SQLFlow Web UI has some choice to control the result:
- hide all columns
- just affect ui, table column ui height is 0.
- dataflow
- show fdd relation.
- impact
- show fdr, fdr relations.
- show intermediate recordset
- display or hide intermediate recordset
- show function
- display or hide function
We use the restful api /sqlflow/generation/sqlflow/graph to get the sqlflow graph, it has several arguments:
- userId: the user id of sqlflow web or client, required true
- token: the token of sqlflow client request. sqlflow web, required false, sqlflow client, required true
- sqltext: sql text, required false
- sqlfile: sql file, required false
- dbvendor: database vendor, required true, available values:
- dbvbigquery, dbvcouchbase,dbvdb2,dbvgreenplum,dbvhana,dbvhive,dbvimpala,dbvinformix,dbvmdx,dbvmysql,dbvnetezza,dbvopenedge,dbvoracle,dbvpostgresql,dbvredshift,dbvsnowflake,dbvmssql,dbvsybase,dbvteradata,dbvvertica
- showRelationType: show relation type, required false, default value is fdd, multiple values seperated by comma like fdd,frd,fdr. Available values:
- fdd: value of target column from source column
- frd: the recordset count of target column which is affect by value of source column
- fdr: value of target column which is affected by the recordset count of source column
- join: combine rows from two or more tables, based on a related column between them
- simpleOutput: whether output relation simply, required false, default value is false
- ignoreRecordSet: whether ignore the record sets, required false, default value is false
- showLinkOnly: whether show relation linked columns only, required false, default value is true
- hideColumn: whether hide the column ui, required false, default value is false
- ignoreFunction: whether ignore the function relations, required false, default value is false
- hide all columns
- it matches the
argument. If the argument istrue
will be checked.
- it matches the
- dataflow
- it matches the
argument. If the argument containsfdd
will be checked.
- it matches the
- impact
- it matches the
argument. If the argument containsfdr,fdd
will be checked.
- it matches the
- show intermediate recordset
- it matches the
argument. If the argument istrue
,show intermediate recordset
will be checked.
- it matches the
- show function
- it matches the
argument. If the argument istrue
,show function
will be checked.
- it matches the
- Visualize join
- show join relations.
- it matches the
argument. If the argument isjoin
,Visualize join
will be displayed.
If sqlflow has some errors, it will be shown in the sqlflow json. Sqlflow error message has 4 types:
- gsp parsing sql returns some error messages.
- gsp parsing sql returns some hint messages.
- dataflow analyzer occurs error.
- dataflow analyzer returns linking orphan column hint.
Typically, if the datafow returns error messages, the lineage xml will show:
<error errorMessage="find orphan column(10500) near: quantity(4,22)" errorType="SyntaxHint" coordinate="[4,22,0],[4,30,0]" originCoordinate="[4,22],[4,30]"/>
Noting coordinate="[4,22,0],[4,30,0]"
, we can use it to get the error position. [4,22,0] is the start position and [4,30,0] is the end position, 0 is the index of SQLInfo hashcode.
- /sqlflow/generation/sqlflow/getSelectedDbObjectInfo
- Description: get the selected dbobject information, such as file information, sql index, dbobject positions, sql which contains selected dbobject.
- HTTP Method: POST
- Parameters:
- userId: the user id of sqlflow web or client, required true
- token: the token of sqlflow client request. sqlflow web, required false, sqlflow client, required true
- sessionId: request sessionId, the value is from api /sqlflow/generation/sqlflow/graph, required true
- coordinates: the select dbobject positions, it's a json array string, the value is from api /sqlflow/generation/sqlflow/graph, required true
- Return code:
- 200: successful
- other: failed, check the error field to get error message.
- Sample:
- test sql:
select name from user
- session id:
- coordinates:
- curl command:
curl -X POST "" -H "accept:application/json;charset=utf-8" -F "userId=google-oauth2|104002923119102769706" -F "token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJndWR1c29mdCIsImV4cCI6MTYxMDEyMTYwMCwiaWF0IjoxNTc4NTg1NjAwfQ.9AAIkjZ3NF7Pns-hRjZQqRHprcsj1dPKHquo8zEp7jE" -F "coordinates=[{'x':1,'y':8,'hashCode':'3630d5472af5f149fe3fb2202c8a338d'},{'x':1,'y':12,'hashCode':'3630d5472af5f149fe3fb2202c8a338d'}]" -F "sessionId=6172a4095280ccce97e996242d8b4084f46e2c954455e71339aeffccad5f0d57_1599501562051"
- response:
{ "code": 200, "data": [ { "index": 0, "positions": [ { "x": 1, "y": 8 }, { "x": 1, "y": 12 } ], "sql": "select name from user" } ] }
When the sqlflow analyzing sql has been finished, it recorded some sql information, we can use it to locate database object position.
public class SqlInfo {
private String fileName;
private String sql;
private int originIndex;
private int index;
private String group;
private int originLineStart;
private int originLineEnd;
private int lineStart;
private int lineEnd;
private String hash;
Each sql file matches a SqlInfo object, and the map key is "hash" property.
