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File metadata and controls

280 lines (207 loc) · 15.2 KB

Udemy Course

General Setup

  • LocalWP to.. run WP locally.
  • GH Repo
    • Initially set to Local Sites\udemyreactblocks2023\app\public\wp-content
      • In order to capture changes to Plugins AND Theme modifications.
    • Then new repos were created to handle the growing complexity as noted in the next section.

Course Sections vs Commits


Section 1: An Introduction to the Block Editor

1.4 - Concepts of what belongs where for a block in terms of content, modifiers/formatting, and other settings.

  • All represented content should be present in the content area.
  • The toolbar is for block & element level formatting & choices.
  • Sidebar is for advanced settings, formatting, etc-- not anything required.
1.5 - The representations of data/blocks/html.

  • #1 Editor Code View - the HTML that the blocks produce. SAVE Representation (Same ac #3)
  • #2 Editor Visual View - the React Components (Complex) responsible for producing the HTMl. EDIT Representation
  • #3 Frontend - the HTML that the blocks produce. SAVE Representation (Same as #1)
  • React component (Complex) contains lots of data: what it should look like, what the toolbar and settings should contain.
  • The PLAIN HTML is what is saved to the database & what gets called with the post's content().
    • It's the React Component that takes that saved HTML and makes it editable again within its own context.
1.6 - How the Visual Editor is constructed from plain html. firefox_dyIRcdjqEh

1.7 - A Brief Introduction to the Redux-like Data Stores in the Block Editor Use to find the available data for the site.

  •"core/edit-post") returns the data about the post editor.

    • Picking one of those like "isEditorSidebarOpened" can be directly ran to retrieve the exact value, as"core/edit-post").isEditorSidebarOpened()
    • firefox_8eZ5rlnOhg
  • Instead of select, dispatch can be used to run actions.

    •"core/edit-post").openGeneralSidebar("edit-post/block") will open the sidebar to the Block tab.
  •"core") will contain general info: sitewide authors, taxonomies, menus, site options, etc.

  •"core/blocks").getBlockTypes() will get all registered blocks for the site.

  •"core/editor") will contain info about the currently editing post.

    •"core/editor").getBlocks() is the Post State Array as in 1.6 above
  • Since the html blocks and comments are what is used to store ALL of the info about a block-- and then parsed for React/editing: when we create blocks, we define how to store/retrieve that data. Some of it is in the attributes comment, while the rest is extracted from the html. Ex:

    • get the image url from the <img> tag's src attribute.

    • get the image's caption from the content of the <figcaption> element.

1.8 - The Post State Array in Action

  • Parse: HTML -> Blocks.

  • Serialize: Blocks -> HTML.

  • We can use take the post's stored content ("core/editor").getEditedPostContent()) and pass it into wp.blocks.parse() in order to generate the Post State Array as in 1.6 above.

    • This will MATCH what is produced by"core/editor").getBlocks()
  • Note: the word for the HTML comments that define a block are called delimiters

    • Inside a delimeter lives the HTML.
    • These also contain an object with ID & other attributes.
  • The PARSER is what defines how to extract the attributes from the object AND the HTML content.

  • wp.blocks.serialize() will take the Post State Array (or individual block objects) and turn them into

