All of the restful requests are based on JWT authorization. Before accessing the sqlflow WebAPI, client user needs to obtain the corresponding JWT token for legal access.
How to get JWT Token
- Login on the sqlflow web, upgrade to premium account.
- Move mouse on the login user image, select Account menu item, click the "generate" button to generate the user secret key.
- When you get the user secret key, you can call /gspLive_backend/user/generateToken api to obtain a token, the ttl of new token is 24 hours.
- /gspLive_backend/user/generateToken
- userId: the user id of sqlflow web or client, required true
- secretKey: the secret key of sqlflow user for webapi request, required true
How to use JWT Token for security authentication?
- Each webapi contains two parameters, named userId and token.
Description: generate sqlflow model and graph
- userId: the user id of sqlflow web or client, required true
- token: The token is only used when connecting to the SQLFlow Cloud server, not used when connect to the SQLFlow on-premise version.
- sqltext: sql text, optional
- sqlfile: sql file, optional
- dbvendor: database vendor, required true, available values:
- dbvbigquery, dbvcouchbase,dbvdb2,dbvgreenplum,dbvhana,dbvhive,dbvimpala,dbvinformix,dbvmdx,dbvmysql,dbvnetezza,dbvopenedge,dbvoracle,dbvpostgresql,dbvredshift,dbvsnowflake,dbvmssql,dbvsybase,dbvteradata,dbvvertica
- simpleOutput: simple output, ignore the intermediate results, defualt is false.
- ignoreRecordSet: same as simpleOutput, but will keep output of the top level select list, default is false.
- dataflowOfAggregateFunction, treat the dataflow generated by the aggregate function as direct dataflow or not ,default is direct.
- hideColumn: whether hide the column ui, required false, default value is false
- ignoreFunction: whether ignore the function relations, required false, default value is false
- showConstantTable: return constant or not, default is false.
- showLinkOnly: whether show relation linked columns only, required false, default value is true
- showRelationType: show relation type, optional, default value is fdd, multiple values seperated by comma like fdd,frd,fdr. Available values:
- fdd: value of target column from source column
- join: combine rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them
Return code:
- 200: successful
- other: failed, check the error field to get error message.
- test sql:
select name from user
- curl command:
curl -X POST "" -H "accept:application/json;charset=utf-8" -F "userId=your user id here" -F "token=your token here" -F "dbvendor=dbvoracle" -F "ignoreFunction=true" -F "ignoreRecordSet=true" -F "sqltext=select name from user"
- response:
{ "code": 200, "data": { "mode": "global", "summary": { ... }, "sqlflow": { "dbvendor": "dbvoracle", "dbobjs": [ ... ] }, "graph": { "elements": { "tables": [ ... ], "edges": [ ... ] }, "tooltip": {}, "relationIdMap": { ... }, "listIdMap": { ... } } }, "sessionId": "6172a4095280ccce97e996242d8b4084f46e2c954455e71339aeffccad5f0d57_1599501562051" }
- Description: generate sqlflow model and selected dbobject graph
- HTTP Method: POST
- Parameters:
- userId: the user id of sqlflow web or client, required true
- token: the token of sqlflow client request. sqlflow web, required false, sqlflow client, required true
- sessionId: request sessionId, the value is from api /sqlflow/generation/sqlflow/graph, required true
- database: selected database, required false
- schema: selected schema, required false
- table: selected table, required false
- isReturnModel: whether return the sqlflow model, required false, default value is true
- dbvendor: database vendor, required true, available values:
- dbvbigquery, dbvcouchbase,dbvdb2,dbvgreenplum,dbvhana,dbvhive,dbvimpala,dbvinformix,dbvmdx,dbvmysql,dbvnetezza,dbvopenedge,dbvoracle,dbvpostgresql,dbvredshift,dbvsnowflake,dbvmssql,dbvsybase,dbvteradata,dbvvertica
- showRelationType: show relation type, required false, default value is fdd, multiple values seperated by comma like fdd,frd,fdr. Available values:
- fdd: value of target column from source column
- frd: the recordset count of target column which is affect by value of source column
- fdr: value of target column which is affected by the recordset count of source column
- join: combine rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them
- simpleOutput: whether output relation simply, required false, default value is false
- ignoreRecordSet: whether ignore the record sets, required false, default value is false
- showLinkOnly: whether show relation linked columns only, required false, default value is true
- hideColumn: whether hide the column ui, required false, default value is false
- ignoreFunction: whether ignore the function relations, required false, default value is false
- Return code:
- 200: successful
- other: failed, check the error field to get error message.
