- Sets Default page_size to 20000 #36
- Sets Default start_date to 3 Years Ago for actions and actionUpdates if it is older #33
- Removes implementation of clicks stream as it is deprecated #34
- Date window implementation for actions and actionUpdates #35
- Adds end date in params for Actions and related streams #31
- Dependabot update #25
- Updates integer datatype to String in action_updates schema #21
- Sets empty string as default value for model_id if not configured #23
- Fix model_id parsing error when it is not configured #22
- Added circle, pylint, and bumped to 1.0.0 for GA release
- Fix issue for
. Increase JSON schema decimal digits tomultipleOf
- Add endpoint for
and update documentation, which requires new optionaltap_config.json
- Fix issue with Actions and Action Updates, replace reserved work column
- Initial commit