diff --git a/.changeset/chilled-years-battle.md b/.changeset/chilled-years-battle.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2aa70171dc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.changeset/chilled-years-battle.md
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+'@siemens/ix-react': major
+- Add `nextjs@15` support.
+- Introduced new `ssr` components, which must be utilized on the server side.
+import { IxBlind } from '@siemens/ix-react/ssr';
+export default async function Home() {
+ return (
+ );
diff --git a/.changeset/happy-otters-compare.md b/.changeset/happy-otters-compare.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..66464b3355f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.changeset/happy-otters-compare.md
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+'@siemens/ix-react': major
+Add `react@19` support
diff --git a/.github/workflows/actions/turbo/action.yml b/.github/workflows/actions/turbo/action.yml
index 1931a95b1af..1ef426166f4 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/actions/turbo/action.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/actions/turbo/action.yml
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ runs:
- name: Setup Node.js environment
uses: actions/setup-node@v3
- node-version: 20
+ node-version: 22
cache: 'pnpm'
- name: Get pnpm store directory
diff --git a/packages/core/package.json b/packages/core/package.json
index b03df2e12a2..fd161cb4b4b 100644
--- a/packages/core/package.json
+++ b/packages/core/package.json
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@
"@stencil-community/eslint-plugin": "^0.7.2",
"@stencil-community/postcss": "^2.2.0",
"@stencil/angular-output-target": "^0.9.0",
- "@stencil/react-output-target": "^0.7.1",
+ "@stencil/core": "^4.23.2",
+ "@stencil/react-output-target": "^0.8.2",
"@stencil/sass": "^3.0.12",
"@stencil/vue-output-target": "0.8.8",
"@testing-library/dom": "^10.4.0",
diff --git a/packages/core/stencil.config.ts b/packages/core/stencil.config.ts
index b520315c3d5..043c3712464 100644
--- a/packages/core/stencil.config.ts
+++ b/packages/core/stencil.config.ts
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
import { postcss } from '@stencil-community/postcss';
import { angularOutputTarget } from '@stencil/angular-output-target';
import { Config } from '@stencil/core';
-import { reactOutputTarget } from './scripts/build/react';
+import { reactOutputTarget } from '@stencil/react-output-target';
import { sass } from '@stencil/sass';
import { vueOutputTarget } from '@stencil/vue-output-target';
import autoprefixer from 'autoprefixer';
@@ -100,8 +100,13 @@ export const config: Config = {
stencilPackageName: corePackageName,
- outDir: '../react/src/components',
- esModules: true,
+ outDir: '../react/src',
+ excludeComponents: ['ix-tree', 'ix-tree-item', 'ix-icon'],
+ }),
+ reactOutputTarget({
+ stencilPackageName: corePackageName,
+ outDir: '../react/src/ssr',
+ hydrateModule: '@siemens/ix/hydrate',
excludeComponents: ['ix-tree', 'ix-tree-item', 'ix-icon'],
diff --git a/packages/nextjs-test-app/.gitignore b/packages/nextjs-test-app/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d32cc78b89f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/nextjs-test-app/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# See https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files/ for more about ignoring files.
+# dependencies
+# testing
+# next.js
+# production
+# misc
+# debug
+# env files (can opt-in for committing if needed)
+# vercel
+# typescript
diff --git a/packages/nextjs-test-app/README.md b/packages/nextjs-test-app/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e215bc4ccf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/nextjs-test-app/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+This is a [Next.js](https://nextjs.org) project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`](https://nextjs.org/docs/app/api-reference/cli/create-next-app).
+## Getting Started
+First, run the development server:
+npm run dev
+# or
+yarn dev
+# or
+pnpm dev
+# or
+bun dev
+Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result.
+You can start editing the page by modifying `app/page.tsx`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
+This project uses [`next/font`](https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/optimizing/fonts) to automatically optimize and load [Geist](https://vercel.com/font), a new font family for Vercel.
+## Learn More
+To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
+- [Next.js Documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs) - learn about Next.js features and API.
+- [Learn Next.js](https://nextjs.org/learn) - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
+You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository](https://github.com/vercel/next.js) - your feedback and contributions are welcome!
+## Deploy on Vercel
+The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform](https://vercel.com/new?utm_medium=default-template&filter=next.js&utm_source=create-next-app&utm_campaign=create-next-app-readme) from the creators of Next.js.
+Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation](https://nextjs.org/docs/app/building-your-application/deploying) for more details.
