Syntax highlighting for the ca65 macro assembler with MatchIt support.
Install via your plugin manager of choice. For example, with vim-plug:
call plug#begin()
Plug 'stove-panini/vim-ca65'
call plug#end()
Then, call :PlugInstall
This plugin supports instruction sets for all of ca65's supported CPUs:
- 6502
- 6502X (6502 w/ illegal instructions)
- 65C02
- 65CS02
- 65816
- HuC6280
- 4510
- sweet16
The base "ca65" filetype highlights the original 6502 instructions. For the variants, append its name after a dot when setting the filetype. For example, set ft=ca65.65C02
, set ft=ca65.HuC6280
, etc.
This plugin does not contain an ftdetect script nor does it enforce any particular indentation scheme. That's all a bit too personal! It's easy to set your own, however.
In your vim config as an autocommand:
augroup ca65
au BufNewFile,BufRead ~/Projects/nes/*/*.asm setlocal ft=ca65
au BufNewFile,BufRead ~/Projects/pce/*/*.asm setlocal ft=ca65.HuC6280
au FileType ca65* setlocal noexpandtab ts=4 sw=4
augroup END
Or as a modeline at the top or bottom of each file:
; vim: ft=ca65.sweet16 ts=8 sw=8
At the time of this writing, there are two other existing vim plugins for ca65, maxbane/vim-asm_ca65 and MatthiasQuintern/vim-ca65. Big thanks to them for inspiring some of the design decisions. I also referenced Vim's syntax plugin for xa65 quite a bit as well.
Come have a look at my 6502 development blog over at UndoLand!