Add Docker support #7
Added basic stats API #16
Add "reason" field to disinvite messages #26
Added support for multiple Nextcloud backends #28
Support connecting to multiple Janus servers #36
Added support for loading proxy tokens from etcd cluser #44
Proxy URLs are reloaded on SIGHUP #46
Added support for loading proxy URls from etcd cluster #47
Add option to override GeoIP lookups (e.g. for local addresses) #48
The continent map is no longer downloaded on each build #29
NATS messages are processed directly #35
Support changed "slowlink" message from Janus > 0.7.3 #39
The GeoIP database can be loaded from a local file #40
Drop support for Golang < 1.10.
Fixes for building on FreeBSD #2
Fixes for typos in comments and error messages #10
Remove credentials from log #13
Add systemd to docs #3
Add caddy server to reverse proxy examples #5
Update link to API documentation #6
Update build requirements #12
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