Releases: slicedlime/seasons
Releases · slicedlime/seasons
Seasons Data Pack 0.4
Version 0.4:
- Fixed a bug causing ice spikes, frozen peaks and other similar permanent winter biomes to melt (issue 15)
- Added an option to change the simulation distance used by the pack
Beta Version 0.3
- Upgrade to Minecraft 1.21.4
- Add support for the Pale Garden and Cherry Grove biomes
- Add snow covering open eyeblossoms, closed eyeblossoms and pale moss carpets
- Optimized the pack significantly
- Fixed ice repeatedly forming and melting in rivers during fall
- Fixed getting the wrong loot when mining a snowed in plant
Seasons Data Pack 0.2
Version 0.2:
- Fix purple ground in taiga biomes (Contributed by ApolloDatapacks)
- Fix savanna-related errors in log on load (Contributed by Alasofia)
Seasons Data Pack 0.1
Version 0.1:
First beta release of the pack!