This document outlines the description of Module C. It is circulated to the competitors and experts 3 months prior to the competition. This outline only describes the basic information of module C. The actual test project module will be created by external Test Project Developers using this outline as a guide. The module description will be presented on C-2 to all experts. The marking scheme will not be presented or supplied to competitors or experts during the competition.
Module C will focus on the implementation of a REST API.
The competitors will be asked to create a REST API that will be used commercially. The API must be built with features which allow it to be commercialized and made available publicly and openly. The functionality created by competitors in this module, builds on top of the functionality created in module B. Competitors will be given a working solution of Module B at the start of Module C, which they must use. Competitors are not allowed to build on top of their own Module B solution. This will include the database and the data that is stored in it.
The functionality of the API will be to provide external access to a number of functions, which will be run as separate services. Those services will all expose a REST API themselves, which however should not be publicly accessible, as they do not have any level of security and reliability as the commercial API. The code of the services will not be disclosed to competitors. Instead, a description of the API in the form of an OpenAPI specification and a generated documentation based on it will be provided. Competitors are supposed to build code which wraps these APIs and exposes them through a single API. The function services can expose different ways of accessing their features and how to pass and receive data.
There will also be a specification for the API that competitors are supposed to create. This specification will also be in the form of an OpenAPI specification and a generated documentation based on it. The specification will describe the endpoints that competitors are supposed to implement. The specification will also describe the authentication and other non-functional requirements of the API.
Module C will be assessed using tools which directly access the API created by competitors. The API will be tested for its functionality and its adherence to the specification. The API will also be tested for its security and reliability.
Any modifications in the provided backend of previous modules, including any changes to the database, will not be taken into account.
Competitors will have 3 hours to complete module C.
The table below outlines how marks are broken down and how they align with the WorldSkills Occupation Standards (WSOS). Please read the Technical Description for a full explanation of the WorldSkills Occupation Standards.
WSOS SECTION | Description | Points |
1 | Work organisation and self-management | 1 |
2 | Communication and interpersonal skills | 1 |
3 | Design Implementation | 0 |
4 | Front-End Development | 0 |
5 | Back-End Development | 15 |
Total | 17 |