Releases: stephengold/jme3-utilities
Releases · stephengold/jme3-utilities
jme3-utilities-heart v0.9.26
- Added listAnimatedMeshes() and subtreeContainsAny() to MySpatial class
- Added {cancel/get/map}Attachments() methods to MySkeleton class
- Added UncachedKey class
jme3-utilities-heart v0.9.25
- API changes: added caller-provided storage to MySkeleton.worldLocation() and removed 3 methods from MySkeleton.
- Use the transform of an animated geometry (instead of that of the controlled spatial) in MySkeleton.worldLocation()
- Added more tests for ignoreTransform
- Added support for more bones than skinning matrices in MyMesh.vertexLocation()
jme3-utilities-heart v0.9.24
- Removed getMapLocation(), moveWorld(), moveChildWorld(), rotateChild(),
rotateObject(), and rotateY() methods from the MySpatial class - Added checks for ignoreTransform
- Improved handling of non-uniform scaling and disabled RigidBodyContols
- Added findObject(), isIgnoringTransforms(), and setWorldTransform() methods
to the MySpatial class - Added MyQuaternion.isRotationIdentity() and MyVector3f.isScaleIdentity()
- Replaced asserts with IllegalArgumentExceptions
jme3-utilities-debug v0.7.6
- Use setWorldTransform() to address the ignoreTransform issue in
SkeletonVisualizer - Recognize a w=-1 quaternion as a rotationIdentity
jme3-utilities-nifty v0.7.1
- Use commas to join indices selected by a multi-select dialog box.
- Remove test message from PopScreenController.showMultiSelectDialog().
- Allow a dialog box to display another dialog box.
SkyControl v0.9.6, jme3-utilities-debug v0.7.5, and jme3-utilities-nifty v0.7.0
In SkyControl library:
- use the DomeMesh class from the heart library
- move wireframe material to heart library
- make SkyControl JmeCloneable
- fix some potential aliasing bugs related to Material.setColor()
- standardize the BSD license texts
In jme3-utilities-debug library:
- Added hooks for describing materials and meshes
- Standardized the BSD license texts
In jme3-utilities-nifty library:
- Require a list or array to invoke PopScreenController.showPopupMenu().
- Add multiSelect dialog box.
- Standardized the BSD license texts
jme3-utilities-heart v0.9.23
- Removed the MyAnimation.listAnimations(), MySkeleton.findBoneIndex(), and
MyString.getLine() methods - Renamed MyAnimation.describe(Track) to describeTrackType
- Require an anim control to invoke MyAnimation.describe(Animation,...) or
MyAnimation.describe(Track,...) - Require a control to invoke MyControl.describe()
- Changed the MyString.join() methods to handle items of any type
- Changed MyString.sharedPrefixLength() to handle char sequences of any type
- Added methods DomeMesh.getUVScale(), MyBone.descendsFrom(), and
MyControl.findSkeleton() methods - Improved support for multiple skeletons in MySkeleton.findBone()
- Improved support for SpatialTrack in MyAnimation.describe(Track,...) and
also in MyAnimation.getTargetName() - Improved support for attach nodes in MySkeleton.setName()
jme3-utilities-ui v0.5.9
- Changed semantics of the Locators.register(List) method.
- Tried to avoid registering duplicate locators.
- Added support for HttpZip and Url locators.
- Standardized the BSD license texts.
jme3-utilities-heart v0.9.22
- Renamed MyControl.isValid() to canDisable()
- Changed some asserts to exceptions in MyControl class
- Added canApplyPhysicsLocal(), isApplyPhysicsLocal(), objectName(), and setApplyPhysicsLocal() to MyControl
- Handle ChaseCamera and MotionEvent in MyControl
Wes library v0.2.3
Add fallback transforms to the interpolate() and transform() methods in TweenTransforms, for tracks that don't include all 3 transform components. (These are API changes.)