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Galactic coordinates to ICRS

rubyvanrooyen edited this page May 25, 2020 · 3 revisions

Convenience calculator to transform Galactic coordinates to the ICRS frame.

Convert coordinates of a single galactic target to equatorial --galactic T11R00C02 21h51m30.37s +00d59m15.56s
or --galactic T11R00C02 21.8584h 0.9877d
or --galactic T11R00C02 327.8760d 0.9877d

Will generate output

Target T11R00C02
Galactic coordinates
	(21:51:30.2400, +00:59:15.7200) = (21.8584h, 0.9877d) = (327.8760d, 0.9877d)
(RA, DEC) coordinates
	(15:49:32.1367, -53:02:01.4826) = (15.8256h, -53.0337d) = (237.3839d, -53.0337d)

For more verbose and file output add the -v (--verbose) and --outfile options --galactic T11R00C02 21.8584h 0.9877d -v --outfile galactic_as_equitorial.csv

To obtain output:

Target T11R00C02
Galactic coordinates
	(21:51:30.2400, +00:59:15.7200) = (21.8584h, 0.9877d) = (327.8760d, 0.9877d)
(RA, DEC) coordinates
	(15:49:32.1367, -53:02:01.4826) = (15.8256h, -53.0337d) = (237.3839d, -53.0337d)

Equatorial catalogue file created: galactic_as_equitorial.csv
Catalogue file entries
T11R00C02, radec target, 15:49:32.1367, -53:02:01.4826

The output CSV catalogue created has the MeerKAT calibrators and CSV catalogues format.

Convert the coordinates for galactic targets listed in a CSV catalogue file

Expected format for input galactic target CSV file (cat sample_targetlist_galactic.csv)

# Catalogue with example galactic coordinates
# name, tag, galactic longitude (l='HMS'), galactic latitude (b='DMS')
Test, gal target, 1h12m43.2s, +1d12m43s
T11R00C02, gal taget, 21h51m30.37s, +00d59m15.56s

Generate a MeerKAT observation CSV catalogue containing the equatorial coordinates of input galactic targets. --catalogue sample_targetlist_galactic.csv --outfile sample_targetlist_equatorial.csv -v

Will generate output

Input file
# Catalogue with example galactic coordinates
# name, gal target, galactic longitude (l='HMS'), galactic latitude (b='DMS')
Test, gal target, 1h12m43.2s, +1d12m43s
T11R00C02, gal taget, 21h51m30.37s, +00d59m15.56s

Equatorial catalogue file created: sample_targetlist_equatorial.csv
Catalogue file entries
Test, radec target, 18:19:39.8143, -12:31:42.8667
T11R00C02, radec target, 15:49:32.3166, -53:02:00.3906

Coordinate representation formats

Although not the main function, this helper script will also show coordinate format for equatorial input targets.
Given string (RA, DEC) coordinates will display coordinate in string and floating point formats --radec J1939-6342 19:39:25.0264 -63:42:45.624 --radec J1939-6342 19h39m25.0264s -63d42m45.624s --radec J1939-6342 294.85427667d -63.71267333d --radec J1939-6342 19.65695178h -63.71267333d

Will generate output

Target J1939-6342
(RA, DEC) coordinates
	(19:39:25.0264, -63:42:45.6240) = (19.6570h, -63.7127d) = (294.8543d, -63.7127d)