diff --git a/packages/nextjs-test-app/next.config.ts b/packages/nextjs-test-app/next.config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e9ffa3083ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/nextjs-test-app/next.config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+import type { NextConfig } from "next";
+const nextConfig: NextConfig = {
+ /* config options here */
+export default nextConfig;
diff --git a/packages/nextjs-test-app/package.json b/packages/nextjs-test-app/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b7cfe8afffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/nextjs-test-app/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "name": "nextjs-test-app",
+ "version": "0.1.0",
+ "private": true,
+ "scripts": {
+ "build": "next build",
+ "start": "next dev"
+ },
+ "dependencies": {
+ "@siemens/ix": "workspace:*",
+ "@siemens/ix-react": "workspace:*",
+ "next": "^15.1.4",
+ "react": "^19",
+ "react-dom": "^19"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "@types/node": "^20",
+ "@types/react": "^19",
+ "@types/react-dom": "^19",
+ "typescript": "^5"
+ }
diff --git a/packages/nextjs-test-app/src/app/favicon.ico b/packages/nextjs-test-app/src/app/favicon.ico
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..718d6fea483
Binary files /dev/null and b/packages/nextjs-test-app/src/app/favicon.ico differ
diff --git a/packages/nextjs-test-app/src/app/globals.css b/packages/nextjs-test-app/src/app/globals.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e3734be15e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/nextjs-test-app/src/app/globals.css
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+:root {
+ --background: #ffffff;
+ --foreground: #171717;
+@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
+ :root {
+ --background: #0a0a0a;
+ --foreground: #ededed;
+ }
+body {
+ max-width: 100vw;
+ overflow-x: hidden;
+body {
+ color: var(--foreground);
+ background: var(--background);
+ font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+ -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
+ -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
+* {
+ box-sizing: border-box;
+ padding: 0;
+ margin: 0;
+a {
+ color: inherit;
+ text-decoration: none;
+@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
+ html {
+ color-scheme: dark;
+ }
diff --git a/packages/nextjs-test-app/src/app/layout.tsx b/packages/nextjs-test-app/src/app/layout.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e1632fa707c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/nextjs-test-app/src/app/layout.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+import type { Metadata } from 'next';
+import './globals.css';
+import '@siemens/ix/dist/siemens-ix/siemens-ix.css';
+export const metadata: Metadata = {
+ title: 'Create Next App',
+ description: 'Generated by create next app',
+export default function RootLayout({
+ children,
+}: Readonly<{
+ children: React.ReactNode;
+}>) {
+ return (
+ {children}
+ );
diff --git a/packages/nextjs-test-app/src/app/page.module.css b/packages/nextjs-test-app/src/app/page.module.css
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..09d2b9cfa5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/nextjs-test-app/src/app/page.module.css
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+.page {
+ display: grid;
+ grid-template-rows: 20px 1fr 20px;
+ align-items: center;
+ justify-items: center;
+ min-height: 100svh;
+ padding: 80px;
+ gap: 64px;
+.main {
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
+ gap: 32px;
+ grid-row-start: 2;
+ width: 100%;
diff --git a/packages/nextjs-test-app/src/app/page.tsx b/packages/nextjs-test-app/src/app/page.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e98eb64a03f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/nextjs-test-app/src/app/page.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import styles from './page.module.css';
+import { IxBlind } from '@siemens/ix-react/ssr';
+export default async function Home() {
+ return (
+ Hello World!
+ );
diff --git a/packages/nextjs-test-app/tsconfig.json b/packages/nextjs-test-app/tsconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c1334095f87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/nextjs-test-app/tsconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+ "compilerOptions": {
+ "target": "ES2017",
+ "lib": ["dom", "dom.iterable", "esnext"],
+ "allowJs": true,
+ "skipLibCheck": true,
+ "strict": true,
+ "noEmit": true,
+ "esModuleInterop": true,
+ "module": "esnext",
+ "moduleResolution": "bundler",
+ "resolveJsonModule": true,
+ "isolatedModules": true,
+ "jsx": "preserve",
+ "incremental": true,
+ "plugins": [
+ {
+ "name": "next"
+ }
+ ],
+ "paths": {
+ "@/*": ["./src/*"]
+ }
+ },
+ "include": ["next-env.d.ts", "**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx", ".next/types/**/*.ts"],
+ "exclude": ["node_modules"]
diff --git a/packages/react-test-app/package.json b/packages/react-test-app/package.json
index feb482dfdda..abb5873f8f4 100644
--- a/packages/react-test-app/package.json
+++ b/packages/react-test-app/package.json
@@ -23,16 +23,16 @@
"echarts-for-react": "~3.0.2",
"echarts-gl": "^2.0.9",
"html-test-app": "workspace:*",
- "react": "^18.3.1",
- "react-dom": "^18.3.1",
+ "react": "^19",
+ "react-dom": "^19",
"react-hook-form": "^7.52.1",
"react-router-dom": "^6.25.1",
"web-vitals": "^2.1.4"
"devDependencies": {
- "@types/react": "^18",
- "@types/react-dom": "^18",
- "@vitejs/plugin-react": "^4.3.2",
+ "@types/react": "^19",
+ "@types/react-dom": "^19",
+ "@vitejs/plugin-react": "^4.3.4",
"rollup-plugin-react-scoped-css": "^1.1.0",
"typescript": "^5.5.3",
"typescript-eslint": "^8.7.0",
diff --git a/packages/react/package.json b/packages/react/package.json
index 2020c7a3675..72db9d0ae51 100644
--- a/packages/react/package.json
+++ b/packages/react/package.json
@@ -20,6 +20,10 @@
".": {
"import": "./dist/index.js",
"types": "./dist/types/index.d.ts"
+ },
+ "./ssr": {
+ "import": "./dist/ssr.js",
+ "types": "./dist/types/ssr/components.d.ts"
"scripts": {
@@ -46,8 +50,8 @@
"happy-dom": "^14.12.3",
"jest": "^29.7.0",
"jest-environment-jsdom": "^29.7.0",
- "react": "^18.3.1",
- "react-dom": "^18.3.1",
+ "react": "^18",
+ "react-dom": "^18",
"rimraf": "^6.0.1",
"rollup": "^4.24.0",
"rollup-plugin-preserve-directives": "^0.4.0",
@@ -57,12 +61,12 @@
"peerDependencies": {
"@siemens/ix-icons": "0.0.0-pr-72-20250227071449",
- "react": ">=18.3.1",
- "react-dom": ">=18.3.1"
+ "react": "^18 || ^19",
+ "react-dom": "^18 || ^19"
"dependencies": {
"@siemens/ix": "~2.7.0",
- "@stencil/react-output-target": "^0.7.1",
+ "@stencil/react-output-target": "^0.8.2",
"tslib": "*"
diff --git a/packages/react/rollup.config.mjs b/packages/react/rollup.config.mjs
index 2a1605b57bc..1df54b7740b 100644
--- a/packages/react/rollup.config.mjs
+++ b/packages/react/rollup.config.mjs
@@ -7,10 +7,9 @@ const __dirname = resolve();
const external = ['react', 'react-dom', 'react-dom/client', 'tslib'];
export default {
- input: 'src/index.ts',
output: [
- dir: 'dist/',
+ dir: 'dist',
entryFileNames: '[name].js',
chunkFileNames: '[name]-[hash].js',
format: 'es',
@@ -18,6 +17,11 @@ export default {
preserveModules: true,
+ input: {
+ index: 'src/index.ts',
+ ssr: 'src/ssr/components.ts',
+ },
plugins: [
tsconfig: resolve(__dirname, 'tsconfig.lib.json'),
@@ -30,7 +34,8 @@ export default {
id.startsWith('@siemens/ix') ||
id.startsWith('@siemens/ix/hydrate') ||
id.startsWith('@siemens/ix-icons') ||
- id.startsWith('@stencil/react-output-target')
+ id.startsWith('@stencil/react-output-target') ||
+ id.startsWith('@stencil/react-output-target/runtime')
