A reference implementation for jurisdications that retrieves json from a database and uses the vrdr-dotnet library to create vrdr records and wrap it in a message to submit to the NCHS API.
The VRDR reporter send a new JSON vrdr record to the /messages endpoint which converts the json to a VRDR record, wraps it in a message and inserts it in the db. The timed service then pulls new messages from the db and POSTs the message to NCHS API. The reference API makes a GET request for any new messages from the server. It updates the database with the new message status. Finally, it checks for any messages that have not received a message in X amount of time and resubmits them. The service runs all of these steps in sequece every X number of seconds. The frequency is configurable.
TODO add description of how the library helps implement this.
TODO Configuration, server address, credentials
Pull new records from the database
Submit to api
Check for responses from the server - implemented with timer,
retry sending message that haven't had an responses in x time
TODO send an ack when you get a coding response or extraction error
single timer that calls all 3 in order
check for responses before resending messages
do they want to see all responses over time
DBs: different dbs will have different implementations, keep queries generic and they could swap one to another? would we need to list out what we use? use adapters
- demo use case
- reference use case
- recommendations for dashboards
- Setup the database docker containers
a. Run
docker-compose up --build
to initialize the client db (postgres) and the server db (mssql) b. Rundotnet ef migrations add InitialDb
to initialize, thendotnet ef database update
TODO update , had to comment out section that adds the timed service? c. Populate the postgres db with test data - Run the NCHS api server by following the README https://gitlab.mitre.org/nightingale/reference-nchs-api
a. skip the docker command, already accomplished in step 1 b. change the start up command to use this pass word yourStrong$Password; d. from the reference-nchs-api/messaging project directory rundotnet ef database update
e. run the api server withdotnet run --project messaging
- Now that the client db, server db, and the api server are all up and running, from the reference-client-api project root directory run
dotnet run
- When applying a new migration, update the models to reflect the desired changes.
- Stop and remove the container running the current db
- Run
docker-compose up --build
to recreate the db - You may need to comment out this block in the timed service
// .ConfigureServices((hostContext, services) => // { // services.AddHostedService<TimedHostedService>(); // });
- Run
dotnet ef migrations add <MigrationName>
to create the new migration - Run
dotnet ef database update
to update the db schema
Down the road questions
- What state will they want to keep track of? If they use a native format, they will have two versions of the same record
- Potential adapter for handling different formats?
- Have something solid when the api is deployed at NCHS, be able to submit messages for testing
- Demo to Rajesh and co, what do we need to authenticate to the server once its up
- could test the authentication ahead of time
- Last week of september