- Sample:
- test sql:
select name from user
- session id:
- curl command:
curl -X POST "" -H "accept:application/json;charset=utf-8" -F "userId=google-oauth2|104002923119102769706" -F "token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJndWR1c29mdCIsImV4cCI6MTYxMDEyMTYwMCwiaWF0IjoxNTc4NTg1NjAwfQ.9AAIkjZ3NF7Pns-hRjZQqRHprcsj1dPKHquo8zEp7jE" -F "dbvendor=dbvoracle" -F "ignoreFunction=true" -F "ignoreRecordSet=true" -F "isReturnModel=false" -F "sessionId=6172a4095280ccce97e996242d8b4084f46e2c954455e71339aeffccad5f0d57_1599501562051" -F "table=user"
- response:
{ "code": 200, "data": { "mode": "global", "summary": { ... }, "graph": { "elements": { "tables": [ ... ], "edges": [ ... ] }, "tooltip": {}, "relationIdMap": { ... }, "listIdMap": { ... } } }, "sessionId": "6172a4095280ccce97e996242d8b4084f46e2c954455e71339aeffccad5f0d57_1599501562051" }
- Description: get the selected dbobject information, such as file information, sql index, dbobject positions, sql which contains selected dbobject.
- HTTP Method: POST
- Parameters:
- userId: the user id of sqlflow web or client, required true
- token: the token of sqlflow client request. sqlflow web, required false, sqlflow client, required true
- sessionId: request sessionId, the value is from api /sqlflow/generation/sqlflow/graph, required true
- coordinates: the select dbobject positions, it's a json array string, the value is from api /sqlflow/generation/sqlflow/graph, required true
- Return code:
- 200: successful
- other: failed, check the error field to get error message.
- Sample:
- test sql:
select name from user
- session id:
- coordinates:
- curl command:
curl -X POST "" -H "accept:application/json;charset=utf-8" -F "userId=google-oauth2|104002923119102769706" -F "token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJndWR1c29mdCIsImV4cCI6MTYxMDEyMTYwMCwiaWF0IjoxNTc4NTg1NjAwfQ.9AAIkjZ3NF7Pns-hRjZQqRHprcsj1dPKHquo8zEp7jE" -F "coordinates=[{'x':1,'y':8,'hashCode':'3630d5472af5f149fe3fb2202c8a338d'},{'x':1,'y':12,'hashCode':'3630d5472af5f149fe3fb2202c8a338d'}]" -F "sessionId=6172a4095280ccce97e996242d8b4084f46e2c954455e71339aeffccad5f0d57_1599501562051"
- response:
{ "code": 200, "data": [ { "index": 0, "positions": [ { "x": 1, "y": 8 }, { "x": 1, "y": 12 } ], "sql": "select name from user" } ] }
- Description: submit user job for multiple sql files, support zip file.
- HTTP Method: POST
- Parameters:
- userId: the user id of sqlflow web or client, required true
- token: the token of sqlflow client request. sqlflow web, required false, sqlflow client, required true
- jobName: job name, required true
- dbvendor: database vendor, required true, available values:
- dbvbigquery, dbvcouchbase,dbvdb2,dbvgreenplum,dbvhana,dbvhive,dbvimpala,dbvinformix,dbvmdx,dbvmysql,dbvnetezza,dbvopenedge,dbvoracle,dbvpostgresql,dbvredshift,dbvsnowflake,dbvmssql,dbvsybase,dbvteradata,dbvvertica
- sqlfiles: request sql files, please use multiple parts to submit the sql files, required true
- Return code:
- 200: successful
- other: failed, check the error field to get error message.
