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Releases: slicke/traytrend

Beta 3.1

19 Jan 00:16
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Beta 3.1 adds two new features to the user interface of beta 3.


[IMPROVEMENT] The main window can be minimized without the hover (the transparent floating window) disappearing.
[IMPROVEMENT] The background of the hover window can be set to change color to match the "trend" (eg it can be transparent red when high, if red is your color of choise for high glucose values)

Known issues

  • The hover window might not take the right background color when the app starts. After getting a new glucose value from NightScout it will work as intended. You can click the manual Update button, or wait for the next blood glucose update, if you expreience this

Beta 3

16 Jan 22:51
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Beta 3 polishes some features, adds some new requested from users and brings the Linux version up-to-date with it's Windows counterpart.


  • [IMPROVEMENT] Network errors are now shown in a better way
  • [FEATURE]The frequency on how often results are fetched from NS can now be specified manually
  • [Developers] Continuous Integration has been added, Travis will build and test code pushed to GitHub
  • [FEATURE] Sounds can be played on high/low - EXPERIMENTAL!
  • [IMPROVEMENT] The floating "hover" window no longer has a border and can be dragged from anywhere
  • [FEATURE] A context/right-click menu has been added to the tray icon
  • [IMPROVEMENT] If an app has been set to start when low, a parameter with the bloog glucose (--bg-alert) is passed
  • [CHANGE] New small icons
  • [IMPROVEMENT] If authentication fails with NS, that will be explained
  • [FEATURE] The hover window will show in the right lower window and the reading can be colored
  • [FIX] Empty readings from NS will be ignored
  • [FIX] A bug causing no values to show, or updates to stop, when a calibration was entered into NS has been fixed
  • [IMPROVEMENT] You can now set your own high/low target values
  • [IMPROVEMENT] The options in the settings dialog have hints
  • [IMPROVEMENT] Smaller main GUI
  • [CHANGE] New splash screen


  • [ALL] Audio support (playing when low/high) is a feature request and is not stable. Consider it an experimental feature!
  • [LINUX] PulseAudio is required for audio to work. This is usually not an issue if using a modern distro.
  • [LINUX] I've decided to use the Ubuntu font. If you use another distro and text size is strange, try installing that font.

Beta 2

11 Jan 21:21
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Beta 2 Pre-release


  • Main window can be minimized


  • Trend arrows can be set to point either left or right. Previousley trending low pointed to the left corner by default.

New features

  • A "Hovering Window" has been added. This is a small program window, with a user-set transparency level, which shows the current glucose value. A black background, whit text floating window which is transparent.
  • Attempts will be made by the app to see if there's a newer version available when stering

Beta 1

10 Jan 21:39
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Beta 1 Pre-release

First release!

Linux version has some extra code (see branch) to fix some gui things.