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File metadata and controls

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The docker_swarm_service resource manages Docker services in a swarm cluster.


  • :create - Create a new service
  • :update - Update an existing service
  • :delete - Remove a service


Property Type Default Description
service_name String name_property Name of the service
image String nil Docker image to use for the service
command String, Array nil Command to run in the container
env Array nil Environment variables
labels Hash nil Service labels
mounts Array nil Volume mounts
networks Array nil Networks to attach the service to
ports Array nil Port mappings
replicas Integer nil Number of replicas to run
secrets Array nil Docker secrets to expose to the service
configs Array nil Docker configs to expose to the service
constraints Array nil Placement constraints
preferences Array nil Placement preferences
endpoint_mode String nil Endpoint mode ('vip' or 'dnsrr')
update_config Hash nil Service update configuration
rollback_config Hash nil Service rollback configuration
restart_policy Hash nil Service restart policy


Create a simple web service

docker_swarm_service 'web' do
  image 'nginx:latest'
  ports ['80:80']
  replicas 2

Create a service with environment variables and constraints

docker_swarm_service 'api' do
  image 'api:v1'
  env ['API_KEY=secret', 'DEBUG=1']
  constraints ['node.role==worker']
  replicas 3
  ports ['8080:8080']
  restart_policy({ 'condition' => 'on-failure', 'max_attempts' => 3 })

Update an existing service

docker_swarm_service 'web' do
  image 'nginx:1.19'
  replicas 4
  action :update

Delete a service

docker_swarm_service 'old-service' do
  action :delete


  • The node must be a swarm manager to manage services
  • Service updates are performed in a rolling fashion by default
  • Use update_config to fine-tune the update behavior
  • Network attachments must be to overlay networks or networks with swarm scope