diff --git a/src/Makefile b/src/Makefile
index dd6cae4f9..dcf1674ba 100644
--- a/src/Makefile
+++ b/src/Makefile
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# List of executables...
-EXC = atm_conv atm_dist atm_init atm_select atm_split atm_stat cape day2doy doy2day jsec2time met_conv met_lapse met_map met_prof met_sample met_spec met_subgrid met_zm time2jsec sedi tnat trac tropo tropo_sample tropo_zm wind
+EXC = atm_conv atm_dist atm_init atm_select atm_split atm_stat cape day2doy doy2day jsec2time met_conv met_lapse met_map met_prof met_sample met_spec met_subgrid met_zm time2jsec sedi tnat trac tropo tropo_sample tropo_zm wind atm2grid
# List of tests...
TESTS = atm_test compress_test interoper_test met_test tools_test trac_test tropo_test
diff --git a/src/atm2grid.c b/src/atm2grid.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d037714fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/atm2grid.c
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+ This file is part of MPTRAC.
+ MPTRAC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ MPTRAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with MPTRAC. If not, see .
+ Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH
+ \file
+ Convert atmosphric data file to grid data file.
+#include "libtrac.h"
+int main(
+ int argc,
+ char *argv[]) {
+ ctl_t ctl;
+ atm_t *atm;
+ static double kz[EP], kw[EP];
+ static int nk;
+ double *cd, *mean[NQ], *stddev[NQ], *vmr_impl, *z, *lon, *lat, *area,
+ *press;
+ int *ixs, *iys, *izs, *np;
+ /* Allocate... */
+ ALLOC(atm, atm_t, 1);
+ /* Check arguments... */
+ if (argc < 4)
+ ERRMSG("Give parameters: ");
+ read_ctl(argv[1], argc, argv, &ctl);
+ /* Read atmospheric data... */
+ if (!read_atm(argv[2], &ctl, atm))
+ ERRMSG("Cannot open file!");
+ /* Write info... */
+ LOG(1, "Write grid data: %s", argv[3]);
+ /* Read kernel data... */
+ if (ctl.grid_kernel[0] != '-')
+ read_kernel(ctl.grid_kernel, kz, kw, &nk);
+ /* Allocate... */
+ ALLOC(cd, double,
+ ctl.grid_nx * ctl.grid_ny * ctl.grid_nz);
+ for (int iq = 0; iq < ctl.nq; iq++) {
+ ALLOC(mean[iq], double,
+ ctl.grid_nx * ctl.grid_ny * ctl.grid_nz);
+ ALLOC(stddev[iq], double,
+ ctl.grid_nx * ctl.grid_ny * ctl.grid_nz);
+ }
+ ALLOC(vmr_impl, double,
+ ctl.grid_nx * ctl.grid_ny * ctl.grid_nz);
+ ALLOC(z, double,
+ ctl.grid_nz);
+ ALLOC(lon, double,
+ ctl.grid_nx);
+ ALLOC(lat, double,
+ ctl.grid_ny);
+ ALLOC(area, double,
+ ctl.grid_ny);
+ ALLOC(press, double,
+ ctl.grid_nz);
+ ALLOC(np, int,
+ ctl.grid_nx * ctl.grid_ny * ctl.grid_nz);
+ ALLOC(ixs, int,
+ atm->np);
+ ALLOC(iys, int,
+ atm->np);
+ ALLOC(izs, int,
+ atm->np);
+ /* Set grid box size... */
+ double dz = (ctl.grid_z1 - ctl.grid_z0) / ctl.grid_nz;
+ double dlon = (ctl.grid_lon1 - ctl.grid_lon0) / ctl.grid_nx;
+ double dlat = (ctl.grid_lat1 - ctl.grid_lat0) / ctl.grid_ny;
+ /* Set vertical coordinates... */
+ for (int iz = 0; iz < ctl.grid_nz; iz++) {
+ z[iz] = ctl.grid_z0 + dz * (iz + 0.5);
+ press[iz] = P(z[iz]);
+ }
+ /* Set horizontal coordinates... */
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < ctl.grid_nx; ix++)
+ lon[ix] = ctl.grid_lon0 + dlon * (ix + 0.5);
+ for (int iy = 0; iy < ctl.grid_ny; iy++) {
+ lat[iy] = ctl.grid_lat0 + dlat * (iy + 0.5);
+ area[iy] = dlat * dlon * SQR(RE * M_PI / 180.)
