C++ code to simulate a multi-section mode-locked semiconductor quantum-dot laser
Python script that implements a genetic algorithm
This code (and prior versions) has been used for the following publications:
Meinecke, S., Spatio-Temporal Modeling and Device Optimization of Passively Mode-Locked Semiconductor Lasers, Springer Theses, Springer, Cham, ISBN 978-3-030-96247-0, (2022). [doi]
Meinecke, S. and Lüdge, K., Efficient timing jitter simulation for passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers, App. Phys. Lett. 118, 1, 011104 (2021). [doi]
Kolarczik, M., Böhm, F. , Woggon, U. , Owschimikow, N., Pimenov, A. S. , Wolfrum, M., Vladimirov, A. G., Meinecke, S., Lingnau, B., Jaurigue, L. C. and Lüdge, K., Coherent and incoherent dynamics in quantum dots and nanophotonic devices, Springer, ISBN 978-3-030-35655-2 , Semiconductor Nanophotonics, 194, 91 chapter 4, Springer Series in Solid-State Sciences, ISBN 978-3-030-35655-2, (2020). [doi]
Meinecke, S., Drzewietzki, L. , Weber, C. , Lingnau, B., Breuer, S. and Lüdge, K., Ultra-Short Pulse Generation in a Three Section Tapered Passively Mode-Locked Quantum-Dot Semiconductor Laser, Sci. Rep. 9, 1783 (2019). [doi]