Is a WebRTC chat-client, for the KaiOS. Currently you can exchange text messages, pictures and your location with each other. You can create new chats and join chats.
In order to establish a connection between 2 peers, you have to know the id of the peers. To do this, I use the API: mozActivity / webActivity, which enables the exchange via a URL (sharing by SMS or EMAIL). In KaiOS there is also the option of deep linking, which I don't use because KaiOS 3 is not very widespread.
- KaiOS Store
- Sideloading step-by-step article by martinkaptein
Installing the dependencies
npm -i
Two zip files will be created, one for KaiOS 2 and one for KaiOS 3
If you want to create a browser version
npm run web
In certain cases a connection between two peers cannot be established. The solution should be a separate TURN server, which can be specified when establishing the connection. The connection data to the TURN server must be saved in an .env
- peerJS MIT License
- mithril
- leaflet
- dayJS
If you use the app often, please donate an amount to me.