ConditionalContextProvider |
Conditional context providers are two element arrays used to decide when to attach contexts, where: - the first element is some conditional criterion - the second element is any number of context primitives |
ContextFilter |
A context filter is a user-supplied callback that is evaluated for each event to determine if the context associated with the filter should be attached to the event |
ContextGenerator |
A context generator is a user-supplied callback that is evaluated for each event to allow an additional context to be dynamically attached to the event |
ContextPrimitive |
A context primitive is either a self-describing JSON or a context generator |
DeepLinkReceivedProps |
DeepLinkReceived event properties schema: |
EventBatch |
A collection of event payloads which are sent to the collector. |
EventContext |
EventContext type |
EventJson |
An array of tuples which represents the unprocessed JSON to be added to the Payload |
EventJsonWithKeys |
A tuple which represents the unprocessed JSON to be added to the Payload |
EventMethod |
FilterProvider |
A filter provider is a tuple that has two parts: a context filter and the context primitive(s) If the context filter evaluates to true, the tracker will attach the context primitive(s) |
JsonProcessor |
A function which will processor the Json onto the injected PayloadBuilder |
ListItemViewProps |
Event tracking the view of an item in a list. If screen engagement tracking is enabled, the list item view events will be aggregated into a screen_summary entity.Schema: |
MessageNotificationAttachmentProps |
Attachment object that identify an attachment in the MessageNotification. |
MessageNotificationProps |
MessageNotification event properties schema: |
Payload |
Type for a Payload dictionary |
ReactNativeTracker |
The ReactNativeTracker type |
RequestFailure |
The data that will be available to the onRequestFailure callback |
RuleSetProvider |
A ruleset provider is aa tuple that has two parts: a ruleset and the context primitive(s) If the ruleset allows the current event schema URI, the tracker will attach the context primitive(s) |
ScreenSize |
Screen size in pixels |
ScreenViewProps |
ScreenView event properties schema: |
ScrollChangedProps |
Event tracked when a scroll view's scroll position changes. If screen engagement tracking is enabled, the scroll changed events will be aggregated into a screen_summary entity.Schema: |
SelfDescribingJson |
Export interface for any Self-Describing JSON such as context or Self Describing events |
Timestamp |
Algebraic datatype representing possible timestamp type choice |
TimingProps |
Timing event properties |
Trigger |
Trigger for MessageNotification event |