- Sample:
- test sql file: D:\sql.txt
- curl command: Note: please add @ before the sql file path
curl -X POST "" -H "accept:application/json;charset=utf-8" -H "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" -F "userId=google-oauth2|104002923119102769706" -F "token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJndWR1c29mdCIsImV4cCI6MTYxMDEyMTYwMCwiaWF0IjoxNTc4NTg1NjAwfQ.9AAIkjZ3NF7Pns-hRjZQqRHprcsj1dPKHquo8zEp7jE" -F "sqlfiles=@D:/sql.txt" -F "dbvendor=dbvoracle" -F "jobName=job_test"
- response:
{ "code": 200, "data": { "jobId": "6218721f092540c5a771ca8f82986be7", "jobName": "job_test", "userId": "user_test", "dbVendor": "dbvoracle", "defaultDatabase": "", "defaultSchema": "", "fileNames": [ "sql.txt" ], "createTime": "2020-09-08 10:11:28", "status": "create" } }
- Description: get the user jobs summary information.
- HTTP Method: POST
- Parameters:
- userId: the user id of sqlflow web or client, required true
- token: the token of sqlflow client request. sqlflow web, required false, sqlflow client, required true
- Return code:
- 200: successful
- other: failed, check the error field to get error message.
- Sample:
- test sql file: D:\sql.txt
- curl command:
curl -X POST "" -H "accept:application/json;charset=utf-8" -F "userId=google-oauth2|104002923119102769706" -F "token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJndWR1c29mdCIsImV4cCI6MTYxMDEyMTYwMCwiaWF0IjoxNTc4NTg1NjAwfQ.9AAIkjZ3NF7Pns-hRjZQqRHprcsj1dPKHquo8zEp7jE"
- response:
{ "code": 200, "data": { "total": 1, "success": 1, "partialSuccess": 0, "fail": 0, "jobIds": [ "bb996c1ee5b741c5b4ff6c2c66c371dd" ], "jobDetails": [ { "jobId": "bb996c1ee5b741c5b4ff6c2c66c371dd", "jobName": "job_test", "userId": "user_test", "dbVendor": "dbvoracle", "fileNames": [ "sql.txt" ], "createTime": "2020-09-08 10:16:11", "status": "success", "sessionId": "a9f751281f8ef6936c554432e169359190d392565208931f201523e08036109d_1599531372233" } ] } }
- Description: get the specify user job information.
- HTTP Method: POST
- Parameters:
- userId: the user id of sqlflow web or client, required true
- token: the token of sqlflow client request. sqlflow web, required false, sqlflow client, required true
- jobId: job id, the value is from user jobs summary detail, required true
- Return code:
- 200: successful
- other: failed, check the error field to get error message.
- Sample:
- test sql file: D:\sql.txt
- job id: bb996c1ee5b741c5b4ff6c2c66c371dd
- curl command:
curl -X POST "" -H "accept:application/json;charset=utf-8" -F "userId=google-oauth2|104002923119102769706" -F "token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJndWR1c29mdCIsImV4cCI6MTYxMDEyMTYwMCwiaWF0IjoxNTc4NTg1NjAwfQ.9AAIkjZ3NF7Pns-hRjZQqRHprcsj1dPKHquo8zEp7jE" -F "jobId=bb996c1ee5b741c5b4ff6c2c66c371dd"
- response:
{ "code": 200, "data": { "total": 1, "success": 1, "partialSuccess": 0, "fail": 0, "jobIds": [ "bb996c1ee5b741c5b4ff6c2c66c371dd" ], "jobDetails": [ { "jobId": "bb996c1ee5b741c5b4ff6c2c66c371dd", "jobName": "job_test", "userId": "user_test", "dbVendor": "dbvoracle", "fileNames": [ "sql.txt" ], "createTime": "2020-09-08 10:16:11", "status": "success", "sessionId": "a9f751281f8ef6936c554432e169359190d392565208931f201523e08036109d_1599531372233" } ] } }
- Description: delete the user job by job id.
- HTTP Method: POST
- Parameters:
- userId: the user id of sqlflow web or client, required true
- token: the token of sqlflow client request. sqlflow web, required false, sqlflow client, required true
- jobId: job id, the value is from user job detail, required true
- Return code:
- 200: successful
- other: failed, check the error field to get error message.
