This is a molecular simulation I created using Blender Game Engine around 2014. All the gaming logic uses Python.
- Molecules are built by placing atoms close to eachother.
- Atoms in molecules interact according to VSEPR theory and the ball and spring model.
- Small organic molecules have shapes similar to those observed in real life.
- Automatic naming of simple molecules based on their component elements.
- Supports double and triple bonds.
- Building blocks include Hydrogen, Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Bromine, Hydroxide and Hydron.
- Visual indicators for lone pair valence electrons.
- FPS style camera movement and control scheme.
Note: This is a 3D simulation, even though the models appear 2D in these screenshots.
Cyclohexane at another angle
Install blender from
Open molecules.blend
Press P to play
Esc: Exit
W,A,S,D: Movement
Q,E: Move Down/Up
R: Reset
Numbers 1-6: Switch between elements (names are shown in game)
Left click: Fire specified element
Right click: Fire carbon element
Space: Fire antimatter (destroys elements)
T: Fire laser (moves molecules further away)