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Cypress Wait Frames

Cypress command to wait for any CSS/DOM property to be idle after a specified number of frames.


pnpm add cypress-wait-frames

Import the package in your commands.js:

import 'cypress-wait-frames'

If using TypeScript, optionally install the latest version of csstype for CSS properties autocompletion:

pnpm add -D csstype

Do I need this?

Cypress retry ability on built-in assertions is very powerful and most likely you don't need this package or to use cy.wait. For example:

cy.scrollTo(0, 1200)

// No need for cy.wait(t) to make sure scroll is completed

cy.window().eq('scrollY').should('be.approximately', 1200, 2) // Will retry until it passes

Documentation on retry-ability is very detailed and it might already contain the answer you're looking for.

When I find it useful

There are cases where it's very hard to retain retry-ability and you might find yourself guessing timings using cy.wait or increasing the retry-ability timeout.

For example when asserting properties not available within Cypress queries:


// Need to add cy.wait(t) to make sure scroll is completed

  .then((el) => {
    cy.wrap(el[0].getBoundingClientRect().top).should('be.approximately', 0, 2)

But scenarios can be disparate and more complex. Bottom line is that if you find yourself using cy.wait() as last resort to obtain values or to wait for DOM/CSS properties to be idle, this package might be useful.



  subject: cy.window,
  property: 'outerWidth'

cy.log('Resized!') // Executed once 'outerWidth' isn't changed for 20 frames (default).


  subject: () => cy.get('html'),
  property: 'clientWidth',
  frames: 10

cy.log('Resized!') // Executed once 'clientWidth' isn't changed for 10 frames.

HTMLElement / SVGElement

  subject: () => cy.get('a').eq(0),
  property: ''
}).then(([{ value }]) => {
  cy.wrap(value).should('be.approximately', 0, 2) // Asserts that top is 0 after 20 frames (default).


Property Default Type Description Required
subject undefined () => Cypress.Chainable<Cypress.AutWindow | JQuery<HTMLElement | SVGElement>> Subject to watch.
property undefined string | string[] One or more properties to watch.
frames 20 number Number of frames to wait.
timeout 30 * 1000 number Timeout in milliseconds before the command should fail.


A Cypress Promise which resolves to an array of objects (one for each property) or throws an error if timeout is reached:

Property Type Description
subject AUTWindow | HTMLElement Subject yielded from subject option chainer.
value Primitive Property value at which the function resolved.
property string Awaited property name.
time DOMHighResTimestamp Time in ms that took to resolve since invoking.


DOM properties

  subject: () => cy.get('html'),
  property: 'clientWidth'

CSS properties

  subject: () => cy.get('#my-element'),
  property: 'background-color'

💡 Use kebab-case for CSS properties. getComputedStyle is used internally to get the values.

Nested properties / methods

You can watch for methods or objects maximum 1 nested property which returns a primitive.

  subject: cy.window,
  property: 'visualViewport.offsetTop'
  subject: () => cy.get('a').eq(0),
  property: ''

⚠️ Methods with arity greater than 0 are not supported, (e.g. getAttribute('href')).

Mixed properties / methods

You can watch for multiple properties as well, waitFrames will resolve once all properties are idle:

  subject: () => cy.get('a').eq(0),
  property: ['background-color', 'scrollTop', '']
