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Major update to add new features to LDMatrix data structure + suppo…
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shz9 committed Jul 30, 2024
1 parent 8a566e0 commit 7c3f4d9
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Showing 23 changed files with 1,487 additions and 387 deletions.
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [0.1.4] - TBD
## [0.1.4] - 2024-07-29

### Changed

Expand All @@ -18,10 +18,17 @@ not work well for very large datasets with millions of variants and it causes ov
- Fixed in-place `fillna` in `from_plink_table` in `LDMatrix` to conform to latest `pandas` API.
- Update `run_shell_script` to check for and capture errors.
- Refactored code to slightly reduce import/load times.
- Cleaned up `load_data` method of `LDMatrix` and subsumed functionality in `load_rows`.

### Added

- Added extra validation checks in `LDMatrix` to ensure that the index pointer is formatted correctly.
- `LDLinearOperator` class to allow for efficient linear algebra operations on the LD matrix without
representing the full symmetric matrix in memory.
- Added utility methods to `LDMatrix` class to allow for computing eigenvalues, performing SVD, etc.
- Added `Min eigenvalue` to the attributes of LD matrices.
- Added support to slice/retrieve entries of LD matrix by using SNP rsIDs.
- Added support to reading LD matrices from AWS s3 storage.

## [0.1.3] - 2024-05-21

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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions bin/magenpy_ld
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Expand Up @@ -85,6 +85,13 @@ parser.add_argument('--storage-dtype', dest='storage_dtype', type=str,
default='int8', help='The data type for the entries of the LD matrix.',
choices={'float32', 'float64', 'int16', 'int8'})

# Other options:
parser.add_argument('--compute-spectral-properties', dest='compute_spectral',
help='Compute and store the spectral properties of the '
'LD matrix (e.g. eigenvalues, eigenvectors).')

# Add arguments for the compressor:
parser.add_argument('--compressor', dest='compressor', type=str,
default='zstd', help='The compressor name or compression algorithm to use for the LD matrix.',
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,6 +233,7 @@ ld_mat = g.compute_ld(args.estimator,

# Store metadata (if provided):
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54 changes: 29 additions & 25 deletions docs/commandline/
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Expand Up @@ -17,36 +17,36 @@ Which outputs the following help message:


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Modeling and Analysis of Genetics data in python
Version: 0.1.0 | Release date: April 2024
Author: Shadi Zabad, McGill University
< Compute LD matrix and output in Zarr format >
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Modeling and Analysis of Genetics data in python
Version: 0.1.4 | Release date: June 2024
Author: Shadi Zabad, McGill University
< Compute LD matrix and store in Zarr format >
usage: magenpy_ld [-h] [--estimator {shrinkage,windowed,block,sample}] --bfile BED_FILE [--keep KEEP_FILE] [--extract EXTRACT_FILE]
[--backend {plink,xarray}] [--temp-dir TEMP_DIR] --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR [--min-maf MIN_MAF] [--min-mac MIN_MAC]
[--genome-build GENOME_BUILD] [--metadata METADATA] [--storage-dtype {int8,float32,int16,float64}]
[--compressor {zstd,lz4,zlib,gzip}] [--compression-level COMPRESSION_LEVEL] [--ld-window LD_WINDOW] [--ld-window-kb LD_WINDOW_KB]
[--ld-window-cm LD_WINDOW_CM] [--ld-blocks LD_BLOCKS] [--genmap-Ne GENMAP_NE] [--genmap-sample-size GENMAP_SS]
[--shrinkage-cutoff SHRINK_CUTOFF]
usage: magenpy_ld [-h] [--estimator {shrinkage,block,windowed,sample}] --bfile BED_FILE [--keep KEEP_FILE] [--extract EXTRACT_FILE]
[--backend {xarray,plink}] [--temp-dir TEMP_DIR] --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR [--min-maf MIN_MAF] [--min-mac MIN_MAC]
[--genome-build GENOME_BUILD] [--metadata METADATA] [--storage-dtype {float64,float32,int16,int8}]
[--compute-spectral-properties] [--compressor {lz4,zlib,zstd,gzip}] [--compression-level COMPRESSION_LEVEL]
[--ld-window LD_WINDOW] [--ld-window-kb LD_WINDOW_KB] [--ld-window-cm LD_WINDOW_CM] [--ld-blocks LD_BLOCKS]
[--genmap-Ne GENMAP_NE] [--genmap-sample-size GENMAP_SS] [--shrinkage-cutoff SHRINK_CUTOFF]
Commandline arguments for LD matrix computation
Commandline arguments for LD matrix computation and storage
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--estimator {shrinkage,windowed,block,sample}
--estimator {shrinkage,block,windowed,sample}
The LD estimator (windowed, shrinkage, block, sample)
--bfile BED_FILE The path to a plink BED file.
--keep KEEP_FILE A plink-style keep file to select a subset of individuals to compute the LD matrices.
--extract EXTRACT_FILE
A plink-style extract file to select a subset of SNPs to compute the LD matrix for.
--backend {plink,xarray}
--backend {xarray,plink}
The backend software used to compute the Linkage-Disequilibrium between variants.
--temp-dir TEMP_DIR The temporary directory where we store intermediate files.
--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
Expand All @@ -55,12 +55,15 @@ options:
--min-mac MIN_MAC The minimum minor allele count for variants included in the LD matrix.
--genome-build GENOME_BUILD
The genome build for the genotype data (recommend storing as metadata).
--metadata METADATA A comma-separated string with metadata keys and values. This is used to store information about the genotype data from which
the LD matrix was computed, such as the biobank/samples, cohort characteristics (e.g. ancestry), etc. Keys and values should
be separated by =, such that inputs are in the form of:--metadata Biobank=UKB,Ancestry=EUR,Date=April2024
--storage-dtype {int8,float32,int16,float64}
--metadata METADATA A comma-separated string with metadata keys and values. This is used to store information about the genotype data
from which the LD matrix was computed, such as the biobank/samples, cohort characteristics (e.g. ancestry), etc.
Keys and values should be separated by =, such that inputs are in the form of:--metadata
--storage-dtype {float64,float32,int16,int8}
The data type for the entries of the LD matrix.
--compressor {zstd,lz4,zlib,gzip}
Compute and store the spectral properties of the LD matrix (e.g. eigenvalues, eigenvectors).
--compressor {lz4,zlib,zstd,gzip}
The compressor name or compression algorithm to use for the LD matrix.
--compression-level COMPRESSION_LEVEL
The compression level to use for the entries of the LD matrix (1-9).
Expand All @@ -78,5 +81,6 @@ options:
The sample size for the dataset used to infer the genetic map.
--shrinkage-cutoff SHRINK_CUTOFF
The cutoff value below which we assume that the correlation between variants is zero.
34 changes: 17 additions & 17 deletions docs/commandline/
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Expand Up @@ -18,22 +18,22 @@ Which outputs the following help message:


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|___/ |_| |___/
Modeling and Analysis of Genetics data in python
Version: 0.1.0 | Release date: April 2024
Author: Shadi Zabad, McGill University
< Simulate complex quantitative or case-control traits >
_ __ ___ __ _ __ _ ___ _ __ _ __ _ _
| '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '_ \| '_ \| | | |
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Modeling and Analysis of Genetics data in python
Version: 0.1.4 | Release date: June 2024
Author: Shadi Zabad, McGill University
< Simulate complex quantitative or case-control traits >
usage: magenpy_simulate [-h] --bfile BED_FILE [--keep KEEP_FILE] [--extract EXTRACT_FILE] [--backend {plink,xarray}] [--temp-dir TEMP_DIR]
--output-file OUTPUT_FILE [--output-simulated-beta] [--min-maf MIN_MAF] [--min-mac MIN_MAC] --h2 H2 [--mix-prop MIX_PROP]
[--prop-causal PROP_CAUSAL] [--var-mult VAR_MULT] [--phenotype-likelihood {binomial,gaussian}] [--prevalence PREVALENCE]
[--seed SEED]
--output-file OUTPUT_FILE [--output-simulated-beta] [--min-maf MIN_MAF] [--min-mac MIN_MAC] --h2 H2
[--mix-prop MIX_PROP] [--prop-causal PROP_CAUSAL] [--var-mult VAR_MULT]
[--phenotype-likelihood {gaussian,binomial}] [--prevalence PREVALENCE] [--seed SEED]
Commandline arguments for the complex trait simulator
Expand All @@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ options:
--min-maf MIN_MAF The minimum minor allele frequency for variants included in the simulation.
--min-mac MIN_MAC The minimum minor allele count for variants included in the simulation.
--h2 H2 Trait heritability. Ranges between 0. and 1., inclusive.
--mix-prop MIX_PROP Mixing proportions for the mixture density (comma separated). For example, for the spike-and-slab mixture density, with the
proportion of causal variants set to 0.1, you can specify: "--mix-prop 0.9,0.1 --var-mult 0,1".
--mix-prop MIX_PROP Mixing proportions for the mixture density (comma separated). For example, for the spike-and-slab mixture density,
with the proportion of causal variants set to 0.1, you can specify: "--mix-prop 0.9,0.1 --var-mult 0,1".
--prop-causal PROP_CAUSAL, -p PROP_CAUSAL
The proportion of causal variants in the simulation. See --mix-prop for more complex architectures specification.
--var-mult VAR_MULT, -d VAR_MULT
Multipliers on the variance for each mixture component.
--phenotype-likelihood {binomial,gaussian}
--phenotype-likelihood {gaussian,binomial}
The likelihood for the simulated trait: gaussian (e.g. quantitative) or binomial (e.g. case-control).
--prevalence PREVALENCE
The prevalence of cases (or proportion of positives) for binary traits. Ranges between 0. and 1.
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18 changes: 15 additions & 3 deletions magenpy/
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Expand Up @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def __init__(self,
:param drop_duplicated: If True, drop SNPs with duplicated rsID.
:param phenotype_likelihood: The likelihood of the phenotype (e.g. `gaussian`, `binomial`).
:param sumstats_files: The path to the summary statistics file(s). The path may be a wildcard.
:param sumstats_format: The format for the summary statistics. Currently supports the following
:param sumstats_format: The format for the summary statistics. Currently, supports the following
formats: `plink1.9`, `plink2`, `magenpy`, `fastGWA`, `COJO`, `SAIGE`, or `GWASCatalog` for the standard
summary statistics format (also known as `ssf` or `gwas-ssf`).
:param ld_store_files: The path to the LD matrices. This may be a wildcard to accommodate reading data
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -592,7 +592,11 @@ def read_ld(self, ld_store_paths):

