You can(not) install the released version of codos from CRAN with:
And the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
devtools::install_github("special-uor/codos", "dev")
Note: Some of the equations on this document are not displayed properly (due to a server issue), check out the [README-extended.pdf](README-extended.pdf).
Note: Some of the equations on this document are not displayed properly (due to a server issue), check out the README-extended.pdf.
is given by mean daily growing season temperature, tmp
and moisture index, mi
[-]. Using the CRU TS 4.04 dataset
(University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit et al. 2020) we found
the following relation:
The steps performed were:
- Generate a monthly climatology for the period between 1961 and 1990
(inclusive). Variables used:
# Monthly climatology for `tmn`
codos::monthly_clim("", "tmn", 1961, 1990)
Output file:
- Interpolate the monthly data to daily. Variables used:
# Monthly to daily interpolation for `tmn`
codos::nc_int("", "tmn")
Output file:
- Calculate daily temperature,
. Variables used:tmn
codos::daily_temp(tmin = list(filename = "",
id = "tmn"),
tmax = list(filename = "",
id = "tmx"),
output_filename = "")
- Calculate mean growing season for daily temperature
codos::nc_gs("", "tmp", thr = 0)
Output file:
- Calculate potential evapotranspiration (
Install SPLASH
(unofficial R package) as follows:
remotes::install_github("villegar/splash", "dev")
Or, download from the official source:
elv <- codos:::nc_var_get("", "elv")$data
tmp <- codos:::nc_var_get("", "tmp")$data
cld <- codos:::nc_var_get("",
codos::splash_evap(output_filename = "",
elv, # Elevation, 720x360 grid
sf = 1 - cld / 100,
year = 1961, # Reference year
lat = codos::lat,
lon = codos::lon)
Output file:
- Calculate moisture index (
pet <- codos:::nc_var_get("",
pre <- codos:::nc_var_get("",
codos::nc_mi(output_filename = "",
pet, # potential evapotranspiration
pre) # precipitation
Output file:
- Approximate
tmp <- codos:::nc_var_get("",
vap <- codos:::nc_var_get("",
output_filename <- file.path(path, "")
codos::nc_vpd(output_filename, tmp, vap)
Output file:
- Find the coeffients for the following equation
mi <- codos:::nc_var_get("", "mi")$data
Tmp <- codos:::nc_var_get("", "tmp")$data
vpd <- codos:::nc_var_get("", "vpd")$data
# Apply ice mask
mi[codos:::ice_mask] <- NA
Tmp[codos:::ice_mask] <- NA
vpd[codos:::ice_mask] <- NA
# Filter low temperatures, Tmp < 5
mi[Tmp < 5] <- NA
Tmp[Tmp < 5] <- NA
# Create data frame
df <- tibble::tibble(Tmp = c(Tmp),
vpd = c(vpd),
MI = c(mi))
# Filter grid cells with missing Tmp, vpd, or MI
df <- df[!$Tmp) & !$vpd) & !$MI), ]
# Linear approximation
lmod <- lm(log(vpd) ~ Tmp + MI, data = df)
# Non-linear model
exp_mod <- nls(vpd ~ a * exp(kTmp * Tmp - kMI * MI),
start = list(a = exp(coef(lmod)[1]),
kTmp = coef(lmod)[2],
kMI = coef(lmod)[3]),
control = list(maxiter = 200))
Summary statistics:
The following equations were used:
ratio of water lost to carbon fixed [–]
vapour pressure deficit [Pa]
ambient CO2 partial pressure [Pa]
ratio of leaf-internal to ambient CO2 partial pressures [–]
stomatal sensitivity factor [Pa1/2]
photorespiratory compensation point [Pa]: a function of temperature and elevation
ratio of cost factors for carboxylation and transpiration = 146 [–]
effective Michaelis constant of Rubisco [Pa]: a function of temperature and elevation
viscosity of water relative to its value at 25°C [–]
And the equilibrium relation:
past temperature (assume equal to reconstructed value) [K]
past MI (unknown) [–]
past ambient CO2 partial pressure [Pa], adjusted for elevation
present temperature [K]
reconstructed MI [–]
‘recent’ ambient CO2 partial pressure [Pa], adjusted for elevation
Steps in the solution:
Using codos
, all the steps translate to a simple function call
corrected_mi <- codos::corrected_mi(present_t,
Note that this function takes temperatures in [°C] and ambient
CO partial pressures
] (unless,
is overwritten,
e.g. scale_factor = 1
to use ambient
CO partial pressures
in [Pa]).
More details:
University of East Anglia Climatic Research Unit, Ian C. Harris, Philip D. Jones, and Tim Osborn. 2020. CRU TS4.04: Climatic Research Unit (CRU) Time-Series (TS) Version 4.04 of High-Resolution Gridded Data of Month-by-Month Variation in Climate (Jan. 1901- Dec. 2019). Centre for Environmental Data Analysis.