Releases: sous-chefs/docker
Releases · sous-chefs/docker
Update metadata for 11.3.4
Update metadata for 11.3.3
Please note some important changes with this release:
- The sysconfig DOCKER_OPTS improvement in #250 can potentially change the behavior of that environment variable as it now allows shell interpolation of any embedded variables. This should not affect most environments. If your DOCKER_OPTS does contains any expected
, please escape via\$
for previous behavior or be sure it will behave as expected before upgrading. - The daemon restart option (which is deprecated) has been defaulted to
instead offalse
is set to prevent issues with container restart policies. If you're dependent on the daemon option, please be sure to update yournode['docker']['restart']
appropriately. - This release also defaults systemd docker host to
to match upstream, enabling socket activation properly. Adjustnode['docker']['host']
if necessary. - Bugfix: #239: Upstart: install inotify tools only once (avoid CHEF-3694 warning) (thanks jperville)
- Bugfix: #240: Fixed dead service containers not being restarted on docker_container :run (thanks jperville)
- Bugfix: #244: Made docker_container action :remove remove the actual upstart service file (thanks jperville)
- Bugfix: #246: Lengthen shell_out timeout as workaround for slow docker_container action stop (thanks jperville)
- Bugfix: #258: Fix checking docker container status on debian (thanks fxposter)
- Bugfix: #260: Fix accidental port changing when using systemd templates (thanks fxposter)
- Bugfix: #266: Get tests working on master (thanks tduffield)
- Bugfix: #267: Replace outdated testcontainerd (thanks tduffield)
- Bugfix: #269: Fix tests on Travis by following Rubocop style guidelines (container LWRP) (thanks fxposter)
- Bugfix: #280 / #281: Fix port handling when omitted in container LWRP (thanks databus23)
- Bugfix: #284 / #285: runit finish script to stop a container (thanks xmik)
- Bugfix: [#288][]: Fix docker.socket unit for RHEL7 (thanks databus23)
- Bugfix: #292: readme formatting fix (thanks wormzer)
- Improvement: #208: Add CentOS/RHEL 7 support (thanks dermusikman and intoximeters)
- Improvement: #232: Added support for insecure-registry docker daemon option (thanks jperville)
- Improvement: #233 / #234: Added support for registry-mirror docker daemon option (thanks jperville and tarnfeld)
- Improvement: #237: Deprecate the restart daemon option (thanks jperville)
- Improvement: #238: Added docker_container restart attribute (thanks jperville)
- Improvement: #242: Added docker_container action :create (thanks jperville)
- Improvement: #245: Add a Gitter chat badge to (thanks tduffield)
- Improvement: #250: Use double-quotes for DOCKER_OPTS (thanks rchekaluk)
- Improvement: #259: Use registry on image inspection (thanks fxposter)
- Improvement: #263: Add additional_host attribute to container resource (thanks fxposter)
- Improvement: #264 / #265: Access on port 80 (thanks sauraus)
- Improvement: #268: Updated the /etc/init/docker.conf template (thanks jperville)
- Improvement: #276: Added support for docker options device and cap-add (thanks hvolkmer)
- Improvement: #279: Allow docker_container memory to have String value (eg. memory='1G') (thanks jperville)
- Improvement: #287: redhat 7 does not need the epel repository (thanks databus23)
- Improvement: #289: Update systemd service/socket files (from upstream) (thanks databus23)
- Improvement: #296: Default systemd to fd:// as well as use upstream MountFlags=slave and LimitCORE=infinity
- Improvement: #297: Update docker daemon SysV init scripts with upstream improvements
- Improvement: #298: Further deprecate daemon restart flag by default, which interferes with restart policies
After a long personal hiatus (sorry!), this is the last minor release before 1.0 of the cookbook. If you can handle the Docker port number change and don't use anything deprecated, upgrading to 1.0.X from 0.35.X of the cookbook should be very easy.
This release has a bunch of changes and hasn't been fully tested yet. Wanted to get it out there for broad testing. Please use caution!
Major kudos to @tduffield for the #147 PR, which includes:
- Binary Installation
- Added missing dependency resolution for using the binary.
- Dependency Checks
- Added
that will take an action if certain dependencies are not met.node[docker][alert_on_error_action] = :fatal
will kill the chef run and print the error message.node[docker][alert_on_error_action] = :warn
will print the error message but continue with the chef run. There is no guarantee that it will succeed though.
- Added
- KitchenCI
- Copied MiniTests to ServerSpec Tests
- Added new platforms (Debian 7.4)
- Changed provisioner from chef-solo to chef-zero
- Removed Ubuntu 12.10 because it is not supported by Docker and the Kernel is bad and fails all the tests.
- Removed tests for the source recipe. The dotcloud/docker repo actually doesn’t build any Go deliverables.
- I think that the source recipe needs to be completely refactored.
Other awesome work merged:
- #142: Bugfix: Redeploy breaks when a link is present
- #139/#153/#154/#156/#157: Bugfix: container/image ID given as nil, fixes deprecated -notrunc
- #164: Bugfix: Removing a container should also remove its cidfile
- #166: Bugfix: Fix docker_inspect_id for Docker 1.0+
- #158/#160/#165: Bugfix: Fix NameError when displaying error messages for timed-out commands
- #169: Bugfix: Specify Upstart as service provider for cgroup on Ubuntu 14.04 (workaround for CHEF-5276, fixed in Chef 11.14)
- #137/#138: Enhancement: Experimental Ubuntu 14.04 LTS support
- #144: Enhancement: Experimental Amazon linux support
- #150/#152: Enhancement: Add net attribute, deprecate networking
- #168: Enhancement: Allow override of package name
- #161: Enhancement: Add minitest case for SysV service
- #149: Enhancement: Add --selinux-enabled daemon flag
- Enhancement: container LWRP remove_link and remove_volume actions
- Enhancement: Add storage-opt daemon flag
- Enhancement: Add Docker 0.11.0, 0.11.1, 0.12.0, 1.0.0, 1.0.1 binary checksums
Attributes now available for all docker daemon flags as well as system IP forwarding.
- REMOVED: container_dns* attributes (use replacement dns* attributes on daemon for all containers or docker_container dns* attributes instead)
- DEPRECATED: bind_* attributes to match docker terminology (use host attribute instead)
- Bugfix: #132: Do Not Explicitly Set storage_driver Attribute
- Bugfix: #133: Remove explicit false defaults in resources
- Bugfix: #114: Error executing action login on resource docker_registry
- Enhancement: #115: Add IP forwarding attributes
- Enhancement: #116: Docker 0.10.0: Add --no-prune to docker rmi
- Enhancement: #117: Docker 0.10.0: Add --output flag to docker save (as well as tag support)
- Enhancement: #118: Docker 0.10.0: Add --input flag to docker load
- Enhancement: #119: Docker 0.10.0: Add support for --env-file to load environment variables from files
- Enhancement: #120: Docker 0.10.0: Deprecate docker insert
- Enhancement: #123: Add docker kill --signal
- Enhancement: #124: Add all docker daemon options as attributes
- Enhancement: #125: Use dns* attributes to set docker daemon options, not defaults per-container
- Enhancement: #128: Add checksum attribute for binary downloads
- Enhancement: #126: Set long option names for specified docker daemon options
- Enhancement: #127: Use a helper function to specify single line docker daemon options