diff --git a/project/ui/game_screen.gd b/project/ui/game_screen.gd index 813f6c1..06d4929 100644 --- a/project/ui/game_screen.gd +++ b/project/ui/game_screen.gd @@ -178,7 +178,12 @@ func show_text(story) -> void: func show_year_advancement(new_year:Year.Name) -> void: %YearIndicator.show_advancement(new_year) - await %ScenarioContainer.clear() + # If there are children, clear them out. + # There may not be children on the first call, for the + # announcement of "Freshman Year." + if %ScenarioContainer.get_child_count() > 0: + await %ScenarioContainer.clear() + var label := preload("res://ui/year_change_label.tscn").instantiate() label.year = new_year await %ScenarioContainer.show_control(label) diff --git a/project/ui/main_scene.gd b/project/ui/main_scene.gd index ec8a7ab..5222a06 100644 --- a/project/ui/main_scene.gd +++ b/project/ui/main_scene.gd @@ -42,6 +42,9 @@ func _ready(): for file_path in file_paths: world.available_stories.append(_STARTING_STORY_PATH + file_path) + # Start by telling the player this is the start of freshman year + await _game_screen.show_year_advancement(Year.Name.FRESHMAN) + while _stories_complete < world.turns_per_year * 4: if world.available_stories.is_empty(): # This would happen if there are no available stories to run.