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How to update existing translation

When editing CSV files with VSCode, the extension Edit CSV is recommended.

Windows requires you to have Python and Git installed and within your $PATH
For Linux, most distributions come with python and git by default and macOS comes bundled with python, but to use git you either need to install the Command Line tools via xcode-select –-install, or download Git separately.


  1. Clone this repository git clone; cd pixl.js
  2. Edit fw/data/i18n.csv
  3. Run py.exe fw/scripts/ to generate new language files.
  4. Optional: Run py.exe fw/scripts/ to generate new font data if you add new characters in i18n.csv
  5. Build the Firmware

Linux and macOS

  1. Clone this repository git clone; cd pixl.js
  2. Edit fw/data/i18n.csv
  3. Run python3 fw/scripts/ to generate new language files.
  4. Optional: Run python fw/scripts/ to generate new font data if you add new characters in i18n.csv
  5. Build the Firmware

How to add new language translation

The process is similar to updating an existing translation, and has the same requirements depending on your Operating System.

  1. Add new column in fw/data/i18n.csv, for example "ja_JP"
  2. Run fw/scripts/ to generate new language files.
  3. Optional: Run fw/scripts/ to generate new font data if you add new characters in i18n.csv
  4. Edit fw/application/src/i18n/language.h and fw/application/src/i18n/language.c to adopt new language
  5. Edit Makefile to include $(PROJ_DIR)/i18n/ja_JP.c as C source files
  6. Build the Firmware

Font notes

For release builds (RELEASE=1), the firmware uses wenquanyi_9pt_u8g2.bdf to display unicode characters.
Please check if the new language character codepoint is included in wenquanyi_9pt_u8g2.bdf or not.
If not, it's not recommended supporting the new language due to the MCU internal flash restrictions.

Web App

How to update existing translation

The language file can be found under `web/src/i18n'

How to add new language translation

In this example, we will add a Japanese (ja_JP) translation:

  1. Copy the en_US.js file and name it ja_JP.js

  2. Translate the string within ja_JP.js including the changeok message.

    Don't translate the other language names.

    Add your language at the bottom of the lang { section:

    ja: '日本語',

  3. Edit web/src/i18n/index.js while keeping its current structure, adding:

    import elementJaLocale from 'element-ui/lib/locale/lang/ja' // element-ui
    lang import jaLocale from './ja_JP' elementJpLocale

    And extending messages:

      ja_JP: {
  4. Add your language to the other .js files (within the lang: { section):

    vueja: '日本語',

  5. Add your language to the web/src/App.vue file:

<el-dropdown-item Enabled="language==='ja'" command="ja" divided>
 {{ $t('lang.ja') }}