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Sample Angular project like it has for React #651

Sample Angular project like it has for React

Sample Angular project like it has for React #651

name: Workflow Labeling
types: [labeled]
if: ${{ github.repository == 'siemens/ix' }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Useful if we try to also integrate other labels
# - name: Find comments
# id: find_comments
# uses: actions-cool/issues-helper@v3
# with:
# actions: 'find-comments'
# token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
# issue-number: ${{ github.event.issue.number }}
# comment-auth: 'github-actions[bot]'
# body-includes: '🤖 Hello '
# - uses: actions/github-script@v7
# id: filter-comment
# env:
# COMMENTS_RESULT: ${{ steps.find_comments.outputs.comments }}
# with:
# script: |
# const { COMMENTS_RESULT } = process.env;
# const comments = JSON.parse(COMMENTS_RESULT);
# if (comments.length === 1) {
# return comments[0].id;
# }
# return '';
# result-encoding: string
- name: Jira Ticket created
if: "contains(, 'Workflow: Issue created')"
uses: actions-cool/issues-helper@v3
actions: 'create-comment'
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
body: |
🤖 Hello @${{ github.event.issue.user.login }}
Your issue will be analyzed and is part of our internal workflow.
To get informed about our workflow please checkout the [Contributing Guidelines](
JIRA: IX-000