo it (maybe there's a way, but I gave up pretty quickly).

So I made a new branch, rebased upstream onto it and cherry-picked my changes from the previous changes, and then squashed all of them into a single commit after following through this [article](

Finally, after a couple of weeks of picking up my first issue, I got my first PR merged - This might all sound trivial, but hey - I would not have imagined me being able to contribute to the rust project a couple of years ago, it's good to count the small wins! now lists me as a contributor 😄

alt="Contributor's Screenshot"
class="border border-indigo-300"

Looking forward to contributing, learning and sharing a lot more about `rustc`.

See you in the next one 👋

### References

- [Contributing to Rust: Video Series by Felix K](
- [Hacking rustc: Talk by Esteban Kuber](
- [Bootstrapping: Talk by Jynn Nelson](
- [Rustc Compiler Dev Guide](

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