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SINE Foundation's demo implementation of the HTTP REST API specified in the PACT Data Exchange Protocol and the iLEAP Technical Specifications.


The demo-api is currently WIP. Significant refactoring will take place in the near future.

How to use the demo API

The demo API is available at


Four user credentials are available:

client_id client_secret Data
hello pathfinder Global access to all sample data
transport_service_user ileap User is a (demo) shipper. Access to ShipmentFootprints and TAD
transport_service_organizer ileap User is (demo) LSP. Access to TOCs, HOCs, and TAD
random_data random_data Access to randomly generated iLEAP data


The following endpoints are available:

  • PACT endpoints (with iLEAP demo data when applicable)
    • /2/auth/token implementing Authenticate action
    • /2/.well-known/openid-configuration: OpenId provider configuration document
    • /2/jwks: the JSON Web Key Set used to encode and sign the authentication token
    • /2/footprints implementing the ListFootprints action
    • /2/footprints/<footprint-id> implementing the GetFootprint action
    • /2/events implementing the Events action
  • iLEAP endpoint
    • /2/ileap/tad
  • Additional endpoints are:
    • /openapi.json: OpenAPI description file which is automatically generated from the types defined in and endpoints defined in
    • Swagger UI: /swagger-ui/ if you fancy a visualization

No further endpoints are supported by this implementation and all return {"message":"Bad Request","code":"BadRequest".

Build instructions

Build requirements

You need a working and up-to-date Rust toolchain installed. See for details.

After having installed rustup, ensure you have the stable toolchain installed like this:

rustup update
rustup toolchain install stable


Once Rust is installed via rustup, just perform

cargo build

Running locally

You first need to create a private key:


Which will create the file keypair.pem for you.

Then, you can run the server like this:

PRIV_KEY=`cat keypair.pem` cargo run

To run it at a different port, e.g. 3333:

ROCKET_PORT=3333 PRIV_KEY=`cat keypair.pem` cargo run

Running the server in a "Production" mode

## building
cargo build --release

## running
export ROCKET_SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -base64 32)
export PRIV_KEY="..."
cargo run --release

The resulting binary can be found in target/release/demo-api