+ * cos(lat[iy] * M_PI / 180.);
+ }
+ /* Set time interval for output... */
+ int year, month, day, hour, minute;
+ double t;
+ sscanf(argv[2], "atm_%d_%d_%d_%d_%d.tab", &year, &month, &day, &hour, &minute);
+ time2jsec(year, month, day, hour, minute, 0, 0, &t);
+ double t0 = t - 0.5 * ctl.dt_mod;
+ double t1 = t + 0.5 * ctl.dt_mod;
+ /* Get grid box indices... */
+ for (int ip = 0; ip < atm->np; ip++) {
+ ixs[ip] = (int) ((atm->lon[ip] - ctl.grid_lon0) / dlon);
+ iys[ip] = (int) ((atm->lat[ip] - ctl.grid_lat0) / dlat);
+ izs[ip] = (int) ((Z(atm->p[ip]) - ctl.grid_z0) / dz);
+ if (atm->time[ip] < t0 || atm->time[ip] > t1
+ || ixs[ip] < 0 || ixs[ip] >= ctl.grid_nx
+ || iys[ip] < 0 || iys[ip] >= ctl.grid_ny
+ || izs[ip] < 0 || izs[ip] >= ctl.grid_nz)
+ izs[ip] = -1;
+ }
+ /* Average data... */
+ for (int ip = 0; ip < atm->np; ip++)
+ if (izs[ip] >= 0) {
+ int idx =
+ ARRAY_3D(ixs[ip], iys[ip], ctl.grid_ny, izs[ip], ctl.grid_nz);
+ double kernel = kernel_weight(kz, kw, nk, atm->p[ip]);
+ np[idx]++;
+ for (int iq = 0; iq < ctl.nq; iq++) {
+ mean[iq][idx] += kernel * atm->q[iq][ip];
+ stddev[iq][idx] += SQR(kernel * atm->q[iq][ip]);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Calculate column density and volume mixing ratio... */
+ for (int ix = 0; ix < ctl.grid_nx; ix++)
+ for (int iy = 0; iy < ctl.grid_ny; iy++)
+ for (int iz = 0; iz < ctl.grid_nz; iz++) {
+ /* Get grid index... */
+ int idx = ARRAY_3D(ix, iy, ctl.grid_ny, iz, ctl.grid_nz);
+ /* Calculate column density... */
+ cd[idx] = GSL_NAN;
+ if (ctl.qnt_m >= 0)
+ cd[idx] = mean[ctl.qnt_m][idx] / (1e6 * area[iy]);
+ /* Calculate volume mixing ratio (implicit)... */
+ vmr_impl[idx] = GSL_NAN;
+ if (ctl.qnt_m >= 0 && ctl.molmass > 0 && ctl.qnt_t >= 0) {
+ vmr_impl[idx] = 0;
+ if (mean[ctl.qnt_m][idx] > 0) {
+ /* Calculate volume mixing ratio... */
+ vmr_impl[idx] = MA / ctl.molmass * mean[ctl.qnt_m][idx]
+ / (RHO(press[iz], mean[ctl.qnt_t][idx]) * 1e6 * area[iy] * 1e3 * dz);
+ }
+ }
+ /* Calculate mean... */
+ if (np[idx] > 0)
+ for (int iq = 0; iq < ctl.nq; iq++) {
+ mean[iq][idx] /= np[idx];
+ double var = stddev[iq][idx] / np[idx] - SQR(mean[iq][idx]);
+ stddev[iq][idx] = (var > 0 ? sqrt(var) : 0);
+ } else
+ for (int iq = 0; iq < ctl.nq; iq++) {
+ mean[iq][idx] = GSL_NAN;
+ stddev[iq][idx] = GSL_NAN;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Write ASCII data... */
+ if (ctl.grid_type == 0)
+ write_grid_asc(argv[3], &ctl, cd, mean, stddev, vmr_impl,
+ t, z, lon, lat, area, dz, np);
+ /* Write netCDF data... */
+ else if (ctl.grid_type == 1)
+ write_grid_nc(argv[3], &ctl, cd, mean, stddev, vmr_impl,
+ t, z, lon, lat, area, dz, np);
+ /* Error message... */
+ else
+ ERRMSG("Grid data format GRID_TYPE unknown!");
+ /* Free... */
+ free(cd);
+ for (int iq = 0; iq < ctl.nq; iq++) {
+ free(mean[iq]);
+ free(stddev[iq]);
+ }
+ free(vmr_impl);
+ free(z);
+ free(lon);
+ free(lat);
+ free(area);
+ free(press);
+ free(np);
+ free(ixs);
+ free(iys);
+ free(izs);
+ free(atm);
+ return EXIT_SUCCESS;
\ No newline at end of file