Sqlflow provides a tool class gudusoft.gsqlparser.dlineage.util.SqlInfoHelper, which can transform dataflow coordinate to DbObjectPosition
- First step, call api
to fetch the sqlinfo map from the DataFlowAnalyzer object, and persist it.
public static String getSqlInfoJson(DataFlowAnalyzer analyzer);
- Second step, initialize the SqlInfoHelper with the sqlinfo json string.
public SqlInfoHelper(String sqlInfoJson);
- Third step, transform sqlflow position string to
- If you use the
model, you can get the Coordinate object directly, doesn't need any transform. - If you use the
model, you can call apiSqlInfoHelper.parseCoordinateString
public static Coordinate[][] parseCoordinateString(String coordinate);
- Method parseCoordinateString support both of xml output coordinate string and json output coordinate string, like these:
//xml output coordinate string
//json output coordinate string
- Fourth step, get the DbObjectPosition by api
public DbObjectPosition getSelectedDbObjectInfo(Coordinate start, Coordinate end);
- Each position has two coordinates, start coordinate and end coordinate. If the result of DBObject.getCoordinates() has 10 items, it matches 5 positions.
- The position is based on the entire file, but not one statement.
- The sql field of DbObjectPosition return all sqls of the file.
- If you just want to get the specific statement information, please call the api
public DbObjectPosition getSelectedDbObjectStatementInfo(EDbVendor vendor, Coordinate start, Coordinate end);
- The position is based on the statement.
- Return the statement index of sqls, index bases 0.
- Return a statement, but not all sqls of the file.
public class DbObjectPosition {
private String file;
private String sql;
private int index;
private List<Pair<Integer, Integer>> positions = new ArrayList<Pair<Integer, Integer>>();
- file field matches the sql file name.
- sql field matches the sql content.
- index:
- If the sql file is from
, it's a json file, and it has an json array named "query", the value of index field is the query item index. - Other case, the value of index field is 0.
- If the sql file is from
- positions, locations of database object, they are matched the sql field. Position x and y base 1 but not 0.
String sql = "Select\n a\nfrom\n b;";
DataFlowAnalyzer dataflow = new DataFlowAnalyzer(sql, EDbVendor.dbvmssql, false);
dataflow.generateDataFlow(new StringBuffer());
dataflow flow = dataflow.getDataFlow();
String coordinate = flow.getTables().get(0).getCoordinate();
Coordinate[][] coordinates = SqlInfoHelper.parseCoordinateString(coordinate);
SqlInfoHelper helper = new SqlInfoHelper(SqlInfoHelper.getSqlInfoJson(dataflow));
DbObjectPosition position = helper.getSelectedDbObjectInfo(coordinates[0][0], coordinates[0][1]);
System.out.println("table " + flow.getTables().get(0).getName() + " position is " + Arrays.toString(position.getPositions().toArray()));
table b position is [[4,2], [4,3]]
String sql = "Select\n a\nfrom\n b;\n Select c from d;";
DataFlowAnalyzer dataflow = new DataFlowAnalyzer(sql, EDbVendor.dbvmssql, false);
dataflow.generateDataFlow(new StringBuffer());
gudusoft.gsqlparser.dlineage.dataflow.model.xml.dataflow flow = dataflow.getDataFlow();
String coordinate = flow.getTables().get(1).getCoordinate();
Coordinate[][] coordinates = SqlInfoHelper.parseCoordinateString(coordinate);
SqlInfoHelper helper = new SqlInfoHelper(SqlInfoHelper.getSqlInfoJson(dataflow));
DbObjectPosition position = helper.getSelectedDbObjectStatementInfo(EDbVendor.dbvmssql, coordinates[0][0], coordinates[0][1]);
"table " + flow.getTables().get(1).getName() + " position is " + Arrays.toString(position.getPositions().toArray()));
"stmt index is " + position.getIndex());
Select c from d;
table d position is [[1,20], [1,21]]
stmt index is 1