This repository holds the Spring Boot RESTful API code from the 20240311 Java CGI Apprenticeship cohort's final project.
To contribute to the application, follow the below instructions.
To get started, clone the repository to your local computer using
git clone
Open a New Window in VS Code. In the new VS Code window select Open Folder
and navigate to the root directory of the project.
To make sure all of the maven dependencies are installed, run mvn clean validate
Before starting to edit the code, create a new branch and checkout the new branch using:
git checkout -b <branch-name>
main - The main branch is for the production version of the code which has been approved and tested.
staging - The staging branch is for code waiting to be approved into main. All pull requests into main should come from staging.
dev - The dev branch is where team members should resolve merge conflicts between their code before moving their code into staging.
All other branches should use the naming strategy:
For example: feature-login-eh
or bugfix-routeguard-eh
Instructions coming soon...