- This project that assume you familiarity GoLang environment build.
preference: https://www.terraform.io/intro/getting-started/install.html
note: the system path setting on the terraform parent folder. example: if the terraform in the PATH "
/work/terraform_0.7.10", then the path is export PATH=$PATH:/work/terraform_0.7.10
Create folder for Go running environment, example: ~/work/go
Download GoLong SDK: http://www.golangtc.com/download
GoLang SDK install on mac that will be reference: http://www.tuicool.com/articles/Fv6zUfE
Setting the PATH and GOPATH, example:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin export GOPATH="~/work/go"
Look for a GoLang project and get it, then create the go base directory, such as: go get github.com/denverdino/aliyungo
Create the folder "alibaba" in your GoPath, such as "work/go/src/github.com/alibaba". and clone the project.
In the "github.com/alibaba/terraform-alicloud" directory execute following command:
"go get ./..." //this will download depend package "make all" "terraform get" "terraform plan" //input the tips parameters, such as access_key, secret_key , or zone, ecs instance name etc. "terraform apply"
- The /alicloud.tf file is Terraform template for Terraform module, It's link source to terraform/alicloud/instance/main.tf, so run the template(.tf) will create the instance of classic web, if update the zone or region etc parameters, then create instance used the updated parameters.
- The terraform/alicloud/main.tf will create the ecs instance.
- The security_groups/main.tf will create the security groups in special VPC
- The vpc/main.tf will create the VPC and VSwitch and NatGateway.
- We expect contribute the code in this repository for aliyun production and the terraform template, you have pull request it.
- heww(heww0205@gmail.com)
- ShuWei(shuwei.yin@alibaba-inc.com)
- This project is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See LICENSE for the full license text.