diff --git a/packages/react/src/components.ts b/packages/react/src/components.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..34912ed51f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/react/src/components.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1409 @@
+'use client';
+ * This file was automatically generated by the Stencil React Output Target.
+ * Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if the code is regenerated.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable */
+import { type BorderlessChangedEvent, type CustomCloseEvent, type CustomLabelChangeEvent, type DateChangeEvent, type DateInputValidityState, type DateRangeChangeEvent, type DateTimeDateChangeEvent, type DateTimeSelectEvent, type ExpandedChangedEvent, type FilterState, type InputState, type IxBreadcrumbCustomEvent, type IxCardListCustomEvent, type IxCategoryFilterCustomEvent, type IxDateDropdownCustomEvent, type IxDateInputCustomEvent, type IxDatePickerCustomEvent, type IxDatetimePickerCustomEvent, type IxGroupItemCustomEvent, type IxInputCustomEvent, type IxMenuAboutCustomEvent, type IxMenuAboutItemCustomEvent, type IxMenuAboutNewsCustomEvent, type IxMenuAvatarItemCustomEvent, type IxMenuSettingsCustomEvent, type IxMenuSettingsItemCustomEvent, type IxModalHeaderCustomEvent, type IxNumberInputCustomEvent, type IxPaneCustomEvent, type IxSplitButtonCustomEvent, type IxTabItemCustomEvent, type IxTextareaCustomEvent, type IxUploadCustomEvent, type TabClickDetail, type VariantChangedEvent } from "@siemens/ix";
+import { IxActionCard as IxActionCardElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxActionCard } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-action-card.js";
+import { IxApplicationHeader as IxApplicationHeaderElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxApplicationHeader } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-application-header.js";
+import { IxApplication as IxApplicationElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxApplication } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-application.js";
+import { IxAvatar as IxAvatarElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxAvatar } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-avatar.js";
+import { IxBasicNavigation as IxBasicNavigationElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxBasicNavigation } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-basic-navigation.js";
+import { IxBlind as IxBlindElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxBlind } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-blind.js";
+import { IxBreadcrumbItem as IxBreadcrumbItemElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxBreadcrumbItem } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-breadcrumb-item.js";
+import { IxBreadcrumb as IxBreadcrumbElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxBreadcrumb } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-breadcrumb.js";
+import { IxButton as IxButtonElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxButton } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-button.js";
+import { IxCardAccordion as IxCardAccordionElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxCardAccordion } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-card-accordion.js";
+import { IxCardContent as IxCardContentElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxCardContent } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-card-content.js";
+import { IxCardList as IxCardListElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxCardList } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-card-list.js";
+import { IxCardTitle as IxCardTitleElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxCardTitle } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-card-title.js";
+import { IxCard as IxCardElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxCard } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-card.js";
+import { IxCategoryFilter as IxCategoryFilterElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxCategoryFilter } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-category-filter.js";
+import { IxCheckboxGroup as IxCheckboxGroupElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxCheckboxGroup } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-checkbox-group.js";
+import { IxCheckbox as IxCheckboxElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxCheckbox } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-checkbox.js";
+import { IxChip as IxChipElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxChip } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-chip.js";
+import { IxCol as IxColElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxCol } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-col.js";
+import { IxContentHeader as IxContentHeaderElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxContentHeader } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-content-header.js";
+import { IxContent as IxContentElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxContent } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-content.js";
+import { IxCustomField as IxCustomFieldElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxCustomField } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-custom-field.js";
+import { IxDateDropdown as IxDateDropdownElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxDateDropdown } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-date-dropdown.js";
+import { IxDateInput as IxDateInputElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxDateInput } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-date-input.js";
+import { IxDatePicker as IxDatePickerElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxDatePicker } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-date-picker.js";
+import { IxDatetimePicker as IxDatetimePickerElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxDatetimePicker } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-datetime-picker.js";
+import { IxDivider as IxDividerElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxDivider } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-divider.js";
+import { IxDrawer as IxDrawerElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxDrawer } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-drawer.js";
+import { IxDropdownButton as IxDropdownButtonElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxDropdownButton } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-dropdown-button.js";
+import { IxDropdownHeader as IxDropdownHeaderElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxDropdownHeader } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-dropdown-header.js";
+import { IxDropdownItem as IxDropdownItemElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxDropdownItem } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-dropdown-item.js";
+import { IxDropdownQuickActions as IxDropdownQuickActionsElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxDropdownQuickActions } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-dropdown-quick-actions.js";
+import { IxDropdown as IxDropdownElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxDropdown } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-dropdown.js";
+import { IxEmptyState as IxEmptyStateElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxEmptyState } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-empty-state.js";
+import { IxEventListItem as IxEventListItemElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxEventListItem } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-event-list-item.js";
