Gitwiki is a git based wiki system with in-repository permisison control, web user interface and Git CLI over SSH access.
It uses Gitolite authorization layer allowing complex, in-repository access control.
Gitwiki is part of an implementation for the Git-based Wiki System.
It uses Emily editor for document editting.
The installation process is complicated, because repository hosting service over SSHd must be established.
This installation prociess is thoroughly explained here. Here is a step-by-step solution for Debian-based distributions.
Generate SSH keys:
# install git, sshd
sudo apt-get install openssh-server git
# generate a keypair for administration
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "gitolite-admin" -f "$HOME/.ssh/gitolite-admin"
# copy the "~/.ssh/" for gitolite setup
cp ~/.ssh/ /tmp
Install Gitolite:
# create new `git` user with home directory and set password
sudo useradd -m git
sudo passwd git
# switch to git user
su - git
# download and install gitolite
cd $HOME
git clone
mkdir -p bin
gitolite/install -to $HOME/bin # use abs path in argument
# setup gitolite with copied admin key from workstation
$HOME/bin/gitolite setup -pk /tmp/
Wee need gitwiki to be able to access Gitolite.
If you will be running gitwiki from a different user (assume username jack
), you must perform additional setup.
Create group, add users git, jack, allow to write in /home/git/.gitolite
sudo groupadd gitolite
sudo usermod -a -G gitolite jack
sudo usermod -a -G gitolite git
sudo chgrp -R gitolite /home/git/
sudo chmod -R 2775 /home/git/.gitolite
Set setgid
chmod g+s /home/git/
Set default permissions for new log files
sudo setfacl -d -m g::rwx /home/git/.gitolite/logs/
npm install
- Register a new OAuth application
- Set callback to
- Set callback to
- Remember
Create a .gitwiki.config.js
and fill the data as in .gitwiki.config.example.js
module.exports = {
auth: {
oauth2: {
github: {
// Information from the newly registered app
client_id: '...',
client_secret: '...',
gitolite: {
// Path to gitolite bin
bin: '/home/git/bin/gitolite',
// Home directory of the gitolite's user
home: '/home/git',
// Valid storage path for keyv(
storage: 'sqlite:///home/git/database.sqlite',
- Add ssh key identity
ssh-add ~/.ssh/gitolite-admin
(path to private key you configured gitolite with) npm run start
- Gitolite
- GitHub
To access GitHub repositories, you will be prompted to enter your personal access token in repository index. When provided, you can access your GitHub repositories apart from the default local (gitolite) repositories.
The SSH keys are downloaded from GitHub on the first login and added to the Gitolite configuration. Apart from that, they can be added using Gitolite.
This option is only available for Gitolite provider, for self-hosted repos.
After a succesful Gitolite setup, there is a repository gitolite-admin
, where you can add users and chagne their permissions.
If you are new to Gitolite, see Basic administration manual.
This project is licensed under the MIT license.