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Søren Granfeldt edited this page Mar 27, 2024 · 6 revisions

To install the SQL Management Agent (MA) on your FIM server, all you need is the downloaded kit. The package is a packaged Management Agent.

To install, complete this steps -

  • Download the latest version of the MA to your FIM Synchronization Service server
  • Close any running FIM Synchronization Service Manager instances
  • Run the Install-MA.ps1 on your FIM Synchronization Service server to install the MA.
  • Start the FIM Synchronization Service Manager program and verify that you now have the option to create a new Management Agent of type 'Generic SQL Server'
  • Optionally, create a new eventlog source as described below

Creating the event log source

This MA logs errors and warnings to the Application log on your Synchronization Service server. The MA requires an event log source named 'SQL Management Agent' in the Application log on the FIM Synchronization Server. If the service account has enough permissions to create the log, i.e., local administrator rights, you do not need to do anything. But if you prefer to keep the service account's permissions to a minimum, you should create the event log source before using the MA.

The following PowerShell command creates the required event log and event source on the FIM Synchronization Service computer (requires PowerShell 3.0 or higher and must be run with administrative privileges). -

New-EventLog -Source "SQL Management Agent" -LogName Application

IMPORTANT: You need to have at least one existing record in the single value table to be able to do schema detection or refresh schema for the MA

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