+import { IxEventList as IxEventListElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxEventList } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-event-list.js";
+import { IxExpandingSearch as IxExpandingSearchElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxExpandingSearch } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-expanding-search.js";
+import { IxFieldLabel as IxFieldLabelElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxFieldLabel } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-field-label.js";
+import { IxFilterChip as IxFilterChipElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxFilterChip } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-filter-chip.js";
+import { IxFlipTileContent as IxFlipTileContentElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxFlipTileContent } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-flip-tile-content.js";
+import { IxFlipTile as IxFlipTileElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxFlipTile } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-flip-tile.js";
+import { IxGroupContextMenu as IxGroupContextMenuElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxGroupContextMenu } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-group-context-menu.js";
+import { IxGroupItem as IxGroupItemElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxGroupItem } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-group-item.js";
+import { IxGroup as IxGroupElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxGroup } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-group.js";
+import { IxHelperText as IxHelperTextElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxHelperText } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-helper-text.js";
+import { IxIconButton as IxIconButtonElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxIconButton } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-icon-button.js";
+import { IxIconToggleButton as IxIconToggleButtonElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxIconToggleButton } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-icon-toggle-button.js";
+import { IxInputGroup as IxInputGroupElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxInputGroup } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-input-group.js";
+import { IxInput as IxInputElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxInput } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-input.js";
+import { IxKeyValueList as IxKeyValueListElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxKeyValueList } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-key-value-list.js";
+import { IxKeyValue as IxKeyValueElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxKeyValue } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-key-value.js";
+import { IxKpi as IxKpiElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxKpi } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-kpi.js";
+import { IxLayoutAuto as IxLayoutAutoElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxLayoutAuto } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-layout-auto.js";
+import { IxLayoutGrid as IxLayoutGridElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxLayoutGrid } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-layout-grid.js";
+import { IxLinkButton as IxLinkButtonElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxLinkButton } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-link-button.js";
+import { IxMapNavigationOverlay as IxMapNavigationOverlayElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxMapNavigationOverlay } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-map-navigation-overlay.js";
+import { IxMapNavigation as IxMapNavigationElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxMapNavigation } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-map-navigation.js";
+import { IxMenuAboutItem as IxMenuAboutItemElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxMenuAboutItem } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-menu-about-item.js";
+import { IxMenuAboutNews as IxMenuAboutNewsElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxMenuAboutNews } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-menu-about-news.js";
+import { IxMenuAbout as IxMenuAboutElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxMenuAbout } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-menu-about.js";
+import { IxMenuAvatarItem as IxMenuAvatarItemElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxMenuAvatarItem } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-menu-avatar-item.js";
+import { IxMenuAvatar as IxMenuAvatarElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxMenuAvatar } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-menu-avatar.js";
+import { IxMenuCategory as IxMenuCategoryElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxMenuCategory } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-menu-category.js";
+import { IxMenuItem as IxMenuItemElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxMenuItem } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-menu-item.js";
+import { IxMenuSettingsItem as IxMenuSettingsItemElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxMenuSettingsItem } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-menu-settings-item.js";
+import { IxMenuSettings as IxMenuSettingsElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxMenuSettings } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-menu-settings.js";
+import { IxMenu as IxMenuElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxMenu } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-menu.js";
+import { IxMessageBar as IxMessageBarElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxMessageBar } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-message-bar.js";
+import { IxModalContent as IxModalContentElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxModalContent } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-modal-content.js";
+import { IxModalFooter as IxModalFooterElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxModalFooter } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-modal-footer.js";
+import { IxModalHeader as IxModalHeaderElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxModalHeader } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-modal-header.js";
+import { IxModal as IxModalElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxModal } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-modal.js";
+import { IxNumberInput as IxNumberInputElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxNumberInput } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-number-input.js";
+import { IxPagination as IxPaginationElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxPagination } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-pagination.js";
+import { IxPaneLayout as IxPaneLayoutElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxPaneLayout } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-pane-layout.js";
+import { IxPane as IxPaneElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxPane } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-pane.js";
+import { IxPill as IxPillElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxPill } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-pill.js";
+import { IxPushCard as IxPushCardElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxPushCard } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-push-card.js";
