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Now published in Nature Communications:

Original publication citable release: DOI

Code to reproduce analysis in Singleton et al. 2021 ("Psychedelics flatten the brain's energy landscape: insights from receptor-informed network control theory", BioRxiv.).


This repo relies on EJC code (Cornblath et al. Comms Bio, 2020). That repo (found here: ( has been added to this repo and some functions are slightly modified.


  • MATLAB R2017a or later

  • R 3.2.5 or later, with packages:

    • ggplot2
    • R.matlab
    • RColorBrewer
    • lm.beta
    • reshape2
    • viridis
    • plotrix
  • Friendship and positivity


  • k-means appears to have a bug when handling singles as data-type where it will have difficulty converging compared to the same data converted to a double. Use doubles for your TxnParc time-series data.

General procedure and order of operations:

Each matlab script will need you up update the basedir var to your own path for this repo.

split has options of main, gsr, music, psilo, and sch which represent different replications from the main analysis.

For larger projects, you may need cluster access - with 30x 15 min fMRI scans and 463 ROIs, I was able to perform all of this analysis locally on a 2020 MacBook Pro with a total run time of <1 day. The permutation test requires the most time (12 hrs), followed by replications of k-means (1hr).

You may start by specifying a range of k over which to perform your preliminary analysis. At least 3 independent analyses have now found this ideal range to be 4-6 but you may find something different. To check - run repeatkmeans_sps.m over a range of k [2:max] (see Cornblath et al 2020 for choosing max k) followed by elbow_sps.m to view the variance explained plot.

After a range or particular value of k is chosen, use ami_calc.m to assess clustering stability and choose the partition with the highest amount of adjusted mutual information shared with all other partitions.

You can view radar plots with systems_plot_sps.m and gummi brains with plotcentroidsSPS.m made from code using KJ's atlasblobs repo (here:

You may find you wans to reorder your clusters for simplicity of comparing across choices of k or processing/data streams. To do this you can manually change parition values, centroid order, and cluster names with reorder_clusters_sps.m

Next, transProbs.m will generate figure 4a/b, (i) from manuscript.

countclusters.m will produce the violin data used in figure 3b, while violinplots_sps.R will produce the figures themselves (Figure 3b/c i-iii).

subcentroids.m will generate subject-specific centroids for energy calculations.

T_sweep_sps.m will sweep T and calculate energies then correlate with the emprical tansistion probabilities. Choose T that maximizes the negative correlation.

subj_energy.m will reproduce figure 4a/b ii-iii for a given T

si_scripts/permute_receptor_map.m will scramble a receptor input vector over nperms and recalulate weighted energies; however, the above script has been replaced in favor of spin_receptor_map.m which uses a more stringent null model produced by Vasa et al Cerebral Cortex 2018 (

complexity_measures.m will calculate the LZ of each subject's brain-state time-series, however this is only relevant if the partition has been ordered into a meta-state hierarchy (e.g. k=4 and 1 and 2 belong to MS-1; 3 and 4 belong to MS-2)

E_corrs.m will compute correlations between overall energy reduction and other values

Raw data

The raw BOLD data used for this analysis is available at:

Please contact Parker Singleton ( with any questions regarding this code.