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Releases: stephengold/jme3-utilities

Minie library v0.2.5

24 Aug 21:57
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  • Bugfix: PhysicsDumper prints incorrect number of vehicles.
  • Bugfix for JME issue #867 contributed by Riccardo Balbo.
  • Privatized numerous protected fields.
  • Removed 3 PhysicsSpace constructors.
  • Enhanced PhysicsDumper to handle app states and print the joint list and
    (non-identity) orientation for each rigid body.
  • Added BulletAppState.getBroadphaseType().
  • Added validation of method arguments.
  • Changed BulletAppState.setWorldMax() and .setWorldMin() to avoid aliasing.

jme3-utilities-heart v2.7.0

22 Aug 15:49
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  • Added getWorldScale() method to the MySpatial class
  • Added support for VectorXZ in Misc.deepClone()

jme3-utilities-debug v0.9.0

22 Aug 16:33
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  • Replaced Dumper methods with Describer methods. (API change)
  • Renamed DebugVersion.getVersionShort() to versionShort(). (API change)
  • Renamed 4 "get" methods in AxesVisualizer. (API change)
  • Renamed 2 "get" methods in BoundsVisualizer. (API change)
  • Renamed Describer.getListSeparator() to listSeparator. (API change)
  • Renamed getHeadSize(), getLineWidth(), headColor(), and lineColor()
    in SkeletonVisualizer. (API change)
  • Renamed PerformanceAppState.getUpdateInterval() to updateInterval().
    (API change)
  • Added capability to describe depthWrite flag.
  • Generate shape textures programmatically.
  • Based on version 2.7 of heart library.

Minie library v0.2.4

22 Aug 17:02
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  • Renamed MinieVersion.getVersionShort() to versionShort().
  • Used MyAsset to create debug materials.
  • In BulletDebugAppState, only render viewports that are enabled.
  • Based on version 2.7 of the jme3-utilities-heart library.

jme3-utilities-heart v2.6.1

21 Aug 07:59
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  • Fixed errors in 3 material definitions
  • Added support for Byte, Character, and String in Misc.deepClone()

jme3-utilities-nifty v0.7.13 and Minie v0.2.3

17 Aug 16:16
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Based on version 2.6 of the jme3-utilities-heart library.

In Minie:

  • Renamed ray-test flag accessors in PhysicsSpace class.
  • Added maxSubSteps() method to the PhysicsSpace class.
  • Include more detail when dumping a physics space.

In jme3-utilities-nifty:

  • Added a commit description to TextEntryDialog class.
  • Dim the screen by 25% for each popup menu.

jme3-utilities-heart v2.6.0

17 Aug 15:02
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  • Added a deepClone() method to the Misc class
  • Added a parseColor() method to the MyColor class
  • Added a listMeshes() method to the MyMesh class
  • Added countUses() and listMaterials() methods to the MySpatial class
  • Added cardinalizeLocal() and parse() methods to the MyVector3f class
  • Verify projection mode in MyCamera.setYTangent()
  • Allow null subtrees in listAnimatedMeshes() and isIgnoringTransforms()
  • Omit duplicates in MySpatial.listAnimatedMeshes()
  • Corrected names in 2 material-definition files

jme3-utilities-debug v0.8.10 and jme3-utilities-ui v0.6.4

17 Aug 15:50
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Based on version 2.6 of heart library.

In jme3-utilities-debug:

  • Describe locations and directions of lights.
  • Added capability to describe and dump material-parameter overrides.

SkyControl v0.9.13, Wes v0.3.6, jme3-utilities-debug v0.8.9, jme3-utilities-ui v0.6.3, and jme3-utilities-x v0.2.4

25 Jul 01:17
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  • Based on version 2.5 of the jme3-utilities-heart library.
  • Deprecate the old constructors for SkyControl and SkyControlCore.

jme3-utilities-nifty v0.7.12 and Minie v0.2.2

25 Jul 02:12
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  • Enhanced PhysicsDescriber to describe axes of cone shapes.
  • Based on version 2.5 of the jme3-utilities-heart library.