+import { IxRadioGroup as IxRadioGroupElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxRadioGroup } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-radio-group.js";
+import { IxRadio as IxRadioElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxRadio } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-radio.js";
+import { IxRow as IxRowElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxRow } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-row.js";
+import { IxSelectItem as IxSelectItemElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxSelectItem } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-select-item.js";
+import { IxSelect as IxSelectElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxSelect } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-select.js";
+import { IxSlider as IxSliderElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxSlider } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-slider.js";
+import { IxSpinner as IxSpinnerElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxSpinner } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-spinner.js";
+import { IxSplitButton as IxSplitButtonElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxSplitButton } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-split-button.js";
+import { IxTabItem as IxTabItemElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxTabItem } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-tab-item.js";
+import { IxTabs as IxTabsElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxTabs } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-tabs.js";
+import { IxTextarea as IxTextareaElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxTextarea } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-textarea.js";
+import { IxTile as IxTileElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxTile } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-tile.js";
+import { IxTimePicker as IxTimePickerElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxTimePicker } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-time-picker.js";
+import { IxToastContainer as IxToastContainerElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxToastContainer } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-toast-container.js";
+import { IxToast as IxToastElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxToast } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-toast.js";
+import { IxToggleButton as IxToggleButtonElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxToggleButton } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-toggle-button.js";
+import { IxToggle as IxToggleElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxToggle } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-toggle.js";
+import { IxTooltip as IxTooltipElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxTooltip } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-tooltip.js";
+import { IxTypography as IxTypographyElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxTypography } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-typography.js";
+import { IxUpload as IxUploadElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxUpload } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-upload.js";
+import { IxValidationTooltip as IxValidationTooltipElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxValidationTooltip } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-validation-tooltip.js";
+import { IxWorkflowStep as IxWorkflowStepElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxWorkflowStep } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-workflow-step.js";
+import { IxWorkflowSteps as IxWorkflowStepsElement, defineCustomElement as defineIxWorkflowSteps } from "@siemens/ix/components/ix-workflow-steps.js";
+import type { EventName, StencilReactComponent } from '@stencil/react-output-target/runtime';
+import { createComponent } from '@stencil/react-output-target/runtime';
+import React from 'react';
+type IxActionCardEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxActionCard: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-action-card',
+ elementClass: IxActionCardElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxActionCardEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxActionCard
+type IxApplicationEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxApplication: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-application',
+ elementClass: IxApplicationElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxApplicationEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxApplication
+type IxApplicationHeaderEvents = {
+ onMenuToggle: EventName>,
+ onOpenAppSwitch: EventName>
+export const IxApplicationHeader: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-application-header',
+ elementClass: IxApplicationHeaderElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onMenuToggle: 'menuToggle',
+ onOpenAppSwitch: 'openAppSwitch'
+ } as IxApplicationHeaderEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxApplicationHeader
+type IxAvatarEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxAvatar: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-avatar',
+ elementClass: IxAvatarElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxAvatarEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxAvatar
+type IxBasicNavigationEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxBasicNavigation: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-basic-navigation',
+ elementClass: IxBasicNavigationElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxBasicNavigationEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxBasicNavigation
+type IxBlindEvents = { onCollapsedChange: EventName> };
+export const IxBlind: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-blind',
+ elementClass: IxBlindElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onCollapsedChange: 'collapsedChange' } as IxBlindEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxBlind
+type IxBreadcrumbEvents = {
+ onItemClick: EventName>,
+ onNextClick: EventName>
+export const IxBreadcrumb: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-breadcrumb',
+ elementClass: IxBreadcrumbElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onItemClick: 'itemClick',
+ onNextClick: 'nextClick'
+ } as IxBreadcrumbEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxBreadcrumb
+type IxBreadcrumbItemEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxBreadcrumbItem: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-breadcrumb-item',
+ elementClass: IxBreadcrumbItemElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxBreadcrumbItemEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxBreadcrumbItem
+type IxButtonEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxButton: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-button',
+ elementClass: IxButtonElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxButtonEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxButton
+type IxCardEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxCard: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-card',
+ elementClass: IxCardElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxCardEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxCard
+type IxCardAccordionEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxCardAccordion: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-card-accordion',
+ elementClass: IxCardAccordionElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxCardAccordionEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxCardAccordion
+type IxCardContentEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxCardContent: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-card-content',
+ elementClass: IxCardContentElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxCardContentEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxCardContent
+type IxCardListEvents = {
+ onCollapseChanged: EventName>,
+ onShowAllClick: EventName>,
+ onShowMoreCardClick: EventName>
+export const IxCardList: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-card-list',
+ elementClass: IxCardListElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onCollapseChanged: 'collapseChanged',
+ onShowAllClick: 'showAllClick',
+ onShowMoreCardClick: 'showMoreCardClick'
+ } as IxCardListEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxCardList
+type IxCardTitleEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxCardTitle: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-card-title',
+ elementClass: IxCardTitleElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxCardTitleEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxCardTitle
+type IxCategoryFilterEvents = {
+ onCategoryChanged: EventName>,
+ onInputChanged: EventName>,
+ onFilterChanged: EventName>,
+ onFilterCleared: EventName>
+export const IxCategoryFilter: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-category-filter',
+ elementClass: IxCategoryFilterElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onCategoryChanged: 'categoryChanged',
+ onInputChanged: 'inputChanged',
+ onFilterChanged: 'filterChanged',
+ onFilterCleared: 'filterCleared'
+ } as IxCategoryFilterEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxCategoryFilter
+type IxCheckboxEvents = {
+ onCheckedChange: EventName>,
+ onValueChange: EventName>
+export const IxCheckbox: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-checkbox',
+ elementClass: IxCheckboxElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onCheckedChange: 'checkedChange',
+ onValueChange: 'valueChange'
+ } as IxCheckboxEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxCheckbox
+type IxCheckboxGroupEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxCheckboxGroup: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-checkbox-group',
+ elementClass: IxCheckboxGroupElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxCheckboxGroupEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxCheckboxGroup
+type IxChipEvents = { onCloseChip: EventName> };
+export const IxChip: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-chip',
+ elementClass: IxChipElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onCloseChip: 'closeChip' } as IxChipEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxChip
+type IxColEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxCol: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-col',
+ elementClass: IxColElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxColEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxCol
+type IxContentEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxContent: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-content',
+ elementClass: IxContentElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxContentEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxContent
+type IxContentHeaderEvents = { onBackButtonClick: EventName> };
+export const IxContentHeader: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-content-header',
+ elementClass: IxContentHeaderElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onBackButtonClick: 'backButtonClick' } as IxContentHeaderEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxContentHeader
+type IxCustomFieldEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxCustomField: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-custom-field',
+ elementClass: IxCustomFieldElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxCustomFieldEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxCustomField
+type IxDateDropdownEvents = { onDateRangeChange: EventName> };
+export const IxDateDropdown: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-date-dropdown',
+ elementClass: IxDateDropdownElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onDateRangeChange: 'dateRangeChange' } as IxDateDropdownEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxDateDropdown
+type IxDateInputEvents = {
+ onValueChange: EventName>,
+ onValidityStateChange: EventName>
+export const IxDateInput: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-date-input',
+ elementClass: IxDateInputElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onValueChange: 'valueChange',
+ onValidityStateChange: 'validityStateChange'
+ } as IxDateInputEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxDateInput
+type IxDatePickerEvents = {
+ onDateChange: EventName>,
+ onDateRangeChange: EventName>,
+ onDateSelect: EventName>
+export const IxDatePicker: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-date-picker',
+ elementClass: IxDatePickerElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onDateChange: 'dateChange',
+ onDateRangeChange: 'dateRangeChange',
+ onDateSelect: 'dateSelect'
+ } as IxDatePickerEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxDatePicker
+type IxDatetimePickerEvents = {
+ onTimeChange: EventName>,
+ onDateChange: EventName>,
+ onDateSelect: EventName>
+export const IxDatetimePicker: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-datetime-picker',
+ elementClass: IxDatetimePickerElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onTimeChange: 'timeChange',
+ onDateChange: 'dateChange',
+ onDateSelect: 'dateSelect'
+ } as IxDatetimePickerEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxDatetimePicker
+type IxDividerEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxDivider: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-divider',
+ elementClass: IxDividerElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxDividerEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxDivider
+type IxDrawerEvents = {
+ onOpen: EventName>,
+ onDrawerClose: EventName>
+export const IxDrawer: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-drawer',
+ elementClass: IxDrawerElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onOpen: 'open',
+ onDrawerClose: 'drawerClose'
+ } as IxDrawerEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxDrawer
+type IxDropdownEvents = { onShowChanged: EventName> };
+export const IxDropdown: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-dropdown',
+ elementClass: IxDropdownElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onShowChanged: 'showChanged' } as IxDropdownEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxDropdown
+type IxDropdownButtonEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxDropdownButton: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-dropdown-button',
+ elementClass: IxDropdownButtonElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxDropdownButtonEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxDropdownButton
+type IxDropdownHeaderEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxDropdownHeader: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-dropdown-header',
+ elementClass: IxDropdownHeaderElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxDropdownHeaderEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxDropdownHeader
+type IxDropdownItemEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxDropdownItem: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-dropdown-item',
+ elementClass: IxDropdownItemElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxDropdownItemEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxDropdownItem
+type IxDropdownQuickActionsEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxDropdownQuickActions: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-dropdown-quick-actions',
+ elementClass: IxDropdownQuickActionsElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxDropdownQuickActionsEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxDropdownQuickActions
+type IxEmptyStateEvents = { onActionClick: EventName> };
+export const IxEmptyState: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-empty-state',
+ elementClass: IxEmptyStateElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onActionClick: 'actionClick' } as IxEmptyStateEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxEmptyState
+type IxEventListEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxEventList: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-event-list',
+ elementClass: IxEventListElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxEventListEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxEventList
+type IxEventListItemEvents = { onItemClick: EventName> };
+export const IxEventListItem: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-event-list-item',
+ elementClass: IxEventListItemElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onItemClick: 'itemClick' } as IxEventListItemEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxEventListItem
+type IxExpandingSearchEvents = { onValueChange: EventName> };
+export const IxExpandingSearch: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-expanding-search',
+ elementClass: IxExpandingSearchElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onValueChange: 'valueChange' } as IxExpandingSearchEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxExpandingSearch
+type IxFieldLabelEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxFieldLabel: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-field-label',
+ elementClass: IxFieldLabelElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxFieldLabelEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxFieldLabel
+type IxFilterChipEvents = { onCloseClick: EventName> };
+export const IxFilterChip: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-filter-chip',
+ elementClass: IxFilterChipElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onCloseClick: 'closeClick' } as IxFilterChipEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxFilterChip
+type IxFlipTileEvents = { onToggle: EventName> };
+export const IxFlipTile: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-flip-tile',
+ elementClass: IxFlipTileElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onToggle: 'toggle' } as IxFlipTileEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxFlipTile
+type IxFlipTileContentEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxFlipTileContent: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-flip-tile-content',
+ elementClass: IxFlipTileContentElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxFlipTileContentEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxFlipTileContent
+type IxGroupEvents = {
+ onSelectGroup: EventName>,
+ onSelectItem: EventName>,
+ onCollapsedChanged: EventName>
+export const IxGroup: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-group',
+ elementClass: IxGroupElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onSelectGroup: 'selectGroup',
+ onSelectItem: 'selectItem',
+ onCollapsedChanged: 'collapsedChanged'
+ } as IxGroupEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxGroup
+type IxGroupContextMenuEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxGroupContextMenu: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-group-context-menu',
+ elementClass: IxGroupContextMenuElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxGroupContextMenuEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxGroupContextMenu
+type IxGroupItemEvents = { onSelectedChanged: EventName> };
+export const IxGroupItem: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-group-item',
+ elementClass: IxGroupItemElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onSelectedChanged: 'selectedChanged' } as IxGroupItemEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxGroupItem
+type IxHelperTextEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxHelperText: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-helper-text',
+ elementClass: IxHelperTextElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxHelperTextEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxHelperText
+type IxIconButtonEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxIconButton: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-icon-button',
+ elementClass: IxIconButtonElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxIconButtonEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxIconButton
+type IxIconToggleButtonEvents = { onPressedChange: EventName> };
+export const IxIconToggleButton: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-icon-toggle-button',
+ elementClass: IxIconToggleButtonElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onPressedChange: 'pressedChange' } as IxIconToggleButtonEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxIconToggleButton
+type IxInputEvents = {
+ onValueChange: EventName>,
+ onValidityStateChange: EventName>,
+ onIxBlur: EventName>
+export const IxInput: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-input',
+ elementClass: IxInputElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onValueChange: 'valueChange',
+ onValidityStateChange: 'validityStateChange',
+ onIxBlur: 'ixBlur'
+ } as IxInputEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxInput
+type IxInputGroupEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxInputGroup: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-input-group',
+ elementClass: IxInputGroupElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxInputGroupEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxInputGroup
+type IxKeyValueEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxKeyValue: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-key-value',
+ elementClass: IxKeyValueElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxKeyValueEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxKeyValue
+type IxKeyValueListEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxKeyValueList: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-key-value-list',
+ elementClass: IxKeyValueListElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxKeyValueListEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxKeyValueList
+type IxKpiEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxKpi: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-kpi',
+ elementClass: IxKpiElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxKpiEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxKpi
+type IxLayoutAutoEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxLayoutAuto: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-layout-auto',
+ elementClass: IxLayoutAutoElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxLayoutAutoEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxLayoutAuto
+type IxLayoutGridEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxLayoutGrid: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-layout-grid',
+ elementClass: IxLayoutGridElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxLayoutGridEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxLayoutGrid
+type IxLinkButtonEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxLinkButton: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-link-button',
+ elementClass: IxLinkButtonElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxLinkButtonEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxLinkButton
+type IxMapNavigationEvents = {
+ onNavigationToggled: EventName>,
+ onContextMenuClick: EventName>
+export const IxMapNavigation: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-map-navigation',
+ elementClass: IxMapNavigationElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onNavigationToggled: 'navigationToggled',
+ onContextMenuClick: 'contextMenuClick'
+ } as IxMapNavigationEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxMapNavigation
+type IxMapNavigationOverlayEvents = { onCloseClick: EventName> };
+export const IxMapNavigationOverlay: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-map-navigation-overlay',
+ elementClass: IxMapNavigationOverlayElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onCloseClick: 'closeClick' } as IxMapNavigationOverlayEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxMapNavigationOverlay
+type IxMenuEvents = {
+ onExpandChange: EventName>,
+ onMapExpandChange: EventName>,
+ onOpenAppSwitch: EventName>,
+ onOpenSettings: EventName>,
+ onOpenAbout: EventName>
+export const IxMenu: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-menu',
+ elementClass: IxMenuElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onExpandChange: 'expandChange',
+ onMapExpandChange: 'mapExpandChange',
+ onOpenAppSwitch: 'openAppSwitch',
+ onOpenSettings: 'openSettings',
+ onOpenAbout: 'openAbout'
+ } as IxMenuEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxMenu
+type IxMenuAboutEvents = {
+ onTabChange: EventName>,
+ onClose: EventName>
+export const IxMenuAbout: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-menu-about',
+ elementClass: IxMenuAboutElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onTabChange: 'tabChange',
+ onClose: 'close'
+ } as IxMenuAboutEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxMenuAbout
+type IxMenuAboutItemEvents = { onLabelChange: EventName> };
+export const IxMenuAboutItem: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-menu-about-item',
+ elementClass: IxMenuAboutItemElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onLabelChange: 'labelChange' } as IxMenuAboutItemEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxMenuAboutItem
+type IxMenuAboutNewsEvents = {
+ onShowMore: EventName>,
+ onClosePopover: EventName>
+export const IxMenuAboutNews: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-menu-about-news',
+ elementClass: IxMenuAboutNewsElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onShowMore: 'showMore',
+ onClosePopover: 'closePopover'
+ } as IxMenuAboutNewsEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxMenuAboutNews
+type IxMenuAvatarEvents = { onLogoutClick: EventName> };
+export const IxMenuAvatar: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-menu-avatar',
+ elementClass: IxMenuAvatarElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onLogoutClick: 'logoutClick' } as IxMenuAvatarEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxMenuAvatar
+type IxMenuAvatarItemEvents = { onItemClick: EventName> };
+export const IxMenuAvatarItem: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-menu-avatar-item',
+ elementClass: IxMenuAvatarItemElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onItemClick: 'itemClick' } as IxMenuAvatarItemEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxMenuAvatarItem
+type IxMenuCategoryEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxMenuCategory: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-menu-category',
+ elementClass: IxMenuCategoryElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxMenuCategoryEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxMenuCategory
+type IxMenuItemEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxMenuItem: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-menu-item',
+ elementClass: IxMenuItemElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxMenuItemEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxMenuItem
+type IxMenuSettingsEvents = {
+ onTabChange: EventName>,
+ onClose: EventName>
+export const IxMenuSettings: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-menu-settings',
+ elementClass: IxMenuSettingsElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onTabChange: 'tabChange',
+ onClose: 'close'
+ } as IxMenuSettingsEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxMenuSettings
+type IxMenuSettingsItemEvents = { onLabelChange: EventName> };
+export const IxMenuSettingsItem: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-menu-settings-item',
+ elementClass: IxMenuSettingsItemElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onLabelChange: 'labelChange' } as IxMenuSettingsItemEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxMenuSettingsItem
+type IxMessageBarEvents = {
+ onClosedChange: EventName>,
+ onCloseAnimationCompleted: EventName>
+export const IxMessageBar: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-message-bar',
+ elementClass: IxMessageBarElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onClosedChange: 'closedChange',
+ onCloseAnimationCompleted: 'closeAnimationCompleted'
+ } as IxMessageBarEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxMessageBar
+type IxModalEvents = {
+ onDialogClose: EventName>,
+ onDialogDismiss: EventName>
+export const IxModal: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-modal',
+ elementClass: IxModalElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onDialogClose: 'dialogClose',
+ onDialogDismiss: 'dialogDismiss'
+ } as IxModalEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxModal
+type IxModalContentEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxModalContent: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-modal-content',
+ elementClass: IxModalContentElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxModalContentEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxModalContent
+type IxModalFooterEvents = NonNullable;
+export const IxModalFooter: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-modal-footer',
+ elementClass: IxModalFooterElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {} as IxModalFooterEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxModalFooter
+type IxModalHeaderEvents = { onCloseClick: EventName> };
+export const IxModalHeader: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-modal-header',
+ elementClass: IxModalHeaderElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: { onCloseClick: 'closeClick' } as IxModalHeaderEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxModalHeader
+type IxNumberInputEvents = {
+ onValueChange: EventName>,
+ onValidityStateChange: EventName>,
+ onIxBlur: EventName>
+export const IxNumberInput: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-number-input',
+ elementClass: IxNumberInputElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onValueChange: 'valueChange',
+ onValidityStateChange: 'validityStateChange',
+ onIxBlur: 'ixBlur'
+ } as IxNumberInputEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxNumberInput
+type IxPaginationEvents = {
+ onPageSelected: EventName>,
+ onItemCountChanged: EventName>
+export const IxPagination: StencilReactComponent = /*@__PURE__*/ createComponent({
+ tagName: 'ix-pagination',
+ elementClass: IxPaginationElement,
+ // @ts-ignore - React type of Stencil Output Target may differ from the React version used in the Nuxt.js project, this can be ignored.
+ react: React,
+ events: {
+ onPageSelected: 'pageSelected',
+ onItemCountChanged: 'itemCountChanged'
+ } as IxPaginationEvents,
+ defineCustomElement: defineIxPagination
+type IxPaneEvents = {
+ onExpandedChanged: EventName