This repository houses the server-side components that power our application, and it's built on two powerful frameworks: FastAPI and SQLModel.
Resource Storage Platform
Front-end repo 👉 (
Introduction ▪️ Key Features ▪️ Install ▪️ Project Structure▪️ Credits ▪️ Related
This project, aptly named "Bridging the Gap in Educational Materials Sharing Among Students," aims to revolutionize the way students access and share educational resources. In a world where learning materials are abundant but often scattered, our goal is to create a seamless and efficient platform for the exchange of knowledge. We recognize the challenges students face in accessing diverse learning resources, and we aspire to provide a solution that simplifies this process. By fostering a collaborative environment, we aim to empower students to easily discover, share, and engage with educational content.
- Share Resource with Friends
- Get Access to Educational Materials for FREE
- Create a community of learners and Educators
- Earn Points while you learn
To clone and run this application, you'll need Python3.10.5 installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
$ git clone
# Go into the repository
$ cd Hackathon-UniStudyHub
# create a virtual env annd activate
- on cmd
python -m venv myvenv
# Install Requirements
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
# manually delete any version of the migration
# add the .env file with the details
# make migrations with
$ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "the message"
# go into the migration file (Under - alembic folder -> versions) and add the import below
import sqlmodel.sql.sqltypes
# upgrade head
$ alembic upgrade head
# Run
$ uvicorn main:app --reload
# proceed to the url, and authenticate
simple!! 😃
This software uses the following open source packages: