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A wrapper that allows you to use SlickGrid in Streamlit.

View demo:

Streamlit App

IMPORTANT: This is not an officially-maintained package by Streamlit. We built this to "scratch our own itch" with some internal Finance folks who needed it for their apps. Consider this a community project, for all intents and purposes. That said, we think it's awesome :)

Installation instructions

pip install streamlit-slickgrid

Usage instructions

See examples/


Development setup

In one terminal:

cd [this folder]
python -m venv .venv # One-time only.
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[dev]
streamlit run streamlit_slickgrid/examples/

In another terminal:

cd [this folder]
cd streamlit_slickgrid/frontend
npm install
npm run start

Building wheel file

cd [this folder]

# Build front end
cd streamlit_slickgrid/frontend
npm run build

# Build Python library
cd ../..
rm dist/*
python -m build --wheel # or: uv build
# The wheel file is in dist/ now.