- Sample:
- test sql file: D:\sql.txt
- job id: bb996c1ee5b741c5b4ff6c2c66c371dd
- curl command:
curl -X POST "" -H "accept:application/json;charset=utf-8" -F "userId=google-oauth2|104002923119102769706" -F "token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJndWR1c29mdCIsImV4cCI6MTYxMDEyMTYwMCwiaWF0IjoxNTc4NTg1NjAwfQ.9AAIkjZ3NF7Pns-hRjZQqRHprcsj1dPKHquo8zEp7jE" -F "jobId=bb996c1ee5b741c5b4ff6c2c66c371dd"
- response:
{ "code": 200, "data": { "jobId": "bb996c1ee5b741c5b4ff6c2c66c371dd", "jobName": "job_test", "userId": "user_test", "dbVendor": "dbvoracle", "fileNames": [ "sql.txt" ], "createTime": "2020-09-08 10:16:11", "status": "delete", "sessionId": "a9f751281f8ef6936c554432e169359190d392565208931f201523e08036109d_1599531372233" } }
- Description: get the sqlflow job's model and graph
- HTTP Method: POST
- Parameters:
- userId: the user id of sqlflow web or client, required true
- token: the token of sqlflow client request. sqlflow web, required false, sqlflow client, required true
- jobId: job id, the value is from user jobs summary detail, required true
- database: selected database, required false
- schema: selected schema, required false
- table: selected table, required false
- isReturnModel: whether return the sqlflow model, required false, default value is true
- showRelationType: show relation type, required false, default value is fdd, multiple values seperated by comma like fdd,frd,fdr. Available values:
- fdd: value of target column from source column
- frd: the recordset count of target column which is affect by value of source column
- fdr: value of target column which is affected by the recordset count of source column
- join: combine rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them
- simpleOutput: whether output relation simply, required false, default value is false
- ignoreRecordSet: whether ignore the record sets, required false, default value is false
- showLinkOnly: whether show relation linked columns only, required false, default value is true
- hideColumn: whether hide the column ui, required false, default value is false
- ignoreFunction: whether ignore the function relations, required false, default value is false
- Return code:
- 200: successful
- other: failed, check the error field to get error message.
- Sample:
- test sql file: D:\sql.txt
- job id: bb996c1ee5b741c5b4ff6c2c66c371dd
- curl command:
curl -X POST "" -H "accept:application/json;charset=utf-8" -F "userId=google-oauth2|104002923119102769706" -F "token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJndWR1c29mdCIsImV4cCI6MTYxMDEyMTYwMCwiaWF0IjoxNTc4NTg1NjAwfQ.9AAIkjZ3NF7Pns-hRjZQqRHprcsj1dPKHquo8zEp7jE" -F "jobId=bb996c1ee5b741c5b4ff6c2c66c371dd" -F "ignoreFunction=true" -F "ignoreRecordSet=true" -F "isReturnModel=false" -F "jobId=bb996c1ee5b741c5b4ff6c2c66c371dd" -F "table=user"
- response:
{ "code": 200, "data": { "mode": "global", "summary": { ... }, "graph": { "elements": { "tables": [ ... ], "edges": [ ... ], }, "tooltip": {}, "relationIdMap": { ... }, "listIdMap": { ... } } }, "sessionId": "a9f751281f8ef6936c554432e169359190d392565208931f201523e08036109d_1599531372233" }
- Description: update the user job graph cache, then user can call /sqlflow/generation/sqlflow/selectedgraph by sessionId, the sessionId value is from job detail.
- HTTP Method: POST
- Parameters:
- userId: the user id of sqlflow web or client, required true
- token: the token of sqlflow client request. sqlflow web, required false, sqlflow client, required true
- jobId: job id, the value is from user job detail, required true
- Return code:
- 200: successful
- other: failed, check the error field to get error message.
- Sample:
- test sql file: D:\sql.txt
- job id: bb996c1ee5b741c5b4ff6c2c66c371dd
- curl command:
curl -X POST "" -H "Request-Origion:SwaggerBootstrapUi" -H "accept:application/json;charset=utf-8" -F "userId=google-oauth2|104002923119102769706" -F "token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJndWR1c29mdCIsImV4cCI6MTYxMDEyMTYwMCwiaWF0IjoxNTc4NTg1NjAwfQ.9AAIkjZ3NF7Pns-hRjZQqRHprcsj1dPKHquo8zEp7jE" -F "jobId=bb996c1ee5b741c5b4ff6c2c66c371dd"
- response:
{ "code": 200, "data": { "sessionId": "a9f751281f8ef6936c554432e169359190d392565208931f201523e08036109d_1599531372233" } }
More information, please check the test environment swagger document:
- Token: