This repository contains a selection of command-line tools for administering Data Unions on Streamr:
To use the tools, you should have node.js and git
installed as prerequisites.
- Clone the repo:
git clone git@github.com:streamr-dev/data-union-admin-tools.git
cd data-union-admin-tools
- Install dependencies:
npm ci
WARNING: this tool depends on large historical resends, which are currently unreliable. Do NOT run the util without the --dry-run
flag. You have been warned!
A utility to automatically remove non-contributing members from your data union.
Ships with a simple inactivity logic, which kicks users who haven't sent any data within the inspected time window. More elaborate logic can be plugged in.
To get help, just run bin/autokick.js
without any arguments:
Usage: autokick.js --stream [streamId] --contract-address [0x...] ...
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--stream ID of your content stream (to which members produce
data). Give this option multiple times to cover
multiple streams. [array] [required]
--contract-address The address of the data union smart contract.
[string] [required]
--window-hours The time window during which to observe messages in
the content stream(s). [number] [default: 48]
--kick-logic Loads the desired kick logic from src/autokick
folder. The default 'inactivity' logic simply kicks
members who haven't published any data during the
inspected period. [string] [default: "inactivity"]
--batch Does a resend on the stream, runs the kick logic, and
quits. No continuous monitoring.
[boolean] [default: false]
--kick-interval-minutes How often, in minutes, to check for kickable members
and send part messages to kick them. Has no effect in
--batch mode. [number] [default: 10]
--api-key API key of a user that has publish permission to the
join/part stream. Either --api-key or --private-key
must be given.
--private-key Ethereum private key of a user that has publish
permission to the join/part stream. Either api-key or
private-key must be given.
--streamr-url The Streamr websocket API URL. By default, uses the
default value in the Streamr JS SDK
--streamr-rest-url The Streamr REST API URL. By default, uses the
default value in the Streamr JS SDK
--order-messages Set the orderMessages Streamr client option to true,
activating message ordering and gapfill.
[boolean] [default: false]
--dry-run If this option is given, the script doesn't really
kick members from the data union, but instead logs
kicks to the console. [boolean] [default: false]
Missing required arguments: stream, contract-address
To try it out with default settings and in --dry-run
mode to avoid accidents, try:
bin/autokick.js --stream [streamId] --contract-address [address] --private-key [key] --dry-run
Where the arguments are:
--stream [streamId]
: The id of the stream your users are sending signed messages to. You can give the--stream
option multiple times if there are multiple streams related to your data union.--contract-address [address]
: The Ethereum address of your data union smart contract.--private-key [key]
: An Ethereum private key for an address that has been granted permissions to:- Read data in all the streams given with
, and - Write to the join/part stream of your data union (not required in
mode, as you're not really kicking anybody)
- Read data in all the streams given with
Opens a HTTP port and executes the signed withdrawals from given data unions. This way the data union member doesn't need to pay for the gas when the withdrawn tokens are transported to mainnet over the Asyncronous Message-passing Bridge (AMB).
The data union member only signs a permission to withdraw their tokens into a given (maybe 3rd party) address. The signature is created using StreamrClient:
const client = new StreamrClient({
auth: { privateKey },
const signature = await client.signWithdrawTo(recipientAddress)
Pass arguments as environment variables:
Usage: SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY=0x1234... DATA_UNION_ADDRESS=0x1234... bin/start-signed-withdraw-server.js
SERVER_PRIVATE_KEY is the Ethereum key that will be used for paying the transaction fees
so the account must have ETH in it
DATA_UNION_ADDRESS is the Ethereum address or comma-separated list of Ethereum addresses,
of the data union whose withdraws are handled by this server (default: handle all)
PORT is where the HTTP server listens for incoming connections (default: 3000)
ETHEREUM_URL is the Ethereum (mainnet) node used for sending the transactions (default: ethers.js)