smolneko is a fully open source project about anime figures. This is the web app.
The application is built with the Nuxt 3 and Tailwind CSS. API (backend) can be found here.
smolneko is in active development, sometimes there may be bugs and errors. If you find a bug or an error, please create a new issue. Any help would be helpful and appreciated.
Dark mode - About features and libraries
- Add terms and privacy policy
- Custom styles (extending the default tailwind theme)
- Characters pages
- Filters
- Infinite scroll on pages with pagination
- Search bar (global and full text)
- Auth for users
- Users pages
- Blogs
- Comments system
Make sure to install the dependencies:
pnpm install --shamefully-hoist
Start the development server on http://localhost:3000:
pnpm run dev
Tailwind Viewer will be available after start at http://localhost:3000/_tailwind/.
git clone --recursive
cd woff2
make clean all
./woff2_compress ~/path_to_file/variable-font.ttf
More about the build process.
Build the application for production:
pnpm run build
Locally preview production build:
pnpm run preview
Visualize and analyze production bundle size:
pnpm run analyze