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File metadata and controls

25 lines (20 loc) · 3.55 KB

Starter Code


The starter code contains 3 python scripts.

  • You will have to complete this file with the POS Tagger. It also provides evaluation code for your models so that you can focus on estimation and inference parts of the assignment.
  • This file contains any constants needed for the assignment. You are not required to use it, but it might be helpful if you want to run multiple experiments with different settings. Alternatively, you could pass command line arguments using argparse (see documentation). Note, if you think you should add more constants/hyperparameters feel free to do so.
  • This file contains utility functions that are used in You can add more helper functions here for better organization of your code.

Provided Functions


In you will find the following functions/methods:

  • evaluate(data, model): The function takes as input a data tuple that can be computed from a file using the utils.load_data method, and POSTagger model. The goal of the function is to evaluate the POS model on some sentences and gold tags. It computs a few different accuracies: whole-sentence accuracy, per-token accuracy, unkown token accuracy. It also saves a confusion matrix of the input data as cm.png. You can refactor the function as you wish, it is just provided as a helpful tool to save you time from writing evaluation code.
  • POSTagger: This is the main class which contains your POS Tagger. You will have to implement its methods, as per the write up. Look at the comments to understand what each function does.


In you will find a collection of helper functions that are used in • infer_sentences(model, sentences, start): This function is used to parallelize the inference of a model. It takes as input a POSTagger model, the subset of sentences that a single process infers, as well as the start index of the input sentence list, i.e. if the evaluation set sentences contains 462 sentences, and this particular process infers sentences[20:50], then the function will be called as follows: infer_sentences(pos_tagger, sentences[20:50], 20).

  • compute_prob(model, sentences, tags, start): This function is used to compute the probability of the tags given the sentences and the model. Similarly to the infer_sentences function, it is used to parallelize the computation, and as such the sentences and tags arguments are a subset of the original sets, with start denoting the start index.
  • indices(lst, element): This helper function returns all indices in which element appears in lst.
  • load_data(sentence_file, tag_file=None): Given a sentence_file and an optional tag_file this function returns a list of sentences, and tags if tag_file is provided. The following hyperaparameters from are relevant for this function:
    • CAPITALIZATION: If set to False, then all tokens are converted to lowercase, otherwise they maintain default capitalization.
    • STOP_WORD: If set to True then the token <STOP> is appended at the end of each stentence with corresponding tag <STOP>.
  • confusion_matrix(tag2idx,idx2tag, pred, gt, fname): This function saves a confusion matrix for the given predictions list pred and ground truth list gt at file fname. The arguments tag2idx and idx2tag are dictionaries that map tags to their corresponding index, and vice-versa. We provide code for their computation in POSTagger.train.