if not iterable(ld_store_paths):
ld_store_files = get_filenames(ld_store_paths, extension='.zgroup')
if 's3://' in ld_store_paths:
from .utils.system_utils import glob_s3_path
ld_store_files = glob_s3_path(ld_store_paths)
ld_store_files = get_filenames(ld_store_paths, extension='.zgroup')
ld_store_files = ld_store_paths

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -634,6 +638,7 @@ def compute_ld(self,
Compute the Linkage-Disequilibrium (LD) matrix or SNP-by-SNP Pearson
Expand All @@ -650,6 +655,7 @@ def compute_ld(self,
and integer quantized data types int8 and int16).
:param compressor_name: The name of the compression algorithm to use for the LD matrix.
:param compression_level: The compression level to use for the entries of the LD matrix (1-9).
:param compute_spectral_properties: If True, compute the spectral properties of the LD matrix.
:param ld_kwargs: keyword arguments for the various LD estimators. Consult
the implementations of `WindowedLD`, `ShrinkageLD`, and `BlockLD` for details.
Expand All @@ -663,6 +669,7 @@ def compute_ld(self,
for c, g in tqdm(sorted(self.genotype.items(), key=lambda x: x[0]),
Expand All @@ -672,7 +679,8 @@ def compute_ld(self,

def get_ld_matrices(self):
:return: The LD matrices computed for each chromosome.
:return: A dictionary containing the chromosome ID as key and corresponding LD matrices
as value.
return self.ld

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -849,6 +857,7 @@ def to_individual_table(self):
:return: A plink-style dataframe of individual IDs, in the form of
Family ID (FID) and Individual ID (IID).
assert self.sample_table is not None

return self.sample_table.get_individual_table()

Expand All @@ -858,6 +867,8 @@ def to_phenotype_table(self):
Individual ID (IID), and phenotype value.

assert self.sample_table is not None

return self.sample_table.get_phenotype_table()

def to_snp_table(self, col_subset=None, per_chromosome=False, resource='auto'):
Expand All @@ -879,6 +890,7 @@ def to_snp_table(self, col_subset=None, per_chromosome=False, resource='auto'):

# Sanity checks:
assert resource in ('auto', 'genotype', 'ld', 'sumstats')

if resource != 'auto':
if resource == 'genotype' and self.genotype is None:
raise ValueError("Genotype matrix is not available!")
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion magenpy/
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Expand Up @@ -343,6 +343,7 @@ def compute_ld(self,
Expand All @@ -359,6 +360,8 @@ def compute_ld(self,
:param compression_level: The compression level for the Zarr array (1-9)
:param ld_kwargs: keyword arguments for the various LD estimators. Consult
the implementations of `WindowedLD`, `ShrinkageLD`, and `BlockLD` for details.
:param compute_spectral_properties: If True, compute and store information about the eigenvalues of
the LD matrix.

from .stats.ld.estimator import SampleLD, WindowedLD, ShrinkageLD, BlockLD
Expand All @@ -382,7 +385,8 @@ def compute_ld(self,,

def set_sample_table(self, sample_table):
Expand Down

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