  • More from the WP Docs

Section 2: Let's Create our First Block

2.10 - Registering our First Block
  • Plugin / plugin-entry-point.php file.
    • first-block/first-block.php
    • Registers our block type using register_block_type_from_metadata(), which picks up on the block.json file we created with our block config.
    • uses index.asset.php which registers "wp-blocks" as an asset-- in a similar way that registering a dependancy via wp_enqueue works.
    • More on register_block_type_from_metadata() and index.asset.php at the WP Docs on Dependency Management
2. 11 - Returning React Components in the Edit & Save Functions
  • React without JSX
  • WordPress Element provides an abstraction layer on top of React.
    • Think of it as "jQuery~ifying" React. Standard abstraction layer regardless of how React changes beneath the hood. It omits "features with uncertain futures". And also ensures compatabilities between versions.
    • 'wp-element' must be registered as a dependancy in order to use.
    • So then we can use it to create elements:
      •   var createElement = wp.element.createElement;
          return createElement( "p", null, "Edit" );
2.12 - Compiling ESNext to ES5 with wp-scripts
  • Instead of createElement, we're going to use ESNext and a compiler.
  • We'll need to install
  • npm init to initialize a new package.json.
    • npm install @wordpress/scripts --save-dev for the WP Scripts.
    • npm install @wordpress/blocks so we can remove var registerBlockType = wp.blocks.registerBlockType; and use import { registerBlockType } from "@wordpress/blocks"; instead.
  • Now, we can remove the script.js and index.asset.php in the root, as these will be auto-generated into the "build" directory upon running npx wp-scripts build.
    • Also update block.json to swap to the new editorScript location inside of the "build" directory.
  • To watch the files for changes, instead of npx wp-scripts build, we can use npx wp-scripts start
  • Edit package.json. Add to "scripts" to add shortcuts:
    • "scripts": {
        "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1",
        "build": "wp-scripts build",
        "start": "wp-scripts start"
    • npx wp-scripts build -> npm run build
    • npx wp-scripts start -> npm run start
  • Because we use import { registerBlockType } from "@wordpress/blocks"; within our block's index.js, upon inspecting build/index.js, it essentially comments out everything under the assumption that the global wp variable will be available in the browser. ~"It doesn't bundle it, but references it."
2.13 - Compiling & Loading SASS Files
  • in block.json, you can pass a style param to load css in frontend AND editor.
    • and/or you can pass an editorStyle param that will load css in just the editor.
  • Start getting "core" block properties: classes, attributes etc.
    • npm install @wordpress/block-editor
    • add import { useBlockProps } from "@wordpress/block-editor"; to block.json
    • use it within the edit/save functions: const blockProps = useBlockProps();
      • spread the variable within the block's output: return <p {...blockProps}>Edit (w/ JSX)</p>
      • for the save, we only need to FRONTEND props, so const blockProps =;
  • Add a new file in src, style.scss. wp-scripts will automatically compile this into build/style-index.css.
    • Edit block.json to include CSS:
      • "style": "file:./build/style-index.css", Adds styles to the frontend and backend.
  • For the Editor-only style, add a file to src, editor.scss. wp-scripts will automatically compile this into build/index.css.
    • Edit block.json to include CSS:
      • "editorStyle": "file:./build/index.css", Adds styles to JUST the backend.

Finally, move edit/save functions & sass into respective files. Export those functions in the files. Import them in the main index.js.

2.14 - Generating a Block with @wordpress/create-block

Major Shift

Now that we know the behind-the-scenes, we can automate most of this with wp-create-block.

  • In the plugins dir, run npx @wordpress/create-block boilerplate
2.15 - Configuring ESLint & Prettier for JavaScript Files
  • Install WP standards for eslint/prettier. Configure them with .eslintrc and package.json.
    • npm install @wordpress/eslint-plugin --save-dev
    • npm install eslint-config-prettier --save-dev
2.18 - Adding Custom Styles to the Block Editor
  • add_theme_support( "editor-styles" ) along with add_editor_style( "style-editor.css" ) (or any other stylesheet) in order to load css for ONLY the backend block editor.
    • Adding styles to the body tag will get auto-transformed to the block editor's wrapper, which happens to be .editor-styles wrapper.
      • body { background-color: #ff0000; } will become .editor-styles-wrapper { background-color: #ff0000; }
    • Additional assumptions and transforms happen, for example:
      • .wp-block { max-width: 800px } will become .editor-styles-wrapper .wp-block { max-width: 800px }
  • add_theme_support( "responsive-embeds" ) to make embeds, like YT videos.. responsive.
2.19 - Adding Support for Align Wide and Align Full
  • add_theme_support( "align-wide" ); and add_theme_support( "align-full" ); to get more alignment options for blocks that support it.
  • Some extra theme CSS would be required to make these look right, especially at certain breakpoints.
2.20 - Adding Custom Color Pallettes
  • add_theme_support( "editor-color-palette" ); will override the default color pallette with the supplied one.

    • There are ways to append to the default color palette as well.
    • Corresponding CSS must be added for the frontend color classes.
    • To remove the "custom color" (color picker) option from the pallette, you have to ADD theme support
      • add_theme_support( "disable-custom-colors" );
  • Similar overrides can be done for the gradients with modifying theme suppor for editor-gradient-presets.

2.22 - Custom Sizing & Custom Units
  • adding theme support for custom-spacing enables padding/margin controls for blocks that support it
    • well as other dimensions like min-height for covor blocks.

Section 4: Exploring Block Features by Creating a Simple Block

4.25 - Customizing the Block's Icon
  • Instead of defining the block's icon with a dashicon in block.json, we can define it in via index.js as a dashicon-- as well as background/foreground colors or pass in an SVG.
    • in registerBlockType():

      icon: {
          src: 'text-page',
          background: '#ff0000',
          foreground: '#ffffff',
      icon: (
          <svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="">
      	<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" />
    • And still can use bg/fg:

      icon: {
          src: (
      	<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="">
      	    <circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" />
          background: '#00ff00',
          foreground: '#ffffff',
4.28 - The AlignmentToolbar Component

I stopped taking notes when it got into more coding than concepts/foundations~